- Posts: 7
- Thank you received: 0
Kunena 6.3.8 Released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.8 [K 6.3.8] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Merged All users have Administrator privileges
Database collation check: The collation of your table fields are correct
Joomla! SEF: Enabled | Joomla! SEF rewrite: Enabled | FTP layer: Disabled |
This message contains confidential informationhtaccess: Exists | PHP environment: Max execution time: 30 seconds | Max execution memory: 64M | Max file upload: 16M
Kunena menu details:
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ID Name Menutype Link Path 652 Форум kunenamenu view=home&defaultmenu=652 форум 653 Начало kunenamenu view=category&layout=list&catid=0 форум/начало 654 Последни теми kunenamenu view=topics&mode=replies форум/последни-теми 655 Нова тема kunenamenu view=topic&layout=create&catid= форум/нова-тема 656 Теми без отговор kunenamenu view=topics&mode=noreplies форум/теми-без-отговор 657 Моите теми kunenamenu view=topics&layout=user&mode=default&modetype= форум/моите-теми 658 Профил kunenamenu view=user форум/профил 659 Help kunenamenu view=misc форум/help 660 Търсене kunenamenu view=search форум/търсене 661 Forum mainmenu Itemid=652 kunena-2013-06-03
Joomla default template details : gk_news | author: GavickPro | version: 3.7 | creationdate: Unknown
Kunena default template details : Blue Eagle 2.0 | author: Kunena Team | version: 3.0.0 | creationdate: 2013-05-15
Kunena version detailed: Kunena 3.0.0 | 2013-05-15 [ Wanga ]
| Kunena detailed configuration:| Kunena integration settings:Warning: Spoiler!
Kunena config settings: board_offline 0 enablerss 0 threads_per_page 20 messages_per_page 10 messages_per_page_search 15 showhistory 1 historylimit 6 shownew 1 disemoticons 0 template default showannouncement 1 avataroncat 1 catimagepath category_images/ showchildcaticon 1 rtewidth 450 rteheight 300 enableforumjump 1 reportmsg 1 username 1 askemail 0 showemail 0 showuserstats 1 showkarma 1 useredit 1 useredittime 0 useredittimegrace 600 editmarkup 1 allowsubscriptions 1 subscriptionschecked 1 allowfavorites 1 maxsubject 80 maxsig 300 regonly 0 pubwrite 0 floodprotection 0 mailmod 0 mailadmin 0 captcha 0 mailfull 1 allowavatarupload 1 allowavatargallery 1 avatarquality 90 avatarsize 2048 imageheight 800 imagewidth 800 imagesize 150 filetypes txt,rtf,pdf,zip,rar,tar.gz,tgz,tar.bz2 filesize 2048 showranking 1 rankimages 1 userlist_rows 30 userlist_online 1 userlist_avatar 1 userlist_name 1 userlist_posts 1 userlist_karma 1 userlist_email 0 userlist_joindate 1 userlist_lastvisitdate 1 userlist_userhits 1 latestcategory 0 showstats 1 showwhoisonline 1 showgenstats 1 showpopuserstats 1 popusercount 5 showpopsubjectstats 1 popsubjectcount 5 usernamechange 0 showspoilertag 1 showvideotag 1 showebaytag 1 trimlongurls 1 trimlongurlsfront 40 trimlongurlsback 20 autoembedyoutube 1 autoembedebay 1 ebaylanguagecode en-us sessiontimeout 1800 highlightcode 0 rss_type topic rss_timelimit month rss_limit 100 rss_included_categories rss_excluded_categories rss_specification rss2.0 rss_allow_html 1 rss_author_format name rss_author_in_title 1 rss_word_count 0 rss_old_titles 1 rss_cache 900 defaultpage recent default_sort asc sef 1 showimgforguest 1 showfileforguest 1 pollnboptions 15 pollallowvoteone 1 pollenabled 1 poppollscount 5 showpoppollstats 1 polltimebtvotes 00:10:00 pollnbvotesbyuser 100 pollresultsuserslist 1 maxpersotext 50 ordering_system mesid post_dateformat datetime post_dateformat_hover datetime hide_ip 1 imagetypes jpg,jpeg,gif,png checkmimetypes 1 imagemimetypes image/jpeg,image/jpg,image/gif,image/png imagequality 50 thumbheight 32 thumbwidth 32 