Kunena 6.3.8 Released

The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.8 [K 6.3.8] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.

This category contains miscellaneous, uncategorised user contributions, (templates, modules, plugins and hacks) relating to older versions of Kunena that are no longer supported.

The topics in this category are for historical interest only. Owing to the structural changes that occurred in K 1.7, many of the ideas in these topics will not work with later versions and, for that reason, the topics are locked.

Question Changing "Category Header" and Missing Language Files

12 years 11 months ago #1 by tasteofkush
Hi there,

I actually have two issues I am trying to resolve:

First, I want to change the title "Category Header" as visible in my website forums(attachment 1) to actually reflect what is entered under "Name" or "Category Header" in the Category Manager(attachment 2).

I have read previous posts on this issue and everything states that the issue needs to be addressed in the "language file" (as posted in a previous post: /public_html/administrator/components/com_kunena) which leads me to question 2. Where should these files be located as they are not my directory?

Thanks for your help.

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htaccess: Exists | PHP environment: Max execution time: 30 seconds | Max execution memory: 256M | Max file upload: 64M

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Joomla default template details : rt_tachyon_j16 | author: RocketTheme, LLC | version: 1.6.3 | creationdate: June 14, 2011

Kunena default template details : Blue Eagle (default) | author: Kunena Team | version: 1.7.1 | creationdate: 2011-11-16

Kunena version detailled: Installed version: 1.7.1 | Build: 5162 | Version name: UnderUret | Kunena detailled configuration:

Warning: Spoiler!

Third-party components: Jomsocial 2.4.2

Third-party SEF components: None

Plugins: System - Mootools Upgrade: Disabled | System - Mootools12: Disabled

Modules: None


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12 years 11 months ago #2 by sozzled
The text "Category Header" is changed by modifying your language file. See Where is the language file?

From K 1.7.2, some languages are included in the basic installation kit. This will change in K 2.0 in that only the English language will be included in the basic installation and other translations will need to be installed separated, as you need them. This procedure is explained in K 1.7 Language Support

You are encouraged to upgrade to K 1.7.2 now and then customise any language strings (e.g. "Category Header") after doing that. I hope this information helps.

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12 years 11 months ago #3 by tasteofkush
If we upgrade to 1.7.2 will this alleviate this issue of "Category Header" being listed as the title? We don't want a generic title under "Category Header" but would like to actually designate this title for each section of our forum. (i.e. if we have 3 separate sections - "Announcements", "Feedback", "Welcome" listed under the "General" category - they should all list "General" as the "Category Header", we then have a separate category labeled "States" with "California", "Alaska" and "Arizona", those sections should have a category header of "States").


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12 years 11 months ago #4 by sozzled
"Category Header" (or whatever text you change it to) is a generic title that will be used for all categories. No, there is no way to change this on a category-by-category basis.

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12 years 10 months ago #5 by Mike-XS
Hi :) For some reason the text 'Category Header' is hardcoded into the language file and displays for all forum categories..


This is not very useful. Here's how I fixed it in Kunena 1.7.2 to show the actual forum category name.

Find showcat.php

Look for :
<h2><span><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_FORUM_HEADER'); ?></span></h2>

Replace it with :
<h2><span><?php echo $this->objCatInfo->name; ?></span></h2>

or for improved readability, assign it to a variable in the top of the file:
$category_header = $this->objCatInfo->name;

then echo that out:
<h2><span><?php echo $category_header; ?></span></h2>

Works for me.

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12 years 10 months ago #6 by C0n
Nice lil tweek be good if we could choose custom categorie headers via kunena backend though when we create them.

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