The forum I am building here:
has some strange issues that I cannot seem to figure out how to resolve.
#1) When I first started working on this; before I manually created 3000+ categories. I created "Washington (WA) State" category. The sub-categories (Counties of our State of WA) were all flipped upside down. No matter what I did for "re-arrange" and moving "Adams County" to the very top. It doesn't change on the front-end, regardless of clearing cache. I never resolved this. I finished my manual data entry on all the other State Categories before working my way down to Washington (A-Z). Once I finished data entering all the states and counties; I found out that it did not fix this.
#2) When I went to disable, delete or modify any part of the Category "Washington (WA) State" or it's sub-categories of Counties. No matter what I do "clicking the down arrow first for sorting before re-ordering the categories" works... just doesn't work. This only happens on this category as I was able to move beyond "Washington (WA) State" category to West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming without problems.
The error message I receive is in blue in Joomla Admin / Kunena Category Section of the Component.
The message says the following regardless of the action taken:
Please select category from the list before taking this action!
Any pointers would be helpful! Thank you!
Best Regards,