Kunena 6.3.6 Released - Security release
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.6 [K 6.3.6] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Solved [Resolved] Fatal error: Call to a member function authorisedLevels() on a non-object in /administrator/components/com_kunena/libraries/integration/joomla16/access.php on line 57
I have still this error and sadly I'm not able to get it away.
I use Joomla 2.5.4
Jomsocial 2.6.1
K 1.7.2
Site Cache is disabled
The provided solution from chris_z does not help in my case.
I noticed that the error does not happen when i disable the "Kunena Latest" module.
It is like freeme said in this german thread:
The error is related to the Kunena Latest module.
I tried it with the older 1.7.1 and now with the newer 1.7.2 module version.
We tested it now several weeks with 7 team members and the error appears only for first time visitors (or when you clean your browser cache, then the error appears on all pages where the Kunena Latest module is).
It doesn't matter where the module is or which version I use.
I also tried it out with the modified "zKunenaLatest".
You can check it on this page:
The error happens only on this page where this module is. On other pages not.
On all other Kunena Forum pages i get the blue "500 Internal Server Error - Fatal Error was detected!" page.
Also only for 1st time visitors and not for logged in users.
Kunena and Joomla session time are the same.
Not sure if both bugs are in any way connected but I wanted to mention this.
Refreshing the page (F5) helps in both cases to continue surfing on my site.
I hope someone here has any idea to solve this "Fatal Error... ...access.php" and the "Internal Error 500" issue.
You can trust me that I already read all corresponding threads from the last 2 years about these issues but nothing helped in my cases.
Lastly you can check our investigations in our own forum.
Maybe this helps a bit to elaborate these problems.
Fatal Error... ...access.php
Internal Error 500
Database collation check: The collation of your table fields are correct
Kunena menu details:Legacy mode: Disabled | Joomla! SEF: Enabled | Joomla! SEF rewrite: Enabled | FTP layer: Enabled |
This message contains confidential informationhtaccess: Exists | PHP environment: Max execution time: 300 seconds | Max execution memory: 512M | Max file upload: 256M
ID | Name | Alias | Menutype | Link | Path |
608 | Recent Topics | recent-topics | top | index.php?option=com_kunena&view=latest&do=latest | forum/recent-topics |
609 | Index | forum-index | top | index.php?option=com_kunena&view=listcat&catid=0 | forum/forum-index |
Joomla default template details : ja_purity_ii | author: JoomlArt.com | version: 2.5.0 | creationdate: February 2012
Kunena default template details : Example Template | author: Kunena Team | version: 1.7.2 | creationdate: 2012-01-31
Kunena version detailled: Installed version: 1.7.2 | Build: 5215 | Version name: Omega | Kunena detailled configuration:
Warning: Spoiler![th]Kunena config settings:[/th]
board_offline 0 board_ofset 0.00 enablerss 1 enablepdf 0 threads_per_page 50 messages_per_page 10 messages_per_page_search 10 showhistory 1 historylimit 10 shownew 1 jmambot 0 disemoticons 0 template example showannouncement 1 avataroncat 0 catimagepath category_images/ showchildcaticon 1 annmodid 42 rtewidth 450 rteheight 300 enableforumjump 1 reportmsg 1 username 1 askemail 0 showemail 0 showuserstats 1 showkarma 0 useredit 1 useredittime 0 useredittimegrace 600 editmarkup 1 allowsubscriptions 1 subscriptionschecked 1 allowfavorites 1 maxsubject 75 maxsig 300 regonly 0 changename 0 pubwrite 0 floodprotection 0 mailmod 0 mailadmin 0 captcha 0 mailfull 1 allowavatar 1 allowavatarupload 1 allowavatargallery 1 avatarquality 100 avatarsize 2048 allowimageupload 0 allowimageregupload 0 imageheight 1000 imagewidth 1600 imagesize 100 allowfileupload 0 allowfileregupload 0 filetypes txt,rtf,pdf,zip,tar.gz,tgz,tar.bz2 filesize 120 showranking 1 rankimages 1 avatar_src fb fb_profile fb pm_component no userlist_rows 30 userlist_online 1 userlist_avatar 1 userlist_name 0 userlist_username 1 userlist_posts 1 userlist_karma 1 userlist_email 0 userlist_usertype 1 userlist_joindate 1 userlist_lastvisitdate 1 userlist_userhits 1 latestcategory showstats 1 showwhoisonline 1 showgenstats 1 showpopuserstats 1 popusercount 25 showpopsubjectstats 1 popsubjectcount 25 usernamechange 0 rules_infb 1 rules_cid 182 help_infb 1 help_cid 183 showspoilertag 1 showvideotag 1 showebaytag 1 trimlongurls 1 trimlongurlsfront 40 trimlongurlsback 20 autoembedyoutube 1 autoembedebay 1 ebaylanguagecode en-us fbsessiontimeout 7200 highlightcode 0 rss_type topic rss_timelimit month rss_limit 100 rss_included_categories rss_excluded_categories rss_specification rss2.0 rss_allow_html 1 rss_author_format name rss_author_in_title 1 rss_word_count 0 rss_old_titles 1 rss_cache 900 fbdefaultpage recent default_sort asc alphauserpointsnumchars 100 sef 1 sefcats 0 sefutf8 0 showimgforguest 1 showfileforguest 1 pollnboptions 10 pollallowvoteone 1 pollenabled 1 poppollscount 25 showpoppollstats 