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Kunena 6.3.8 Released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.8 [K 6.3.8] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Solved Cannot find "com_kunena" on my server
I am currently working on a friend's site to customise it and specifically the "profilebox" part on the left side of topics in order to remove the button "more information" and display the informations directly.
I have been trying to find the path "components/com_kunena" as I suppose the file I need to change is there but unfortunately, I cannot find it.
It looks like it's not on the server side and I have also the same issue with "Community Builder", even though images coming from "components/com_comprofiler" are displayed on the site, I cannot find the folder on the server side.
My friend installed Joomla by himself and I am working on it since then. Can it be a configuration problem from the start or would you have an idea what the solution could be ? Or maybe is it something that is not present anymore on new joomla versions ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance for your support.
I am posting the config below.
Thank you and a beautiful day.
Database collation check: The collation of your table fields are correct
Joomla! SEF: Enabled | Joomla! SEF rewrite: Disabled | FTP layer: Disabled |
This message contains confidential informationhtaccess: Exists | PHP environment: Max execution time: 50000 seconds | Max execution memory: -1 | Max file upload:
Kunena menu details:
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ID Name Menutype Link Path In trash 184 Forum kunenamenu view=home&defaultmenu=186 forum No 185 Index kunenamenu view=category&layout=list forum/index No 186 Recent Topics kunenamenu view=topics&mode=replies forum/recent No 187 Unread kunenamenu view=topics&layout=unread forum/unread No 188 New Topic kunenamenu view=topic&layout=create forum/newtopic No 189 No Response kunenamenu view=topics&mode=noreplies forum/noreplies No 190 My Topics kunenamenu view=topics&layout=user&mode=default forum/mylatest No 191 Profile kunenamenu view=user forum/profile No 192 Help kunenamenu view=misc forum/help No 193 Recherche kunenamenu view=search forum/search No 194 Forum mainmenu Itemid=184 kunena-2024-08-09 No
Joomla default template details : g5_myriad | author: RocketTheme, LLC | version: 2.5.0 | creationdate: December 14, 2021
Kunena default template details : Aurelia | author: Kunena Team | version: 6.3.3 | creationdate: 2024-07-16
Kunena template params:
Warning: Spoiler!
DefaultCategoryicon profileIconset default DefaultIconset default editorIconset default bootstrap 1 borderless 1 tooltips 1 SubjectLengthMessage 80 fullactions 1 quick 0 displayMenu 1 displayDropdownMenu 1 displayDropdownContent 1 displayModule 1 displayBreadcrumb 1 displayAnnouncement 1 displayFooter 1 avatarPosition left formRecover 0 labels 0 whoisonlineName default avatarType rounded topicicontype svg fontawesome 0 socialshare 0 socialsharetag socialtheme classic optional_username 0 writeaccess 0 localstorage 0 moduleIdWebauthn 0 IconColor inherit IconColorNew #48a348 editorType ckeditor Bold 1 Italic 1 Underline 1 Strike 1 Subscript 1 Emoticon 1 Superscript 1 RemoveFormat 1 BulletedList 1 NumberedList 1 Blockquote 1 JustifyLeft 1 JustifyCenter 1 JustifyRight 1 JustifyBlock 1 Link_Unlink 1 Image 1 Confidential 1 Hidetext 1 Spoiler 1 Code 1 Ebay 1 X_Social 1 1 Soundcloud 1 FontSize 1 TextColor 1 Maximize 1 Map 1 Video 1 editorButtons nameskinckeditor ckeditorcustomprefixconfigfile avatarSizeX 40 avatarSizeY 90 avatarSizeXThumb 36 avatarSizeYThumb 36 avatarSizeXWelcome 72 avatarSizeYWelcome 72 avatarSizeXList 36 avatarSizeYList 36 avatarSizeXPost 144 avatarSizeYPost 144 avatarSizeXProfile 200 avatarSizeYProfile 200 templatebyText templatebyName templatebyLink
Kunena version detailed: Kunena 6.3.3 | 2024-07-16 [ Git Repository ]
| Kunena detailed configuration:| Kunena integration settings:Warning: Spoiler!
