Kunena 6.3.8 Released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.8 [K 6.3.8] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Question [Merged topic] Kunena Notice: Menu item /forum (Itemid=nnn) does not have Kunena Menu
Do you have tried to create a kunena menu, look in kunena configuration panel ?
I don't provide support by PM, because this can be useful for someone else.
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I just upgraded to 1.6 and have this error when I am signed in as registered user. I do remember that I had to do some kind of hack in order for Kunena to open Forum Categories instead of Recent Topics. It is still opening to Forum Categories after the upgrade.
I use YOOTheme templates which use the YOOmenus. I can not find any documentation as to if they support aliases.
I have attached the Kunena configuration below:
Database collation check: The collation of your table fields are correct
Legacy mode: Enabled | Joomla! SEF: Enabled | Joomla! SEF rewrite: Enabled | FTP layer: Disabled |
This message contains confidential informationhtaccess: Exists | PHP environment: Max execution time: 30 seconds | Max execution memory: 128M | Max file upload: 20M
Kunena version detailled: Installed version: 1.6.0 | Build: 3620 | Version name: Spika | Kunena detailled configuration:
Warning: Spoiler![th]Kunena config settings:[/th]
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Third-party components: AlphaUserPoints: Disabled or not installed | CommunityBuilder: Disabled or not installed | Jomsocial: Disabled or not installed | UddeIm: Disabled or not installed
Plugins: System - Mootools12: Disabled | System - Mootools Upgrade: Disabled | JFirePHP: Disabled or not installed | Kunena Discuss: Disabled or not installed | Kunena Search: Disabled or not installed | My Kunena Forum Menu: Disabled or not installed
Modules: Kunena Latest: Disabled or not installed | Kunena Stats: Disabled or not installed | Kunena Login: Disabled or not installed
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We're sorry that the documentation we've written on the subject isn't easy enough to understand. We're sorry that a lot of people seem to be having difficulty understanding just how easy it is to establish a Kunena menu.
Our solution to this problem to to provide a video tutorial that shows people how to setup their menus when other methods don't seem to be working. It takes time - a few hours to script and produce a couple of video tutorials - but in actual fact it's a lot quicker to use video than to review the existing documentation and explain the process with words and images.
We're therefore asking people to be patient for a little longer and give us a bit more time to give you our solution. Thanks.
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This issue has been going on for awhile with no solid help from the devs. Personally, I love Kunena and I know they're trying to work it out... so not faulting you guys!
But this has to be solved. In the meantime, the work-around is actually very simple. This isn't the desired solution, but it works:
Just simply navigate to your main forum page using the quick navigation box and hit "Go". Now you're at the forum's frontpage and you should definitely see the menu. Copy the url.
Now just go in and create an external link menu item and paste in the forum's main page url. Name it your forum and... there ya go!
This is what i've been doing for now and honestly, there's really no issue that I see. I mean, generally speaking, a menu item is just a link... so direct that link to exactly where you want it to go, this case being the forum main page via the actual full url rather than an internal id link. Problem solved until the devs fix it.
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There's an even easier way! When I get this video tutorial done you'll be amazed at just how simple it really is. The trouble is that there are still a lot of messages coming in, every day, and we're trying to answer those as best as we can.sgprs wrote: Just simply navigate to your main forum page using the quick navigation box and hit "Go". Now you're at the forum's frontpage and you should definitely see the menu. Copy the url.
Now just go in and create an external link menu item and paste in the forum's main page url. Name it your forum and... there ya go!
When I'm clear of answering all of those messages I'll show you. The basic information is already written in the Wiki ... it's just a little complicated trying to explain it.
These are the relevant docs that explain things:
Mootools 1.2.4
Customised menus
Troubleshooting Kunena Menu
You may also need to ensure that use the option Kunena Forum » Create Menu.
