Kunena 6.3.7 Released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.7 [K 6.3.7] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
K 2.0 support will cease on 31 August 2013 and this section of the forum will be closed and archived after that time and no further questions will be answered about this version.
Merged Before you post your question, read this first
Before people write to us to tell us about their problems, they should first:
- Read the Technical Requirements and the release notes appropriate to their version of Kunena
- Read the Installation Guide or, if they are upgrading from an older version of Kunena, the Upgrade Guide
People should also be familiar with the FAQs menu tab at the top of this page.
We also ask that, before you post in the forum, you look at the sticky topics (like this one) in which your question may have already been asked and answered.
We understand that many people may experience one or a number of the following problem symptoms:
- You cannot see the BBcode toolbar to insert Kunena BBcode.
- You get the message "Loading BBcode editor..." but no BBcode toolbar appears.
- You cannot edit your Kunena user profile including setting your forum preferences, avatar image, etc.
- You cannot use the Quick Reply feature and, in some cases, the Quote feature.
- You cannot use the expand/collapse feature used on various sections of Kunena pages
- You cannot use the Smiley selector to insert emoticons into Kunena messages.
- You cannot use the Kunena user ban features.
- You cannot see, in your user profile, the messages you posted.
- You cannot use the image lightbox view feature.
- The Attachments "Add File" button does not let you browse files on your computer.
Most of these problems occur because websites do not meet the Technical Requirements . In most cases, people have installed Kunena after they've installed everything else or after upgrading frm an older version of Kunena (and, therefore, other installed software already exists).
Many of these problems have been discussed at one time or another and were collected in the so-called " great Moootools/Javascript discussion ". That topic became unwieldy and difficult for people to find the answers they were looking for. We reviewed that topic and analysed the causes of the various problems that people were having.
Even though we expected that most of those problems would disappear when J! 1.5 was finally retired, the same old problems resurfaced again in J! 1.6, J! 1.7, J! 2.5, J! 3.0, J3.1 and even in J! 3.2 and they show no sign of going away because other Joomla extension developers have written their own software that does not nicely co-operate with Joomla. :whistle:
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- NickJWStone
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Any clue how to solve this issue?
Joomla 2.5.6, Kunena 2.0.0, LSC
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Please see msg #1 in this topic.
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Read my blog and
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- Adrenaline22
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Database collation check: The collation of your table fields are correct
Legacy mode: Disabled | Joomla! SEF: Enabled | Joomla! SEF rewrite: Disabled | FTP layer: Disabled |
This message contains confidential informationhtaccess: Missing | PHP environment: Max execution time: 30 seconds | Max execution memory: 32M | Max file upload: 2M
Kunena menu details:
Warning: Spoiler!
ID Name Alias Menutype Link Path 241 Index index kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=category&layout=list kunena/index 242 Recent Topics recent kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=topics&mode=replies kunena/recent 243 New Topic newtopic kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=topic&layout=create kunena/newtopic 244 No Replies noreplies kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=topics&mode=noreplies kunena/noreplies 245 My Topics mylatest kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=topics&layout=user&mode=default kunena/mylatest 246 Profile profile kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=user kunena/profile 247 Help help kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=misc kunena/help 248 Search search kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=search kunena/search
Joomla default template details : ammon | author: RocketTheme, LLC | version: 3.2.8 | creationdate: August 1, 2011
Kunena default template details : JF Corporate | author: JoomForest | version: 1.0 | creationdate: 01.05.2012
Kunena version detailled: Kunena 2.0.0 | 2012-06-27 [ Diplomatia ]
| Kunena detailled configuration:| Joomla! detailled language files installed:Warning: Spoiler!
