Kunena 6.3.8 Released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.8 [K 6.3.8] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Question How can I add an specific ID item # into a Kunena link?
I'm wondering how can I add an specific ID item # into a Kunena link?
I mean, when I click on user member or edit profile, I'd like that Kunena link would use a wanter ID# and not ID# 0. So, when I click on it, it shows the "Itemid=0", see below:
I'd like for example, make it show "Itemid=86".
Any idea how to achieve that?
Kunena 2.0.4 | 2013-01-18 [ Pharmacopoeia ], J!1.5.25, rhuk_milkyway, CB 1.8.1, AUP 1.5.13, UddeIM 2.5 and Akeeba Backup 3.3.9
EsferaDoBem.com.br | iLucato.com.br | BemDoado.com.br
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that depend how all menu are created in Joomla menu, links should not show Itemid=0. Links in kunena should show Itemid of kunena Index menu from menu manager. Can be that you have old menu from K1.5 as a index menu for kunena. Check menu which point to kunena in Main Menu. If you delete that menu and create new one what happens?
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Hi @quila, good morning.Hi iLucato,
that depend how all menu are created in Joomla menu, links should not show Itemid=0. Links in kunena should show Itemid of kunena Index menu from menu manager. Can be that you have old menu from K1.5 as a index menu for kunena. Check menu which point to kunena in Main Menu. If you delete that menu and create new one what happens?
Here is how the link was before your changing suggestion (menu from 1.5):
Here is the link after your suggestion (from 1.6):
the Item ids shown are from Menu Itens in Joomla (Kunena Menu). Until here it is ok. I'm not sure if you got what I meant/want. I want to make the user goes to a certain ItemID# when he clicks on the links into Kunena such as UserName, Edit Profile, Etc. These links when clicked now a days show as ItemiD=0, and I'd like to use my own ID#, so it would follow some page layout that I want it have to show some banners, columns, or whatever what I want.
Do you know what files control these links that I would hack and change this ItemId=0 for the ones I want?
Maybe it would be a feature in the Kunena admin area, somethink like:
- Type the ID you want to assign to the profile link;
- Type the ID you want to assign to the Edit profile link;
- Type the ID you want to assign to so on...
Kunena 2.0.4 | 2013-01-18 [ Pharmacopoeia ], J!1.5.25, rhuk_milkyway, CB 1.8.1, AUP 1.5.13, UddeIM 2.5 and Akeeba Backup 3.3.9
EsferaDoBem.com.br | iLucato.com.br | BemDoado.com.br
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The problem with this is, that all the links in the main forum do not pick up on the menu itemID's but instead they use the default one from the main Kunena forum link.
I notice that this feature will be implemented in 1.6 - any plans to bring it into 1.5.x versions?
The reason I ask is because today I had a call from a client who I have this arrangement set up for, as their banner modules have stopped appearing. No matter what I do, I can only get banners module to show on the main forum page - if I set it to show in the "recruitment" section for example, it doesn't show at all. I'm a wee bit confused what has happened because this was working just fine, it's got to either be a forum upgrade or Joomla! upgrade that has stopped this working.
Any suggestions?
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No. K 1.5 development has ceased. Further K 1.5.x releases may be occur but only be for maintenance purposes, to correct defective behaviour, not to extend existing K 1.5 functionality or back-port K 1.6 features to it.RCheesley wrote: I notice that this feature will be implemented in 1.6 - any plans to bring it into 1.5.x versions?
I'm not dismissing your other questions, Ruth, I just need more time to think about the issues.
One thing that really has me struggling to understand what this thread is all about. What is this "specific ID item #" that's being discussed? Could someone please post a screenshot that points to it?
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sozzled wrote: One thing that really has me struggling to understand what this thread is all about. What is this "specific ID item #" that's being discussed? Could someone please post a screenshot that points to it?
Let me try to explain with no screenshots. Let's suppose I have a module for banners. When I check it into Joomla Module Manager, I don't get to add this module/banners to the mentioned Kunena pages (user editing profile, viewing profile, etc) because there is no way to assign them into the module at the "Menu selection" in the Menu Assignment box. These pages are not listed there (Mainmenu, user-menu, site-menu, top-menu). So, by adding an "specific itemID#" from an Joomla MenuItem#, the mentioned Kunena pages (user editing profile, viewing profile, etc) would get the wished layout and modules used into these MenuItem# lay-outs.
Was it more clear? That is why I have said above:
Do you know what files control these links that I would hack and change this ItemId=0 for the ones I want?