One of the things that the Create Menu feature does, is to create a module (see image below):
Without the module position kunenamenu you've got nowhere for the menu to appear. These are just a few hints to go on with until we can publish something better and easier to follow.
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Looking forward to the tutorial. I totally understand how it is having a lot on your plate. I have the same waiting for me and it's nearly impossible to keep up. I know you guys are doing the best you can.
I just flipped one of my site's forum from CCBoard to Kunena since I already have Kunena on one of my other sites... and love it! I just wish there was a simple migration mod from cc to Kunena... but I'll manage.
You guys just keep up the great work. And to everyone who's getting impatient:: Just give 'em a break. They'll fix it. They're giving us the best forum out there... for free!
Awesome job Kunena Devs!
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- californiasup
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sozzled wrote: We're sorry that a lot of people seem to be having difficulty understanding just how easy it is to establish a Kunena menu.
I'm new to Kunena, so I'll try to step lightly into this world. The problem I'm having (and others in this thread) doesn't seem to be with creating the Kunena menu, that was done automatically when I upgraded and if not, all it requires is hitting the create menu icon in the Kunena backend. The issue I need help with is making the msg: Kunena Notice: No menu item assigned. Redirected to /forum (Itemid=67) go away.
Reading all the posts, documentation and dealing with install is giving me a headache.:silly: :lol: Some simple direction would be really appreciated right now.
Thanks to all.
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- TVGrapevine
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I spent the past couple of days trying to reproduce the errors; I made a big mistake with my testing - I was using an internal development build for K 1.6.1 that seems to have the "smarts" that correct many of these problems or, at least, I don't see the message "Kunena Notice: Menu item /forum (Itemid=nnn) does not have Kunena Menu".
It was not until I downgraded to K 1.6.0 and used a template used a "troublesome" site template (JA_purity_ii is one of them) that I saw the issue for the first time. Oddly, though, in my case I had a perfectly working Kunena menu. After discussing the matter with the developers, it seems that K 1.6.1 probably fixes most of these problems! While it's still possible that users do not have a well-functioning menu, in many cases these "error messages" may be misleading; the messages say there is a problem when there isn't one.
These error messages (Kunena Notice: Menu item /forum (Itemid=nnn) does not have Kunena Menu) only appear to someone who is logged-in with an administrator's account; they don't appear for normal users.
I'm not saying that the messages aren't something to be concerned about. K 1.6.1 is actually better in describing situations that administrators need to take action. It's just that I haven't been able to reproduce the problems myself. I have tested at least 10 different templates and I haven't yet been able to find one that doesn't work. We need to establish, once and for all, which templates cause problems.
There are two offers I'd like to make
- If you are concerned about the Joomla extensions on your website interfering with K 1.6.x, you should take steps before you install K 1.6.x to update all software to the latest versions of everything that you're now using. You should do this in a test environment. Then you should test K 1.6.x to see if there are any residual issues that you may need to address in order to establish that your software cooperates seamlessly and without impacting one on the other(s).
- It's more than likely that there's been an update to software you're using (it could be the site template, components, modules, plugins ... even the language) and making the effort to research what you're using, downloading the latest software and replacing what you're currently using, could be a life-saver.
- It's also possible that there are issues buried deep within your Joomla installation (the core Joomla software) that need to be looked into. If you aren't using J! 1.5.21 then you should be. Establish a clean basis before you look at Kunena problems should be your number one priority. As I mentioned earlier, I haven't been able to fault K 1.6 on a clean installation of J! 1.5.21 and I don't think other people will be able to either. Of course, I could be wrong. :laugh:
- If anyone is prepared to give this idea a try, I can make available to people (on request by PM) access to where you can download a K 1.6.1 development version. Please note, development versions are not supported and if you use a development version you do so at your own risk. However, we would appreciate your feedback if this idea works and if it solves your current problems. K 1.6.1 fixes 30+ known problems with K 1.6.0 and it may be worth the time to give this a try ... even if it doesn't cure the problems that you've got.
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