Kunena 6.3.8 Released

The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.8 [K 6.3.8] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.

If you are having problems then, for your own benefit, it would save us all a lot of time if you would kindly post your configuration report when you ask for help from this forum. If you do not post your configuration report we will not ask you for it but you will probably not get your problem solved, either.

K 2.0 support will cease on 31 August 2013 and this section of the forum will be closed and archived after that time and no further questions will be answered about this version.

Merged I see the message "Loading BBCode editor..."

12 years 6 months ago #1 by mindriot
As title, when making, replying or editing posts thats all that appears where the BBcode editor should be.

Existed in K2.0, still there in K2.0.1 - issue also still present when using default Blue Eagle 2 and double checked with clearing caches etc.

This message contains confidential information

Database collation check: The collation of your table fields are correct

Legacy mode: Disabled | Joomla! SEF: Enabled | Joomla! SEF rewrite: Enabled | FTP layer: Disabled |

This message contains confidential information
htaccess: Exists | PHP environment: Max execution time: 1000 seconds | Max execution memory: 96M | Max file upload: 32M

Kunena menu details:

Warning: Spoiler!

Joomla default template details : gk_gamebox | author: GavickPro | version: 2.7 | creationdate: 24 Feb 2012

Kunena default template details : SD-Aphotic 2.0 | author: SnilloC Designs | version: 2.0 | creationdate: 2012-06-28

Kunena version detailed: Kunena 2.0.1 | 2012-07-07 [ Balozi ]
| Kunena detailed configuration:

Warning: Spoiler!
| Kunena integration settings:
Warning: Spoiler!
| Joomla! detailed language files installed:
Warning: Spoiler!

Third-party components: Jomsocial 2.6.0

Third-party SEF components: sh404sef

Plugins: JomSocial - My Kunena Forum Menu 2.0.1 | JomSocial - My Kunena Forum Posts 2.0.1

Modules: None

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12 years 6 months ago #2 by sozzled
As you see in the previously reported cases relating to this issue, the problem was caused by one of two factors:

(1) When using a Kunena template that has not been designed with K 2.0 in mind - and this may apply in your case - that can easily be solved by using the K 2.0 Blue Eagle template; or

(2) Using Kunena 2.0.0-RC2 (which does not apply in your case)

As far as this being a support question is concerned, your configuration report shows that you are using a Kunena template that was not designed, developed, supported or maintained by the Kunena project. You should discuss your issues with the developer of the Kunena template you are using.

The other factors that may affect your case could be sh404SEF - I am guessing, though. What happens if you uninstall sh404SEF? Does this problem disappear? What happens if you reduce the 27 items in your Kunena menu(s) down to the basic half-a-dozen or so that come with a standard installation? I am at a loss to absolutely nail this problem because I haven't witnessed the symptoms at first hand.

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12 years 6 months ago - 12 years 6 months ago #3 by mindriot
The template I'm using is specifically designed for K 2.0, however as per preface in first post problem is still present using K 2.0 Blue Eagle :P

sh404sef is on site, but seeing as my version is broken regarding rewriting K 2.0 its turned off for Kunena, so Kunena is using default router for Joomla just now.

I'll have a try of altering menu but they're all default K2.0 items in a structure I understood should be ok so Im doubtful its that.

If you want a login for a see yourself let me know.

I'll have a read of previous cases and report back if menu messing changes anything, however for now the problem still exists.
Last edit: 12 years 6 months ago by sozzled. Reason: minor spelling changes so that we can better understand the issues

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12 years 6 months ago - 12 years 6 months ago #4 by sozzled
I strongly advise, when we're dealing with issues as fundamental as not being able to load the BBcode toolbar properly, to start with an environment that is known to work (see When all else fails, try this ).

The first thing that needs to be established is whether you have Joomla extensions that interfere with the standard workings of Joomla. sh404SEF is one such extension. The GK Gamebox Magazine Template is another. We also know that K2 introduces a number of plugins that interfere with Joomla. These interferences will affect Kunena, particularly in connection with the operation of the BBcode toolbar (see Before you post your question, read this first )

It is unfortunate that K2 - the trademarked, Joomla extension - K 2.0 - can be confused with K 2.0 -meaning "Kunena version 2.0". Let's try to make sure we know what we're talking about in future. and that is why I edited your earlier post. ;)
Last edit: 12 years 6 months ago by sozzled.

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12 years 6 months ago - 12 years 5 months ago #5 by aredman
I wanted to add my thoughts to this thread if I may. I was having this particular issue until I disabled an option in JCH_Optimize:

So many times web dev's will include plugins to optimize (with good intentions) only to cause undesirable outcomes. You can see the forum here: www.ourfullhealth.com/forum/home

My 2 cents,

Last edit: 12 years 5 months ago by aredman.

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12 years 6 months ago - 12 years 6 months ago #6 by sozzled
Oh dear. The dreaded JCH Optimize plugin that makes a complete mess of Kunena (and many other Joomla extensions, too)

We have discussed the JCH Optimize plugin (along with other code aggregators/obfuscators) and, indeed, we have first-hand knowledge of this particular plugin at www.kunena.org . While the thought of aggregating all your CSS and Javascript code into one or two minified packages may sound appealing, the performance benefit is actually quite small. I'm not saying that code aggregation and/or obfuscation is a waste of time but I would suggest that, if people are having problems with CSS or Javascript that they disable these things before they start asking other people for help. More often than not, if you disable these kinds of things, everything starts to work again. Further, you may not even notice any difference in performance, either.

I suggest, as background reading, you use the results of this search to see what else has been written on the subject.
Last edit: 12 years 6 months ago by sozzled.

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12 years 6 months ago #7 by Pinkeltje
No BBCode in above mentionned editor. Just

Loading BBCode editor...

IE7 is not important as it is old, just added it because you might know if IE7 and Opera have something in common that prevents BBCode from loading.

IE8 and IE9, Firefox, Safari and Chrome are all OK.

Anybody knows what the issue is with Opera?

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12 years 6 months ago #8 by Matias
Can someone confirm this issue? I really need to install latest version of Opera into my computer...

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12 years 6 months ago #9 by sozzled
Please read the K 2.0 Technical Requirements under "browser support". IE7 is not supported by the Kunena project for K 2.0.x

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12 years 6 months ago #10 by 810
On k.org its working. On pinkeltje site i see the error.

can you disable md_stylechanger.

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