Kunena config settings: board_offline 0 enablerss 1 threads_per_page 20 messages_per_page 6 messages_per_page_search 15 showhistory 1 historylimit 6 shownew 1 disemoticons 0 template jf_corporate showannouncement 1 avataroncat 0 catimagepath category_images showchildcaticon 1 rtewidth 450 rteheight 300 enableforumjump 1 reportmsg 1 username 1 askemail 0 showemail 0 showuserstats 1 showkarma 1 useredit 1 useredittime 0 useredittimegrace 600 editmarkup 1 allowsubscriptions 1 subscriptionschecked 1 allowfavorites 1 maxsubject 50 maxsig 300 regonly 0 changename 0 pubwrite 0 floodprotection 0 mailmod 0 mailadmin 0 captcha 0 mailfull 1 allowavatarupload 1 allowavatargallery 1 avatarquality 75 avatarsize 2048 imageheight 800 imagewidth 800 imagesize 150 filetypes txt,rtf,pdf,zip,tar.gz,tgz,tar.bz2 filesize 120 showranking 1 rankimages 1 userlist_rows 30 userlist_online 1 userlist_avatar 1 userlist_name 1 userlist_posts 1 userlist_karma 1 userlist_email 0 userlist_usertype 0 userlist_joindate 1 userlist_lastvisitdate 1 userlist_userhits 1 latestcategory showstats 1 showwhoisonline 1 showgenstats 1 showpopuserstats 1 popusercount 5 showpopsubjectstats 1 popsubjectcount 5 usernamechange 0 showspoilertag 1 showvideotag 1 showebaytag 1 trimlongurls 1 trimlongurlsfront 40 trimlongurlsback 20 autoembedyoutube 1 autoembedebay 1 ebaylanguagecode en-us sessiontimeout 1800 highlightcode 0 rss_type topic rss_timelimit month rss_limit 100 rss_included_categories rss_excluded_categories rss_specification rss2.0 rss_allow_html 1 rss_author_format name rss_author_in_title 1 rss_word_count 0 rss_old_titles 1 rss_cache 900 defaultpage recent default_sort asc sef 1 sefutf8 0 showimgforguest 1 showfileforguest 1 pollnboptions 4 pollallowvoteone 1 pollenabled 1 poppollscount 5 showpoppollstats 1 polltimebtvotes 00:15:00 pollnbvotesbyuser 100 pollresultsuserslist 1 maxpersotext 50 ordering_system mesid post_dateformat ago post_dateformat_hover datetime hide_ip 1 imagetypes jpg,jpeg,gif,png checkmimetypes 1 imagemimetypes image/jpeg,image/jpg,image/gif,image/png imagequality 50 thumbheight 32 thumbwidth 32 hideuserprofileinfo put_empty boxghostmessage 0 userdeletetmessage 0 latestcategory_in 1 topicicons 1 debug 0 catsautosubscribed 0 showbannedreason 0 version_check 1 showthankyou 1 showpopthankyoustats 1 popthankscount 5 mod_see_deleted 0 bbcode_img_secure text listcat_show_moderators 1 lightbox 1 show_list_time 720 show_session_type 0 show_session_starttime 0 userlist_allowed 0 userlist_count_users 1 enable_threaded_layouts 0 category_subscriptions post topic_subscriptions every pubprofile 1 thankyou_max 10 email_recipient_count 0 email_recipient_privacy bcc email_visible_address captcha_post_limit 0 keywords 0 userkeywords 0 image_upload registered file_upload registered topic_layout flat time_to_create_page 1 show_imgfiles_manage_profile 1 hold_newusers_posts 0 hold_guest_posts 0 attachment_limit 8 pickup_category 0 article_display intro send_emails 1 stopforumspam_key fallback_english 1 cache 1 cache_time 60 ebay_affiliate_id 5337089937 Warning: Spoiler!