Kunena config settings: boardOffline 0 enableRss 0 threadsPerPage 20 messagesPerPage 6 messagesPerPageSearch 15 showHistory 1 historyLimit 6 showNew 1 disableEmoticons 0 template aurelia showAnnouncement 1 avatarOnCategory 0 showChildCatIcon 1 rteWidth 450 rteHeight 300 enableForumJump 1 reportMsg 1 username 1 askEmail 0 showEmail 0 showUserStats 1 showKarma 0 userEdit 1 userEditTime 0 userEditTimeGrace 600 editMarkup 1 allowSubscriptions 1 subscriptionsChecked 0 allowFavorites 1 maxSig 300 regOnly 1 pubWrite 0 floodProtection 0 mailModerators 0 mailAdministrators 0 captcha 0 mailFull 1 allowAvatarUpload 1 allowAvatarGallery 1 avatarQuality 100 avatarSize 2000 imageHeight 2000 imageWidth 2000 imageSize 1200 fileTypes txt,rtf,pdf,zip,tar.gz,tgz,tar.bz2,mp3,m4a,aac fileSize 7000 showRanking 1 rankImages 1 userlistRows 30 userlistOnline 1 userlistAvatar 1 userlistPosts 1 userlistKarma 0 userlistEmail 0 userlistJoinDate 1 userlistLastVisitDate 1 userlistUserHits 1 latestCategory 0 showStats 0 showWhoIsOnline 0 showGenStats 1 showPopUserStats 1 popUserCount 5 showPopSubjectStats 1 popSubjectCount 5 showSpoilerTag 1 showVideoTag 1 showEbayTag 1 trimLongUrls 1 trimLongUrlsFront 40 trimLongUrlsBack 20 autoEmbedYoutube 1 autoEmbedEbay 1 ebayLanguageCode en-us sessionTimeOut 1800 highlightCode 1 rssType topic rssTimeLimit 1 month rssLimit 100 rssIncludedCategories 0 rssExcludedCategories 0 rssSpecification rss2.0 rssAllowHtml 1 rssAuthorFormat name rssAuthorInTitle 1 rssWordCount 0 rssOldTitles 1 rssCache 900 defaultPage recent defaultSort asc sef 1 showImgForGuest 0 showFileForGuest 0 pollNbOptions 4 pollAllowVoteOne 1 pollEnabled 1 popPollsCount 5 showPopPollStats 1 pollTimeBtVotes 00:15:00 pollNbVotesByUser 100 pollResultsUserslist 1 allowUserEditPoll 0 maxPersonalText 50 orderingSystem mesid postDateFormat datetime postDateFormatHover datetime hideIp 1 imageTypes jpg,jpeg,gif,png checkMimeTypes 1 imageMimeTypes image/jpeg,image/jpg,image/gif,image/png imageQuality 100 thumbHeight 1000 thumbWidth 1000 hideUserProfileInfo put_empty boxGhostMessage 0 userDeleteMessage 0 latestCategoryIn 1 topicIcons 1 debug 0 catsAutoSubscribed 0 showBannedReason 0 showThankYou 1 showPopThankYouStats 1 popThanksCount 5 modSeeDeleted 0 bbcodeImgSecure link listCatShowModerators 1 lightbox 1 showListTime 720 showSessionType 2 showSessionStartTime 1800 userlistAllowed 0 userlistCountUsers 1 enableThreadedLayouts 0 categorySubscriptions post topicSubscriptions every pubProfile 0 thankYouMax 200 emailRecipientCount 0 emailRecipientPrivacy bcc captchaPostLimit 0 imageUpload registered fileUpload registered topicLayout flat timeToCreatePage 1 showImgFilesManageProfile 1 holdNewUsersPosts 0 holdGuestPosts 1 attachmentLimit 10 pickupCategory 0 articleDisplay intro sendEmails 0 fallbackEnglish 1 cache 1 cacheTime 60 ipTracking 1 rssFeedBurnerUrl autoLink 1 accessComponent 1 statsLinkAllowed 0 superAdminUserlist 0 attachmentProtection 1 categoryIcons 1 avatarCrop 0 userReport 1 searchTime all teaser 0 ebayLanguage 0 ebayCertId allowChangeSubject 1 maxLinks 15 readOnly 0 ratingEnabled 0 urlSubjectTopic 0 logModeration 0 attachStart 0 attachEnd 14 attachmentUtf8 1 autoEmbedSoundcloud 1 emailHeader media/kunena/email/hero-wide.png userStatus 1 signature 1 personal 1 social 1 plainEmail 0 moderatorPermDelete 0 avatarTypes gif,jpeg,jpg,png smartLinking 0 defaultAvatar nophoto.png defaultAvatarSmall s_nophoto.png quickReply 0 avatarEdit 0 activeMenuItem mainMenuId homeId indexId moderatorsId topicListId miscId profileId searchId custom_id avatarType 1 sefRedirect 1 allowEditPoll 1 useSystemEmails 0 autoEmbedInstagram 1 disableRe 1 email_sender_name Forum du Centre Holistique display_filename_attachment 0 new_users_prevent_post_url_images 0 minimal_user_posts_add_url_image 10 utmSource 0 emailHeaderSizeY 560 emailHeaderSizeX 560 moderator_id profiler 0 pickup_category privateMessage 0 datePickerFormat mm/dd/yyyy sendMailUserBanned 0 mailBodyUserBanned | Joomla! detailed language files installed:Warning: Spoiler!Kunena - Finder Disabled
Kunena - AltaUserPoints Disabled
Kunena - Community Builder Enabled: access=1 login=1 activity=1 avatar=1 profile=1 private=1
Kunena - Easyblog Disabled
Kunena - Easyprofile Disabled
Kunena - Easysocial Disabled
Kunena - Gravatar Disabled
Kunena - JomSocial Disabled
Kunena - Joomla Enabled: access=1 login=1
Kunena - Kunena Enabled: avatar=1 profile=1
Kunena - UddeIm Disabled
Warning: Spoiler!
Joomla! languages installed: en-GB English (United Kingdom) fr-FR French (fr-FR)
Third-party components: CommunityBuilder 2.9.2+build.2024.
Third-party SEF components: None
Plugins: None
Modules: None
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Where are you looking for the files? They should be there in the site's rootfolder otherwise the site can't work.I have been trying to find the path "components/com_kunena" as I suppose the file I need to change is there but unfortunately, I cannot find it.
But you could eventually make the required changes with css also
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Oh thank you so much for your very fast answer and help, it is very kind of you and I appreciate it very much !
The code you shared works perfectly and is simpler than the way I was about to do it, thanks.
For the "com_kunena" component parts, this is what I also thought and it is why it seemed stranged to me that I don't find it but it is certainly a matter of finding where to search.
I went to "/components/" and "/administrator/components" and tried to search the folder other ways but I didn't find it at the moment.
I am going to keep searching until I find it because I also need to find the "community builder" component for something else and in the meantime, I thank you again and wish you to have a bright and peaceful day.
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So, it's all good and working perfectly now !
Thank you.
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