Search Results (Searched for: spam)

23 May 2010 20:55
Is there a plugin with captcha for community builder? FREEEEEEE!!!!! W the open source!
23 May 2010 19:15 - 23 May 2010 19:22
hey i know how you felt i use to have this same issue all the time until i found this plugin on the joomla extensions site it works with jomsocial, community builder, kunena and normal joomla registration ive not seen a bot on my forum since :D

it works by cross refrencing the ip on registration with sites like and if the ip or email upon registration matches up it will just display registration failed or you can tell the plugin to do custom things.

this is a magnificent piece of work :D
23 May 2010 16:16
I am using a joomla + community builder + kunena combo but i am getting alot of spam posts in the kunena forum. How can i fight this? I get like 10 spam posts every day and deleting them 1 by 1 is really a pain.

Also is it possible to remove all posts from a specific user in just few clicks?

Thank you
21 May 2010 16:23
Replied by C0n on topic how to limit a karma ,
good question im having this same problem :) users spamming the karma i got one member with over 100 karma because he spammed it so much -.- :p
16 May 2010 13:51 - 16 May 2010 16:02
yes, if I set up review posts = yes, then subscriptions don't work and if i set up review = no, then they work.
My community is about 3k-4k big and they all consist of professors and elder researchers. We have always used a listserv and wanted to make a step forward.
I need the feature that everybody is subscribed to a forum and get's notificated, because that is what they use most, their email system. And prior to that: they want it like that.
But if you have this and the posts are not reviewed prior to publishing, then the problem arises, that they also get notificated about spam. so we definately need this function and I am waiting for the promising (and for us to make kunena usable) feature of a category subscription.

Meanwhile I found the error:
In moderate_messages.php:

function jbApprovePosts($kunena_db, $cid) (line 421)

you need to notify all the subscribers in this after it succeeded. Add this code before the return:
//get all subscriptions $emailToList = CKunenaTools::getEMailToList($catid, $querythread, $fbConfig->allowsubscriptions && !$holdPost, false, false, $kunena_my->id); //Now manage the subscriptions (only if subscriptions are allowed) if (count($emailToList)) { jimport ( 'joomla.mail.helper' ); if (! $fbConfig->email || ! JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($fbConfig->email)) { $app->enqueueMessage (_KUNENA_EMAIL_INVALID, 'error' ); } else { $mailsender = JMailHelper::cleanAddress( stripslashes ( $board_title ) . " " . _GEN_FORUM ); $mailsubject = JMailHelper::cleanSubject("[" . stripslashes ( $board_title ) . " " . _GEN_FORUM . "] " . stripslashes ( $messagesubject ) . " (" . stripslashes ( $catName ) . ")"); foreach ( $emailToList as $emailTo ) { if (! $emailTo->email || ! JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($emailTo->email)) continue; if ($emailTo->subscription) { $msg1 = $_COM_A_NOTIFICATION1; $msg2 = $_COM_A_NOTIFICATION2; } else { $msg1 = $_COM_A_NOT_MOD1; $msg2 = $_COM_A_NOT_MOD2; } $msg = "$emailTo->name,\n\n"; $msg .= $msg1 . " " . stripslashes ( $board_title ) . " " . _GEN_FORUM . "\n\n"; $msg .= _GEN_SUBJECT." : " . stripslashes($messagesubject) . "\n"; $msg .= _GEN_FORUM." : " . stripslashes($catName) . "\n"; $msg .= _VIEW_POSTED." : " . stripslashes($fb_authorname) . "\n\n"; $msg .= $msg2 . "\n"; $msg .= "URL: $LastPostUrl\n\n"; if ($fbConfig->mailfull == 1) { $msg .= _GEN_MESSAGE.":\n-----\n"; $msg .= $mailmessage; $msg .= "\n-----"; } $msg .= "\n\n"; $msg .= "$_COM_A_NOTIFICATION3\n"; $msg .= "\n\n\n\n"; $msg .= "** Powered by Kunena! - **"; $msg = JMailHelper::cleanBody($msg); JUtility::sendMail($fbConfig->email, $mailsender, $emailTo->email, $mailsubject, $msg); } } }

maybe it would make sense to create this as a new function somewhere because now you have the same code twice in your program..
16 May 2010 11:57
I am seeing something like this. If a user posts anything with a url tag in it, bang, the Block User is turned on in their Joomla account. Now if that were the case all the time, I am certain something would have gotten reported before this, and quite loudly. That means it is most likely some issue between plugins.