1 polltimebtvotes 00:15:00 pollnbvotesbyuser 100 pollresultsuserslist 1 maxpersotext 50 ordering_system mesid post_dateformat datetime post_dateformat_hover datetime hide_ip 0 js_actstr_integration 0 imagetypes jpg,jpeg,gif,png checkmimetypes 1 imagemimetypes image/jpeg,image/jpg,image/gif,image/png imagequality 50 thumbheight 32 thumbwidth 32 hideuserprofileinfo put_empty integration_access jomsocial integration_login jomsocial integration_avatar jomsocial integration_profile jomsocial integration_private jomsocial integration_activity jomsocial boxghostmessage 0 userdeletetmessage 0 latestcategory_in 1 topicicons 1 onlineusers 1 debug 0 catsautosubscribed 0 showbannedreason 0 version_check 1 showthankyou 1 showpopthankyoustats 1 popthankscount 25 mod_see_deleted 1 bbcode_img_secure text listcat_show_moderators 1 lightbox 1 activity_limit 140 show_list_time 8760 show_session_type 0 show_session_starttime 0 userlist_allowed 0 userlist_count_users 0 enable_threaded_layouts 0 category_subscriptions post topic_subscriptions every pubprofile 1 thankyou_max 10 email_recipient_count 0 email_recipient_privacy bcc email_visible_address captcha_post_limit 0
Third-party components: AlphaUserPoints 1.7.2 | Jomsocial 2.6.0
Third-party SEF components: None
Plugins: System - Mootools Upgrade: Disabled | System - Mootools12: Disabled | Kunena Search 1.7.2
Modules: Kunena Latest 1.7.2 | Kunena Stats 1.7.1 | Kunena Search 1.7.2
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I did not get the error using Firefox, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.
zKunenaLatest was not developed by the Kunena team and it is not endorsed by the Kunena project. If zKunenaLatest is what is causing the problem then, I'm sorry, but you will have to talk to the person who wrote it.
Anyway, it makes no sense to me to be running a module that shows the "latest posts" on the same page where you run your forum. The "latest posts" module looks better on other pages of your site as a way to attract visitors to go to the forum. That's just my personal opinion of course.
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thanks for your reply.
I wasn't sure if it is important related to this issue.sozzled wrote: The only thing that I'm interested in seeing is the HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.
I did not get the error using Firefox, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.
You can reproduce the Error 500 on my site when you:
- Close your browser and visit www.ptcsociety.com
- Click on the Forum tab from the top menu.
The error appears on all latest browsers: I recently tested it with FF 12.
Not only. It is also related to the original Kunena Latest module.sozzled wrote: zKunenaLatest was not developed by the Kunena team and it is not endorsed by the Kunena project. If zKunenaLatest is what is causing the problem then, I'm sorry, but you will have to talk to the person who wrote it.
Like i said...
I have actually only the zKunenaLatest enabled. If you want I can activate the original Kunena Latest.kj2010 wrote: The error is related to the Kunena Latest module.
I tried it with the older 1.7.1 and now with the newer 1.7.2 module version.
It doesn't matter where the module is or which version I use.
I also tried it out with the modified "zKunenaLatest".
It is the same.
Generally the Kunena Latest module is on my entire website (actually not) and it is a very important one to attract members to our forum.sozzled wrote: Anyway, it makes no sense to me to be running a module that shows the "latest posts" on the same page where you run your forum. The "latest posts" module looks better on other pages of your site as a way to attract visitors to go to the forum. That's just my personal opinion of course.
You might be right that it makes no sense to put on a forum page, this is not the case here and this is not what I'm doing here. Nevertheless the module should work on the same page.
To let you know:
The "Error 500" and the "Fatal Error" are not really related to each other..
The "Fatal Error" does not happen as soon as I disable the Kunena Latest module.
The "Error 500" still happens regardless of this module.
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I'm sorry, and I'm not trying to be funny, but how do I visit www.ptcsociety.com when my browser is closed? How do I click on the Forum tab from the top menu when my browser is closed? Makes no sense to me.kj2010 wrote: You can reproduce the Error 500 on my site when you:
- Close your browser and visit www.ptcsociety.com
- Click on the Forum tab from the top menu.
The error appears on all latest browsers: I recently tested it with FF 12.
I still cannot reproduce a the HTTP 500 internal server error. Sorry.
The more serious error, in my opinion, is the HTTP 500 internal server error. If there is no HTTP 500 internal server error, then we can move on to the "Fatal error: Call to a member function authorisedLevels() on a non-object in /administrator/components/com_kunena/libraries/integration/joomla16/access.php on line 57" error. One step at a time, please.
