Kunena 6.3.4 released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.4 [K 6.3.4] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Solved Attachment message: Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player
If someone post something with attachments, ther ist the following message:
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version <a href=" www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/downloa...veFlash&promoid=BIOW " title="Download Adobe Flash Player">here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Why is there this message: Flash ist completely old trash!
Thanks for a hint,
Joomla: 3.9.2
Kunena: 5.0.12
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A better solution would be not to just tell people that try to view the video that they need to download Flash but to say that Flash has been deprecated and compromises the security of your browser. Personally any site that asks me to use Flash I don't use, even though I have ways of downloading the flash content and know how to convert.
This is similar to several years ago Santander UK were telling everybody that used Firefox or Chrome, and probably other web browsers, to upgrade their web browser to IE. Anybody that knew anything about browser knew that both of these browsers were superior to IE and also followed W3 standards more closely. This also virtually assumed everybody was using Windows. This was following an EU anti trust ruling against Microsoft who were trying to force all of their user to use IE and keep other Browsers out. I pointed this out to Santander on several occasions, and though they acknowledged receipt of the communications they then ignored them. A few years later they changed their attitude, probably as they had to, Interestingly MS has virtually dropped dropped IE and is in the process of dropping Edge and are moving across to Chromium the same open source engine used in Chrome and some other browsers.
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Thanks for your reply.
The screenshot above is NOT a screenshot from a posting who has Flash or Shockwave-attachements !
This is a Posting I made this Morning with 3 .jpg Files as attachements.
So: Why make Kunena this absolutely wrong message?
Joomla: 3.9.2
Kunena: 5.0.12
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You have absolutely right !!!!
See here:
If you open this URL with Edge and then in "internetexplorer-Modus", you see this:
But - what the hell - where have I inserted this?
I have no idea.....
Joomla: 3.9.2
Kunena: 5.0.12
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Instead of * you see a number. You can disable this module or edit the content of this module.
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I searched the positions....but I don't fount them.
Totally confused is: I have NO position with the beginning-string: kunena_ .....
Oh oh ...... how can this be?
Should I give you the adminlogin by PN or mail?
Joomla: 3.9.2
Kunena: 5.0.12
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But the class="kmsgattach" is the container for the the Kunena attachment symbols.
I don't know this audio player, but check the setting. Maybe this place was chosen for displaying media files?
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Wooooow, this was the Solution !
I have deactivated the Plugin..... and the message is blown away
Thanks a lot!
Best regards
Joomla: 3.9.2
Kunena: 5.0.12
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