Kunena 6.2.6 released

The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.2.6 [K 6.2.6] which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.1 / K 6.2 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.2

If you are having problems then, for your own benefit, it would save us all a lot of time if you would kindly post your configuration report when you ask for help from this forum. If you do not post your configuration report we will not ask you for it but you will probably not get your problem solved, either.

Question After cloning blue_eagle template he still load css from blue_eagle tempalte...

9 years 1 week ago #1 by BamiGorengo
hey there,

for the first sry for my bad english =)

I read the wiki. i change the values in the xml and in the initialize.php
i change it to "class KunenaTemplateDev_Mafuba extends KunenaTemplate"

my initialize.php
<?php /** * Kunena Component * @package Kunena.Template.Blue_Eagle * * @copyright (C) 2008 - 2015 Kunena Team. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.kunena.org **/ defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die(); // LESS COMPILER require_once(__DIR__.'/less/lessc.inc.php'); $less = new lessc; $less->checkedCompile(__DIR__."/less/style.less", __DIR__."/css/style.css"); class KunenaTemplateDev_Mafuba extends KunenaTemplate { // Try to find missing files from the following parent templates: protected $default = array('dev_mafuba'); protected $css_compile = false; protected $userClasses = array( 'kwho-', 'admin'=>'kwho-admin', 'globalmod'=>'kwho-globalmoderator', 'moderator'=>'kwho-moderator', 'user'=>'kwho-user', 'guest'=>'kwho-guest', 'banned'=>'kwho-banned', 'blocked'=>'kwho-blocked' ); public $categoryIcons = array('kreadforum', 'kunreadforum'); public function initialize() { KunenaFactory::loadLanguage('com_kunena.tpl_blue_eagle'); // Enable legacy mode KunenaTemplateLegacy::load(); require_once JPATH_SITE. '/' . $this->getFile('initialize.php'); $this->addStyleSheet ( 'css/kunena.20.css' ); // Toggler language strings JFactory::getDocument()->addScriptDeclaration('// <![CDATA[ var kunena_toggler_close = "'.JText::_('COM_KUNENA_TOGGLER_COLLAPSE', true).'"; var kunena_toggler_open = "'.JText::_('COM_KUNENA_TOGGLER_EXPAND', true).'"; // ]]>'); } public function getButton($link, $name, $scope, $type, $id = null) { $types = array('communication'=>'comm', 'user'=>'user', 'moderation'=>'mod', 'permanent'=>'mod'); $names = array('unsubscribe'=>'subscribe', 'unfavorite'=>'favorite', 'unsticky'=>'sticky', 'unlock'=>'lock', 'create'=>'newtopic', 'quickreply'=>'reply', 'quote'=>'quote', 'edit'=>'edit', 'permdelete'=>'delete', 'flat'=>'layout-flat', 'threaded'=>'layout-threaded', 'indented'=>'layout-indented', 'list'=>'reply'); $text = JText::_("COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_{$scope}_{$name}"); $title = JText::_("COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_{$scope}_{$name}_LONG"); if ($title == "COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_{$scope}_{$name}_LONG") $title = ''; if ($id) $id = 'id="'.$id.'"'; if (isset($types[$type])) $type = $types[$type]; if ($name == 'quickreply') $type .= ' kqreply'; if (isset($names[$name])) $name = $names[$name]; return <<<HTML <a $id class="kicon-button kbutton{$type} btn-left" href="{$link}" rel="nofollow" title="{$title}"> <span class="{$name}"><span>{$text}</span></span> </a> HTML; } public function getIcon($name, $title='') { return '<span class="kicon '.$name.'" title="'.$title.'"></span>'; } public function getImage($image, $alt='') { return '<img src="'.$this->getImagePath($image).'" alt="'.$alt.'" />'; } }
<?php /** * Kunena Component * @package Kunena.Template.Blue_Eagle * * @copyright (C) 2008 - 2015 Kunena Team. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.kunena.org **/ defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die(); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $template = KunenaFactory::getTemplate(); // Template requires Mootools 1.2 framework $template->loadMootools(); // We load mediaxboxadvanced library only if configuration setting allow it //if ( KunenaFactory::getConfig()->lightbox == 1 ) { // $template->addStyleSheet ( 'css/mediaboxAdv.css'); // $template->addScript( 'js/mediaboxAdv.js' ); //} // New Kunena JS for default template $template->addScript ( 'js/default.js' ); // Dev-Mafubas compiled less file $template->addStyleSheet ( 'css/style.css'); $rtl = JFactory::getLanguage()->isRTL(); $skinner = $template->params->get('enableSkinner', 0); if (file_exists ( JPATH_ROOT . "/templates/{$app->getTemplate()}/css/kunena.forum.css" )) { // Load css from Joomla template CKunenaTools::addStyleSheet ( JUri::root(true). "/templates/{$app->getTemplate()}/css/kunena.forum.css" ); if ($skinner && file_exists ( JPATH_ROOT. "/templates/{$app->getTemplate()}/css/kunena.skinner.css" )){ CKunenaTools::addStyleSheet ( JUri::root(true). "/templates/{$app->getTemplate()}/css/kunena.skinner.css" ); } elseif (!