Joomla! languages installed: en-GB English (United Kingdom)
Third-party components: None
Third-party SEF components: None
Plugins: None
Modules: None
The usual 'turn Build title spans to off' solution doesn't work I'm reaching out to the devs for help. I have tried many forums with bridges and so on, but finally opted for Kunena because is a Joomla component afterall and not some separate software. I really want this to work. Please help
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- NickJWStone
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thanks for your reply. I managed my way through the javascript/mootools conflicts, but this doesn't seem to help me further. I had some problems before with (1.7.2) but managed to fix that. Now with the upgrade I've some different issues which I cannot fix out of these 'guidelines'.
Even when I change my template to a Joomla default template, these tabbed menus do not work. Everything worked fine with 1.7.2.
I hope some of you can help me out!
Database collation check: The collation of your table fields are correct
Legacy mode: Disabled | Joomla! SEF: Enabled | Joomla! SEF rewrite: Disabled | FTP layer: Disabled |
This message contains confidential informationhtaccess: Exists | PHP environment: Max execution time: 120 seconds | Max execution memory: 256M | Max file upload: 32M
Kunena menu details:
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ID Name Alias Menutype Link Path 122 Index index kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=category&layout=list forum/index 123 Recent Topics recent kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=topics&layout=default&mode=replies forum/recent 124 New Topic newtopic kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=topic&layout=create forum/newtopic 125 No Replies noreplies kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=topics&layout=default&mode=noreplies forum/noreplies 126 My Topics mylatest kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=topics&layout=user&mode=default forum/mylatest 127 Profile profile kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=user forum/profile 128 Rules rules kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=misc forum/rules 129 Help help kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=misc forum/help 130 Search search kunenamenu index.php?option=com_kunena&view=search forum/search
Joomla default template details : rt_clarion | author: RocketTheme, LLC | version: 1.0 | creationdate: February 10, 2012
Kunena default template details : Blue Eagle (default) | author: Kunena Team | version: 1.7.2 | creationdate: 2012-01-31
Kunena version detailled: Kunena 2.0.0 | 2012-06-27 [ Diplomatia ]
| Kunena detailled configuration:| Joomla! detailled language files installed:Warning: Spoiler!
Kunena config settings: board_offline 0 enablerss 1 threads_per_page 20 messages_per_page 10 messages_per_page_search 15 showhistory 1 historylimit 6 shownew 1 disemoticons 0 template default showannouncement 1 avataroncat 0 catimagepath category_images/ showchildcaticon 1 rtewidth 450 rteheight 300 enableforumjump 1 reportmsg 1 username 1 askemail 0 showemail 0 showuserstats 1 showkarma 1 useredit 1 useredittime 0 useredittimegrace 600 editmarkup 1 allowsubscriptions 1 subscriptionschecked 1 allowfavorites 1 maxsubject 50 maxsig 300 regonly 0 changename 0 pubwrite 0 floodprotection 0 mailmod 0 mailadmin 0 captcha 0 mailfull 1 allowavatarupload 1 allowavatargallery 1 avatarquality 80 avatarsize 2048 imageheight 800 imagewidth 800 imagesize 500 filetypes txt,rtf,pdf,zip,tar.gz,tgz,tar.bz2 filesize 150 showranking 1 rankimages 1 userlist_rows 30 userlist_online 1 userlist_avatar 1 userlist_name 1 userlist_posts 1 userlist_karma 1 userlist_email 0 userlist_usertype 0 userlist_joindate 1 userlist_lastvisitdate 1 userlist_userhits 1 latestcategory showstats 1 showwhoisonline 1 showgenstats 1 showpopuserstats 1 popusercount 5 showpopsubjectstats 1 popsubjectcount 5 usernamechange 0 showspoilertag 1 showvideotag 1 showebaytag 1 trimlongurls 1 trimlongurlsfront 40 trimlongurlsback 20 autoembedyoutube 1 autoembedebay 1 ebaylanguagecode en-us sessiontimeout 1800 highlightcode 0 rss_type topic rss_timelimit month rss_limit 100 rss_included_categories