hideuserprofileinfo put_empty boxghostmessage 0 userdeletetmessage 0 latestcategory_in 1 topicicons 1 debug 0 catsautosubscribed 0 showbannedreason 0 version_check 1 showthankyou 1 showpopthankyoustats 1 popthankscount 5 mod_see_deleted 0 bbcode_img_secure text listcat_show_moderators 1 lightbox 1 show_list_time 0 show_session_type 0 show_session_starttime 0 userlist_allowed 0 userlist_count_users 1 enable_threaded_layouts 0 category_subscriptions post topic_subscriptions every pubprofile 1 thankyou_max 10 email_recipient_count 0 email_recipient_privacy bcc captcha_post_limit 0 keywords 0 userkeywords 0 image_upload registered file_upload registered topic_layout flat time_to_create_page 1 show_imgfiles_manage_profile 1 hold_newusers_posts 0 hold_guest_posts 0 attachment_limit 8 pickup_category 0 article_display intro send_emails 1 fallback_english 1 cache 1 cache_time 60 iptracking 1 rss_feedburner_url autolink 1 access_component 1 userlist_usertype 0 sefutf8 1 enablepdf 1 jmambot 1 annmodid 42 changename 0 userlist_username 1 rules_infb 1 help_infb 1 onlineusers 1 | Joomla! detailed language files installed:Warning: Spoiler!Kunena - AlphaUserPoints Disabled
Kunena - Community Builder Disabled
Kunena - Gravatar Disabled
Kunena - JomSocial Enabled: access=0 login=1 activity=1 avatar=1 profile=1 private=1 activity_points_limit=0 activity_stream_limit=0
Kunena - Joomla Enabled: access=1 login=1
Kunena - Kunena Enabled: avatar=1 profile=1
Kunena - UddeIM Disabled
Warning: Spoiler!
Joomla! languages installed: bg-BG Български (България) en-GB English (United Kingdom)
Third-party components: Jomsocial 2.6.2
Third-party SEF components: None
Plugins: Search - Kunena Search 3.0.0
Modules: Kunena Latest 3.0.0 | Kunena Stats 3.0.0
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This topic should give you the way to fix it : www.kunena.org/forum/154-Miscellaneous-o...imitstart=0&start=40
I don't provide support by PM, because this can be useful for someone else.
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Please can anybody help! I am getting emails from my forums members saying that they are getting endless emails, every time a new post is made. They also show as moderator on the forum. I cant seem to figure out how to fix this.. can anybody help!!
P.s My forum is here; chasingprops.com/index-2
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- Jiminimonka
- Offline
- Elite Member
This is most likely a Joomla ACL issue, please search these forums for "All users moderators" for similar problem that have occured for other users.
Merged Topic. Read up.
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I am fairly sure that the answer to your problem will be found somewhere in this topic.

Blue Eagle vs. Crypsis reference guide
Read my blog and

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Sorry if this problem has been posted before - I searched in the forum but didn't find anything about it.
I'm running on Joomla! 3.2 and I newly installed Kunena forum 3.0.3. I migrated users and messages from "Discussion" Forum.
My problem: If I post a new topic or message, every registered user is getting an e-mail message, although my configuration seems to say they should not (see attached image). None of the users has subscribed to a topic or message.
Can anybody help me?
Here's my configuration:
Database collation check: The collation of your table fields are correct
Joomla! SEF: Enabled | Joomla! SEF rewrite: Disabled | FTP layer: Disabled |
This message contains confidential informationhtaccess: Exists | PHP environment: Max execution time: 30 seconds | Max execution memory: 64M | Max file upload: 16M
Kunena menu details:
Warning: Spoiler!