$skinner && file_exists ( JPATH_ROOT. "/templates/{$app->getTemplate()}/css/kunena.default.css" )) { CKunenaTools::addStyleSheet ( JUri::root(true). "/templates/{$app->getTemplate()}/css/kunena.default.css" ); } } else { $loadResponsiveCSS = $template->params->get('loadResponsiveCSS', 1); // Load css from default template $template->addStyleSheet ( 'css/kunena.forum.css' ); if ($loadResponsiveCSS) $template->addStyleSheet ( 'css/kunena.responsive.css' ); if ($skinner) { $template->addStyleSheet ( 'css/kunena.skinner.css' ); } else { $template->addStyleSheet ( 'css/kunena.default.css' ); } } $cssurl = JUri::root(true) . '/components/com_kunena/template/dev_mafuba/css'; ?> <!--[if lte IE 7]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $cssurl; ?>/kunena.forum.ie7.css" type="text/css" /> <![endif]--> <?php $mediaurl = JUri::root(true) . "/components/com_kunena/template/{$template->name}/media"; $styles = <<<EOF /* Kunena Custom CSS */ EOF; $forumHeader = $template->params->get('forumHeadercolor', $skinner ? '' : '#5388B4'); if ($forumHeader) { $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena div.kblock > div.kheader,#Kunena .kblock div.kheader { background: {$forumHeader} !important; } #Kunena #ktop { border-color: {$forumHeader}; } #Kunena #ktop span.ktoggler { background: {$forumHeader}; } #Kunena #ktab a:hover, #Kunena #ktab li.Kunena-item-active a { background-color: {$forumHeader}; } #Kunena #ktab ul.menu li.active a { background-color: {$forumHeader}; } #Kunena a:link, #Kunena a:visited, #Kunena a:active {color: {$forumHeader};} #Kunena a:focus {outline: none;} #Kunena a:hover {color: #FF0000;} EOF; } $forumLink = $template->params->get('forumLinkcolor', $skinner ? '' : '#5388B4'); if ($forumLink) { $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena a:link, #Kunena a:visited, #Kunena a:active {color: {$forumLink};} #Kunena a:focus {outline: none;} EOF; } $announcementHeader = $template->params->get('announcementHeadercolor', $skinner ? '' : '#5388B4'); if ($announcementHeader) { $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena div.kannouncement div.kheader { background: {$announcementHeader} !important; } EOF; } $announcementBox = $template->params->get('announcementBoxbgcolor', $skinner ? '' : '#FFFFFF'); if ($announcementBox) { $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena div#kannouncement .kanndesc { background: {$announcementBox}; } EOF; } $frontStatsHeader = $template->params->get('frontstatsHeadercolor', $skinner ? '' : '#5388B4'); if ($frontStatsHeader) { $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena div.kfrontstats div.kheader { background: {$frontStatsHeader} !important; } EOF; } $onlineHeader = $template->params->get('whoisonlineHeadercolor', $skinner ? '' : '#5388B4'); if ($onlineHeader) { $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena div.kwhoisonline div.kheader { background: {$onlineHeader} !important; } EOF; } $inactiveTab = $template->params->get('inactiveTabcolor', $skinner ? '' : '#737373'); if ($inactiveTab) { $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena #ktab a { background-color: {$inactiveTab} !important; } EOF; } $activeTab = $template->params->get('activeTabcolor', $skinner ? '' : '#5388B4'); if ($activeTab) { $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena #ktab ul.menu li.active a,#Kunena #ktab li#current.selected a { background-color: {$activeTab} !important; } EOF; } $hoverTab = $template->params->get('hoverTabcolor', $skinner ? '' : '#5388B4'); if ($hoverTab) { $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena #ktab a:hover { background-color: {$hoverTab} !important; } EOF; } $topBorder = $template->params->get('topBordercolor', $skinner ? '' : '#5388B4'); if ($topBorder) { $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena #ktop { border-color: {$topBorder} !important; } EOF; } $inactiveFont = $template->params->get('inactiveFontcolor', $skinner ? '' : '#FFFFFF'); if ($inactiveFont) { $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena #ktab a span { color: {$inactiveFont} !important; } EOF; } $activeFont = $template->params->get('activeFontcolor', $skinner ? '' : '#FFFFFF'); if ($activeFont) { $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena #ktab #current a span { color: {$activeFont} !important; } EOF; } $toggleButton = $template->params->get('toggleButtoncolor', $skinner ? '' : '#5388B4'); if ($toggleButton) { $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena #ktop span.ktoggler { background-color: {$toggleButton} !important; } EOF; } $profileIcons = $template->getFile("media/iconsets/profile/{$template->params->get('profileIconset', 'default')}/default.png", true); $buttonIcons = $template->getFile("media/iconsets/buttons/{$template->params->get('buttonIconset', 'default')}/default.png", true); $editorIcons = $template->getFile("media/iconsets/editor/{$template->params->get('editorIconset', 'default')}/default.png", true); $styles .= <<<EOF #Kunena .kicon-profile { background-image: url("{$profileIcons}"); } #Kunena .kicon-button { background-image: url("{$buttonIcons}") !important; } #Kunena #kbbcode-toolbar li a,#Kunena #kattachments a { background-image:url("{$editorIcons}"); } /* End of Kunena Custom CSS */ EOF; $document->addStyleDeclaration($styles);

I search and replace all the files from blue_eagle to dev_mafuba...
But Kunena still try to load css files from the blue_eagle template...
how can i fix that? and why he does this?

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