Maybe it would be a new feature in the Kunena admin area, somethink like:
- Type the ID you want to assign to the profile link;
- Type the ID you want to assign to the Edit profile link;
- Type the ID you want to assign to so on...
Kunena 2.0.4 | 2013-01-18 [ Pharmacopoeia ], J!1.5.25, rhuk_milkyway, CB 1.8.1, AUP 1.5.13, UddeIM 2.5 and Akeeba Backup 3.3.9
EsferaDoBem.com.br | iLucato.com.br | BemDoado.com.br
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Where you use the term "ItemID" I would perhaps have used something else. So, if I rephrase your question:
Maybe it would be a new feature in the Kunena admin area, something like:
- Type the URL you want to assign to the profile link;
- Type the URL you want to assign to the Edit profile link;
- Type the URL you want to assign to so on...
Does that make more sense?
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sozzled wrote: Does that make more sense?
Nope, because I don't want to assign an URL to the profile link. As a workaround now a days I want to assign a Menu Item ID# to this "ItemID=0".
So, other way to dev team fix it. Is to make these Kunena pages show selectable into the modules at the "Menu selection" in the Menu Assignment box. As I said before, these pages are not listed there (Mainmenu, user-menu, site-menu, top-menu)
How do you put a bottom banner* 468x60 into the Kunena edit profile page when the Kunena menu isn't created? (option=com_kunena&func=profile&do=edit&Itemid=0)?
It is only able to do with the "Create Menu" (Forum menus created).
(*) some banner module you use such as flexbanner, ArtBannerXTD, SlideShow Pro, ImageRotator, etc
Kunena 2.0.4 | 2013-01-18 [ Pharmacopoeia ], J!1.5.25, rhuk_milkyway, CB 1.8.1, AUP 1.5.13, UddeIM 2.5 and Akeeba Backup 3.3.9
EsferaDoBem.com.br | iLucato.com.br | BemDoado.com.br
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RCheesley wrote: I also have this problem, I've had to use external URL links to create an itemID for each forum section, so that I can apply modules to them - such as banners advertising things relevant to that forum.
The problem with this is, that all the links in the main forum do not pick up on the menu itemID's but instead they use the default one from the main Kunena forum link.
I notice that this feature will be implemented in 1.6 - any plans to bring it into 1.5.x versions?
The reason I ask is because today I had a call from a client who I have this arrangement set up for, as their banner modules have stopped appearing. No matter what I do, I can only get banners module to show on the main forum page - if I set it to show in the "recruitment" section for example, it doesn't show at all. I'm a wee bit confused what has happened because this was working just fine, it's got to either be a forum upgrade or Joomla! upgrade that has stopped this working.
Any suggestions?
Hi Ruth, I'm not sure if what I'm going to say will help, and I don't know how your forum is set but here I go! It is just what I found out today.
1. Have you created Kunena forum tabs from Kunena control panel? Check if you have them in Joomla > Menus > Kunena Menu - Forum - ...;
- IF YES: you can assign or remove your banner module to each Kunena menu (Index | Latest Topics | New Topic...)
- IF NO: your banners won't appear because the Kunena link will show as ...&itemID=0... instead of using the ID of each Kunena menu (E.g. Index (ID=111) | Latest Topics (ID=112) | New Topic (ID=113) | ...). So go to Joomla > Components > Kunena Forum > Configuration - Control Panel - Create Menu. Now you have created the Kunena menu and can assign the modules.
If you don't want to show the tab, I think as workaround you can assign first all the tabs with the wished modules and later unpublish all them.
I hope that helps. ;0)
Kunena 2.0.4 | 2013-01-18 [ Pharmacopoeia ], J!1.5.25, rhuk_milkyway, CB 1.8.1, AUP 1.5.13, UddeIM 2.5 and Akeeba Backup 3.3.9
EsferaDoBem.com.br | iLucato.com.br | BemDoado.com.br
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The site is www.issba.co.uk - you can view the public forums but basically there are lots of members forums, and what I have done is set up the main menu with external URL's linking to the individual forum container. Therefore, they have an ItemID from the menu assignment, and I had banner modules appearing on those forum categories.
I recently updated the forum and now this isn't happening at all. I can get banners to appear on the main forum listing no problem, but not on the containers.
This is a big problem because sponsors are paying to sponsor those forum categories, and their ads haven't been showing since I did the update
Ideally it would be more useful to be able to create menu items for each container by using the Menu Type>Kunena>Forum or something and choosing a specific container rather than have to use the external link route.
The weirdness is that it worked perfectly, and now it doesn't!
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