Anyone have a suggestion on what would conflict so badly with Kunena?
14 May 2010 14:08 - 14 May 2010 14:11
Replied by Admata on topic Ban List
I had some spammer problems a few months ago. Not anymore, after I installed Registration Validator plugin. With that you can block e-mails, ip-addresses and certain usernames ;)

While Kunena is Joomla komponent and there are meny thins users want to be developed in forum itself, I understand perfectly that there is no use to start building things that are already available as plugins to Joomla B)

...and I´m just a user myself.
14 May 2010 04:05
Replied by Mick on topic Ban List
Its basic stuff..I moved my forum/website from Zeta to Kunena, on Zeta we had a list of spammers email addy's that we'd added to the ban filters to stop them joining the forum, can we do that here?
14 May 2010 03:44
Replied by sozzled on topic Ban List
There are hundreds of ways to protect your website from spammers. There are even basic mechanisms built into Kunena for the purpose. I was answering your question about "can I ban people based on their email address." If you want to widen the discussion into something else that's different.

What's your question?
14 May 2010 03:26
Replied by Mick on topic Ban List
So there is no real way to protect a Kunena forum from spammers even at a basic level?? Im amazed.
11 May 2010 21:26
Replied by scheffe2804 on topic [gelöst] Umlaute
Nein, ich habs neu installiert.
"Auf einmal" stimmten die Sonderzeichen nicht mehr.
Mir ist klar, dass ich schon was kaputt gemacht haben muss, aber keine Ahnung was :-/

Die Tabellen sind alle utf8_general_ci

Tabelle Aktion Einträge Typ Kollation Größe Überhang
jos_acajoom_lists 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_acajoom_mailings 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_acajoom_queue 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
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jos_acajoom_xonfig 226 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 11,5 KiB -
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jos_comprofiler_field_values 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_comprofiler_lists 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 4,2 KiB 20 Bytes
jos_comprofiler_members 2 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 5,0 KiB -
jos_comprofiler_plugin 17 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 8,0 KiB -
jos_comprofiler_sessions 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_comprofiler_tabs 14 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 11,1 KiB -
jos_comprofiler_userreports 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 4,0 KiB -
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jos_core_acl_aro_groups 11 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 4,5 KiB -
jos_core_acl_aro_map 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_core_acl_aro_sections 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 6,0 KiB -
jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map 42 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 5,5 KiB 616 Bytes
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jos_fb_config 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,7 KiB -
jos_fb_config_backup 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 2,7 KiB -
jos_fb_favorites 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_fb_groups 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 2,0 KiB -
jos_fb_messages 110 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 42,4 KiB -
jos_fb_messages_text 110 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 66,9 KiB -
jos_fb_moderation 64 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 2,9 KiB -
jos_fb_ranks 9 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 2,3 KiB -
jos_fb_sessions 36 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 5,5 KiB -
jos_fb_smileys 36 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,5 KiB -
jos_fb_subscriptions 103 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 8,3 KiB -
jos_fb_users 36 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 7,2 KiB -
jos_fb_version 4 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 2,1 KiB -
jos_fb_whoisonline 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 28,8 KiB 25,6 KiB
jos_googlenewssearch_conf 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,3 KiB -
jos_groups 3 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 2,1 KiB -
jos_hotspots_categorie 2 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 2,1 KiB -
jos_hotspots_marker 11 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,2 KiB -
jos_hotspots_settings 40 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 4,9 KiB -
jos_jevents_categories 2 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 2,0 KiB -
jos_jevents_exception 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_jevents_icsfile 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 4,0 KiB -
jos_jevents_repbyday 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_jevents_repetition 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 10,1 KiB -
jos_jevents_rrule 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,1 KiB -
jos_jevents_vevdetail 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,2 KiB -
jos_jevents_vevent 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 8,7 KiB -
jos_jev_users 2 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,1 KiB -
jos_joomgallery 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 4,3 KiB 116 Bytes
jos_joomgallery_catg 3 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,4 KiB -
jos_joomgallery_comments 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,1 KiB -
jos_joomgallery_config 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 4,0 KiB -
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jos_joomgallery_users 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_joomgallery_votes 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,1 KiB -
jos_jstats_browsers 511 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 26,7 KiB -
jos_jstats_configuration 9 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 5,2 KiB -
jos_jstats_impressions 52,359 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 358,9 KiB -
jos_jstats_ipaddresses 1,355 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 293,2 KiB -
jos_jstats_iptocountry 157 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 8,7 KiB -
jos_jstats_keywords 437 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 15,7 KiB -
jos_jstats_pages 9,839 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 2,2 MiB -
jos_jstats_page_request_c 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_jstats_referrer 260 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 34,3 KiB -
jos_jstats_searchers 91 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 5,2 KiB -
jos_jstats_systems 39 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,3 KiB -
jos_jstats_topleveldomains 274 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 15,7 KiB -
jos_jstats_visits 4,499 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 209,3 KiB -
jos_menu 18 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 8,2 KiB -
jos_menu_types 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,1 KiB -
jos_messages 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_messages_cfg 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
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jos_modules_menu 12 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 2,1 KiB -
jos_newsfeeds 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_noixacl_adapters 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 2,0 KiB -
jos_noixacl_groups_level 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_noixacl_multigroups 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_noixacl_rules 11 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,8 KiB 1,1 KiB
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jos_poll_data 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
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jos_poll_menu 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_redirection 20 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 21,3 KiB 9,1 KiB
jos_sections 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,1 KiB -
jos_session 10 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,2 MiB 1,1 MiB
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jos_sh404SEF_meta 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_stats_agents 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_templates_menu 2 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 5,1 KiB 20 Bytes
jos_uddeim 35 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 26,3 KiB -
jos_uddeim_attachments 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_uddeim_blocks 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_uddeim_config 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_uddeim_emn 18 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,8 KiB -
jos_uddeim_spam 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_uddeim_userlists 2 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 4,1 KiB -
jos_users 42 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 27,8 KiB 4,5 KiB
jos_weblinks 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 3,1 KiB -
jos_xmap 13 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 2,3 KiB -
jos_xmap_ext 21 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 5,4 KiB -
jos_xmap_items 0 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 1,0 KiB -
jos_xmap_sitemap 1 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 2,2 KiB 64 Bytes
122 Tabellen Gesamt 71,438 MyISAM utf8_general_ci 4,9 MiB 1,2 MiB