ID Name Menutype Link Path 366 Forum kunenamenu view=home&defaultmenu=368 kunena 367 Index kunenamenu view=category&layout=list kunena/index 368 Aktuell kunenamenu view=topics&mode=replies kunena/aktuell 369 Neues Thema kunenamenu view=topic&layout=create kunena/neuesthema 370 Ohne Antwort kunenamenu view=topics&mode=noreplies kunena/ohneantwort 371 Meine Themen kunenamenu view=topics&layout=user&mode=default kunena/meinethemen 372 Profil kunenamenu view=user kunena/profil 373 Hilfe kunenamenu view=misc kunena/hilfe 374 Suche kunenamenu view=search kunena/suche 375 Forum mainmenu Itemid=366 kunena-2013-11-13 376 Forum neu schattenmenu view=category&layout=list&catid=0 forum-neu
Joomla default template details : pnd3 | author: Marion Bigger Buchli | version: 1.6.0 | creationdate: Unknown
Kunena default template details : Blue Eagle | author: Kunena Team | version: 3.0.3 | creationdate: 2013-10-20
Kunena version detailed: Kunena 3.0.3 | 2013-10-20 [ Bifrost ]
| Kunena detailed configuration:| Kunena integration settings:Warning: Spoiler!
Kunena config settings: board_offline 0 enablerss 1 threads_per_page 20 messages_per_page 6 messages_per_page_search 15 showhistory 0 historylimit 6 shownew 1 disemoticons 0 template blue_eagle showannouncement 1 avataroncat 0 catimagepath category_images showchildcaticon 1 rtewidth 450 rteheight 300 enableforumjump 1 reportmsg 1 username 1 askemail 1 showemail 0 showuserstats 1 showkarma 0 useredit 1 useredittime 0 useredittimegrace 600 editmarkup 1 allowsubscriptions 1 subscriptionschecked 0 allowfavorites 1 maxsubject 50 maxsig 300 regonly 0 pubwrite 0 floodprotection 0 mailmod 1 mailadmin 1 captcha 1 mailfull 0 allowavatarupload 1 allowavatargallery 1 avatarquality 75 avatarsize 2048 imageheight 200 imagewidth 200 imagesize 200 filetypes txt,rtf,pdf,zip,tar.gz,tgz,tar.bz2 filesize 120 showranking 0 rankimages 0 userlist_rows 30 userlist_online 1 userlist_avatar 1 userlist_name 0 userlist_posts 1 userlist_karma 0 userlist_email 0 userlist_joindate 1 userlist_lastvisitdate 1 userlist_userhits 0 latestcategory 0 showstats 1 showwhoisonline 1 showgenstats 1 showpopuserstats 1 popusercount showpopsubjectstats 0 popsubjectcount 5 usernamechange 0 showspoilertag 0 showvideotag 0 showebaytag 0 trimlongurls 0 trimlongurlsfront 40 trimlongurlsback 20 autoembedyoutube 0 autoembedebay 0 ebaylanguagecode sessiontimeout 1800 highlightcode 0 rss_type topic rss_timelimit month rss_limit 100 rss_included_categories rss_excluded_categories rss_specification rss2.0 rss_allow_html 1 rss_author_format name rss_author_in_title 1 rss_word_count 0 rss_old_titles 1 rss_cache 900 defaultpage recent default_sort desc sef 1 showimgforguest 1 showfileforguest 1 pollnboptions 4 pollallowvoteone 1 pollenabled 0 poppollscount 5 showpoppollstats 0 polltimebtvotes 00:15:00 pollnbvotesbyuser 100 pollresultsuserslist 1 maxpersotext 500 ordering_system mesid post_dateformat ago post_dateformat_hover datetime hide_ip 1 imagetypes jpg,jpeg,gif,png checkmimetypes 1 imagemimetypes image/jpeg,image/jpg,image/gif,image/png imagequality 50 thumbheight 32 thumbwidth 32 hideuserprofileinfo put_empty boxghostmessage 0 userdeletetmessage 0 latestcategory_in 1 topicicons 1 debug 0 catsautosubscribed 0 showbannedreason 0 version_check 1 showthankyou 1 showpopthankyoustats 1 popthankscount 5 mod_see_deleted 0 bbcode_img_secure text listcat_show_moderators 1 lightbox 1 show_list_time 720 show_session_type 0 show_session_starttime 0 userlist_allowed 0 userlist_count_users 1 enable_threaded_layouts 0 category_subscriptions post topic_subscriptions every pubprofile 0 thankyou_max 10 email_recipient_count 0 email_recipient_privacy bcc captcha_post_limit 0 keywords 0 userkeywords 0 image_upload registered file_upload topic_layout flat time_to_create_page 1 show_imgfiles_manage_profile 0 hold_newusers_posts 0 hold_guest_posts 0 attachment_limit 8 pickup_category 1 article_display intro send_emails 1 fallback_english 0 cache 1 cache_time 60 iptracking 1 rss_feedburner_url autolink 1 access_component 1 | Joomla! detailed language files installed:Warning: Spoiler!Kunena - AlphaUserPoints Disabled
