Kunena 6.3.8 Released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.8 [K 6.3.8] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Question Kunena 5.2.3 released
The Kunena team is thrilled to announce the final release of Kunena 5.2.3, a native Joomla extension for Joomla 3.9. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 5.2 and issues discovered during the last development stages.
You need Joomla 3.9 to run Kunena 5.2.3, the minimal requirement for Php has been increased to 7.0.4. Kunena 5.2.3 can runs too with Php 8.0.
For users of template Blue eagle5 v1.6.2, please wait the release of Blue eagle5 v1.6.3 before updating Kunena to 5.2.3.
I don't provide support by PM, because this can be useful for someone else.
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Add a suffix to the ckeditor_config.js before you upgrade (example customckeditor_config.js).
After the upgrade go to your Kunena template configuration (tab BBCode) and scroll down. Enter the suffix (in this case custom) to the field for this option, then the custom file remains in use.
Important! Always create a backup before you make any changes to your website!
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I don't provide support by PM, because this can be useful for someone else.
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- Andrey Bulatov
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PHP 7.4.3, Joomla! 3.9.25
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Hmmm, ok I didn't come here and read this before I just performed the update after logging into my Joomla and seeing the update. I only just updated to Kunena 5.2.2 yesterday without any problems. I now have debugging issues see attached. How do I fix this? Can I roll back to v 5.2.2?
Update: I just updated my template from 1.5.2 to 1.6.2 and everything is back to normal. Phew
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Maximal error reporting gave this message:
Error: Call to undefined method KunenaUser::getName(): Call to undefined method KunenaUser::getName()
I inactivated the Kunnena latest posts module and then the frontpage was visible without Error message.
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I have made the fix for plugin discuss and module kunena latest, we will release new version. You can apply the fix manually if you don't want to wait the release.
For kunena latest, in file kunenalatest/tmpl/default_row.php at line 77 replace that :
by :
For kunena discuss, in file plugins/content/kunenadiscuss/kunenadiscuss.php at line 1142 replace that :
by :
Line 1293 replace that :
I don't provide support by PM, because this can be useful for someone else.
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- infermieriattivi
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- Junior Member
I await the release
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