Gruß chris
10 May 2010 02:55
Replied by genu on topic Does Kunena work with moovur
So how can we handle the spam problem?

Like I've said, its a hassle to manually approve accounts.
08 May 2010 06:53
Our site is having spam issues. We want to give moovur a try, as it supposedly detects spam not only at registration time, but also when information gets sent to the server.

I basically want spam (forum posts/topics) to not even get through.

Would Moovur work? is there any other solution?

Right now, all new accounts are up for approval by the admin, and its kind of aggravating to have to approve each new user. (We use the submitted email to guess whether its real or fake)

We have a captcha during the registration process, but registrations still get through.

The problem is that spam gets posted by these users.
07 May 2010 04:24
Replied by Cerberus on topic Multiple images in post
multiply image upload will not be availible till K1.6 is released, currently its not even possible to do wth K1.5 even with a hack, dispite what the spammer above is claiming.
04 May 2010 19:59
Hi Everyone:

Yesterday morning, my website experienced a spam attack which was aimed at the outgoing email function. A script attached itself to some component or core Joomla file and began to auto generate outgoing spam emails to random addresses which are all bogus. These in turn caused bounces.

One net result is that it caused my primary email address to exceed beyond the 150 outgoing emails per hour limit. As a result, I can no longer send out emails from my account.

I'm attempting to troubleshoot this and need assistance in narrowing down the likely culprits. Kunena seems to be one of them. I'm running version 1.5.8 which, as I recall does have some security vulnerabilities. Is this true? I'm also running Wordpress MU blogging, JNews, DT Register, AEC, Community Builder and some others.

I'd appreciate some help with this. I realize that all non Kunena issues are off topic here but any suggestions would still be appreciated. I have to get to the bottom of this quickly. My main question is: will re-installing a component generally eliminate this issue? If someone has a good source for resolving Joomla spam problems, please also let me know.

Displaying 1606 - 1620 out of 1864 results.
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