Kunena - Community Builder Disabled
Kunena - Gravatar Disabled
Kunena - JomSocial Disabled
Kunena - Joomla Enabled: access=1 login=1
Kunena - Kunena Enabled: avatar=1 profile=1
Kunena - UddeIM Disabled
Warning: Spoiler!
Joomla! languages installed: de-DE German (DE-CH-AT) en-GB English (United Kingdom) it-IT Italian (IT) fr-FR French (FR)
Third-party components: None
Third-party SEF components: None
Plugins: None
Modules: None
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Tables are:
Both of them has a field for subscriptions. If it's 1, user gets email... I'm suspecting that your users have category subscriptions on.
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I checked both tables, but only moderators have a "1"-entry. One of the users who is complaining doesn't even have an entry at all in one of the tables. Could it be that, if subscription is not defined at all, it is interpreted as a "1"-entry?
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But, as Matias suspects that the reason this is happening in your case is because of a couple of tables in the database, let me try to explain how these tables work and what the settings mean.
Column name | Value |
user_id | corresponds to the Joomla user id |
category_id | the Kunena forum category id |
role | 1 if this user is assigned as a category moderator; 0 if this user is not assigned as a category moderator |
allreadtime | the time when the user clicked "Mark all topics read" otherwise NULL |
subscribed | 1 if this user is subscribed to the category; 0 if the user is has unsubscribed themself from the category |
params | - not used by K 3.0 |
Column name | Value |
user_id | corresponds to the Joomla user id |
topic_id | the Kunena forum topic id |
category_id | the Kunena forum category id in which the topic is located |
posts | the number of messages posted by this user in the topic |
last_post_id | the message id of the last message posted by this user in the topic |
owner | 1 if this user created the topic; 0 if this user did not create (i.e. write the first message) in the topic |
favorite | 1 if this user has made this topic a "favorite"; 0 otherwise |
subscribed | 1 if this user is subscribed to the topic; 0 if the user is not subscribed to the topic |
params | - not used by K 3.0 |
Does this help you understand better the table structure?
Blue Eagle vs. Crypsis reference guide
Read my blog and

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All of what I wrote about how the subscriptions work has nothing to do with this particular problem. This particular issue is created by the configuration settings:
Configuration » Security » Security Settings » Email Moderators = All New Posts
Configuration » Security » Security Settings » Email Administrators = All New Posts
Well, guess what? All of your users are administrators. Please see the topic All users have Administrator privileges . There's your problem and there's your solution.
Blue Eagle vs. Crypsis reference guide
Read my blog and

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