rss_excluded_categories rss_specification rss2.0 rss_allow_html 1 rss_author_format name rss_author_in_title 1 rss_word_count 0 rss_old_titles 1 rss_cache 900 defaultpage recent default_sort asc sef 1 sefutf8 0 showimgforguest 1 showfileforguest 0 pollnboptions 4 pollallowvoteone 1 pollenabled 1 poppollscount 5 showpoppollstats 1 polltimebtvotes 00:15:00 pollnbvotesbyuser 100 pollresultsuserslist 1 maxpersotext 50 ordering_system mesid post_dateformat ago post_dateformat_hover datetime hide_ip 1 imagetypes jpg,jpeg,gif,png checkmimetypes 1 imagemimetypes image/jpeg,image/jpg,image/gif,image/png imagequality 100 thumbheight 32 thumbwidth 32 hideuserprofileinfo put_empty boxghostmessage 0 userdeletetmessage 0 latestcategory_in 1 topicicons 1 debug 1 catsautosubscribed 0 showbannedreason 0 version_check 1 showthankyou 1 showpopthankyoustats 1 popthankscount 5 mod_see_deleted 0 bbcode_img_secure text listcat_show_moderators 1 lightbox 1 show_list_time 720 show_session_type 0 show_session_starttime 0 userlist_allowed 0 userlist_count_users 1 enable_threaded_layouts 0 category_subscriptions post topic_subscriptions every pubprofile 0 thankyou_max 10 email_recipient_count 0 email_recipient_privacy bcc email_visible_address captcha_post_limit 0 keywords 0 userkeywords 0 image_upload registered file_upload registered topic_layout flat time_to_create_page 1 show_imgfiles_manage_profile 1 hold_newusers_posts 0 hold_guest_posts 0 attachment_limit 8 pickup_category 0 article_display intro send_emails 1 stopforumspam_key fallback_english 1 cache 1 cache_time 60 ebay_affiliate_id 5337089937 enablepdf 1 jmambot 0 annmodid 62 userlist_username 1 rules_infb 1 help_infb 1 onlineusers 1 Warning: Spoiler!
Joomla! languages installed: en-GB English (United Kingdom) nl-NL Dutch (NL)
Third-party components: None
Third-party SEF components: None
Plugins: Content - Kunena Discuss 2.0.0
Modules: Kunena Latest 2.0.0
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What would you like us to do for you that has not already been discussed in My Joomla site template makes a mess of Kunena ? You have a choice: either something you are using on your website is more important to you to keep than to have a working Kunena forum or you need to remove whatever it is that is preventing you using the full capabilities of Kunena.
We know that the Kunena configuration report does not list "everything" on a user's website. There are other tools that produce lists of "everything" but I hesitate to recommend them because the reports that they produce also contain much confidential data that would be unwise to display in a public forum. No doubt, if we knew "everything" about your website we could probably tell you, in 2 seconds, which thing(s) you need to remove in order to get Kunena working again properly. Unfortunately we do not know everything about your website and we cannot know everything unless we spend as much time as you have already spent examining all your Joomla extensions - your templates, plugins, components, modules - and, one-by-one, remove each until you discover which one(s) are causing the problem.
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- coder4life
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The following data access to the site:
After clicking the menu access
After login to the site, click on "TIRE SUAS DUVIDAS EM NOSSO FÓRUM"
Since I am grateful for your help, I await answers
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- NickJWStone
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coder4life wrote: The "Turn build title spans to off" is a Gantry option if I am not mistaken. Please contact RocketTheme ( www.rockettheme.com/ ) for this issue as it is not specific to Kunena.
Indeed I had to turn 'build title spans' off when using 1.7.2 Everything was working fine after that. It seems the update to 2.0.0 brings some new javascript/mootools difficulties. I disabeled all RocketTheme related plugins and switched to a standard joomla template, but still no effect. I will keep on searching for the problem... Any tips are welcome
I appreciate the effort you all put into this, but for the moment I'm lost and consider moving back to 1.7.2
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