Can you show me exactly what steps I need to follow in order to get the HTTP 500 internal server error, please?
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To close the browser before you visit my site is necessary to reproduce it.
Ok, a bit slower:
1.) Close your browser (all windows/tabs).
(you can also use a different browser if you don't want to close your actual one)
2.) Open the browser and enter " www.ptcsociety.com "
3.) Click on "Forum" (Interact!)
The error 500 should appear (the blue window)
Sure, let's try to elaborate the Error 500 first if necessary.
I'm very happy about every assistance regarding this issue because I totally stuck here.
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Seems to me that you have a problem with the way you've defined the menu item Interact!.
I think that the entire problem surrounding this mystery is the way that you've highly customised your Joomla menu. Did you read the article Customised menus ?
Yes, I was easily able to generate the HTTP 500 Internal Server Error but I have no idea what's causing the error. You need to enable Joomla Debug mode to find out more about the error and what's causing it.
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Ok, thanks for testing and for confirmation.sozzled wrote: I was clicking the menu item Forum, not the different menu item Interact!
Seems to me that you have a problem with the way you've defined the menu item Interact!.
I think that the entire problem surrounding this mystery is the way that you've highly customised your Joomla menu. Did you read the article Customised menus ?
Yes, I was easily able to generate the HTTP 500 Internal Server Error but I have no idea what's causing the error. You need to enable Joomla Debug mode to find out more about the error and what's causing it.
I'm not sure what you mean with "different menu item interact!" That's only the subtitle of the menu item "Forum".
However it seems you clicked the correct button.
This happens also to visitors who visit forum threads directly through google.
This happens to all "1st time visitors" only.
If you visit the forum a 2nd time the error 500 does not appear anymore.
Only next time when you closed your browser.
This does also not happen for logged in member. Only for guests.
A simple F5 helps to continue browsing on forum.
I will have a look at this article again, thanks for mentioning.
Well, like I said: This Error 500 is not related to the "Internal Error ... ... access.php"
I read here in this thread 2 solutions but this does not help.
I do not understand what line 57 wants to tell me.
Hopefully you or anyone else have a slight feeling what this might cause.
Like I said: As soon as I disable the "Kunena Latest" the error is gone but I would love to use the module. It is essential for the information flow of our forum.
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I have been clicking the text "Forum" and not once, never, did I get the HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. When I clicked the test "Interact!" (and got the error) this makes me think that there are two menu items there.kj2010 wrote: I'm not sure what you mean with "different menu item interact!" That's only the subtitle of the menu item "Forum".
It's a complicated Joomla menu you have and I'm struggling to understand how it works. I haven't seen a menu like that before.
What's the full error message when you enable Kunena (or Joomla) debug mode? Let's forget about line 57 unless it's related to the HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. I want to know what's causing that error (unless the topic subject and the HTTP 500 Internal Server Error are one and the same thing). This is confusing enough as it is.
Please, if there are two problems, tell me there are two problems. If there's only one problem then tell me there is only one problem. If there are two problems I want to keep the two problems separate otherwise we won't be able to help you with either of them. Thanks.
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A complicated menu? Interesting. That's a normal and untouched joomlart T3 template. One of the widely used templates for Joomla.sozzled wrote:
I have been clicking the text "Forum" and not once, never, did I get the HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. When I clicked the test "Interact!" (and got the error) this makes me think that there are two menu items there.kj2010 wrote: I'm not sure what you mean with "different menu item interact!" That's only the subtitle of the menu item "Forum".
It's a complicated Joomla menu you have and I'm struggling to understand how it works. I haven't seen a menu like that before.
What's the full error message when you enable Kunena (or Joomla) debug mode? Let's forget about line 57 unless it's related to the HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. I want to know what's causing that error (unless the topic subject and the HTTP 500 Internal Server Error are one and the same thing). This is confusing enough as it is.
Please, if there are two problems, tell me there are two problems. If there's only one problem then tell me there is only one problem. If there are two problems I want to keep the two problems separate otherwise we won't be able to help you with either of them. Thanks.
To understand the navigation you can check here:
But there is nothing special. You can nest/group items and add subtitles to them. You can also insert any module to the menu like to other joomla menues. Generally nothing special here.
Well, I enabled the Kunena Debug mode and this is the page which shows up when visiting the forum link like we both did (through the "Forum Interact!" button, which is one menu item).
So, it seems both issues are related to each other, right?
I never wanted to discuss here in this thread about the "Error500" because I wasn't sure if both are related.
[strike]Yes, there are 2 problems[/strike] It seems there is only 1 problem. Please move/split the thread here if necessary.
There is nothing more I don't like to have offtopic/unrelated content.
Sorry for this.
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"Please check your Joomla menus. Default Menu Item in Entry Page Is not pointing to Kunena."
As I have been trying to tell you, your customized menu is the cause of your problems. You need to fix your customized menu.
Blue Eagle vs. Crypsis reference guide
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