Kunena 6.3.7 Released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.7 [K 6.3.7] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Solved Fehlermeldung nach der Registrierung
Eine Fehlermeldung die mir aufgefallen ist, wenn ich einen User frei schalten möchte:
Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
0 plgSystemKunena::onUserAfterSave(): Argument #4 ($msg) must be of type string, null given, called in
Diese Fehlermeldung tritt in beiden fällen auf, wen n ich den User genehmigen oder frei schalten will.
Database collation check: The collation of your table fields are correct
Joomla! SEF: Enabled | Joomla! SEF rewrite: Disabled | FTP layer: Disabled |
This message contains confidential informationhtaccess: Missing | PHP environment: Max execution time: 180 seconds | Max execution memory: 512M | Max file upload:
Kunena menu details:
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ID Name Menutype Link Path In trash 157 Forum kunenamenu view=home&defaultmenu=159 forum No 158 Index kunenamenu view=category&layout=list forum/index-en-gb No 159 Aktuell kunenamenu view=topics&mode=replies forum/aktuell-en-gb No 160 Ungelesen kunenamenu view=topics&layout=unread forum/ungelesen-en-gb No 161 Neues Thema kunenamenu view=topic&layout=create forum/neuesthema-en-gb No 162 Ohne Antwort kunenamenu view=topics&mode=noreplies forum/ohneantwort-en-gb No 163 Meine Themen kunenamenu view=topics&layout=user&mode=default forum/meinethemen-en-gb No 164 Profil kunenamenu view=user forum/profil-en-gb No 165 Hilfe kunenamenu view=misc forum/hilfe-en-gb No 166 Suche kunenamenu view=search forum/suche-en-gb No 167 Forum mainmenu Itemid=157 kunena-2021-09-14 No 193 aktuelle Beiträge im Forum kunenamenu view=topics&layout=posts aktuelle-beitraege-im-forum Yes 198 meine Themen 1special-menu view=topics&layout=user meine-themen No 196 Forum Nachrichten 1special-menu view=topics&layout=posts forum-nachrichten Yes 197 Forum neuste Nachrichten 1special-menu view=topics&layout=posts forum-nachrichten/forum-neuste-nachrichten Yes 199 Forum Nachrichten und Arbeiten 1special-menu view=topics forum-nachrichten-und-arbeiten Yes 200 Benutzer 1special-menu view=user&layout=list benutzer No 303 News 1special-menu view=topics news No 321 Aktuelle Beiträge kunenamenu view=topics&layout=posts aktuelle-beitraege No
Joomla default template details : cassiopeia | author: Joomla! Project | version: 1.0 | creationdate: February 2017
Kunena default template details : Aurelia | author: Kunena Team | version: 6.0.0-BETA3 | creationdate: 2021-09-13
Kunena template params:
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DefaultCategoryicon profileIconset default DefaultIconset default editorIconset default borderless 1 tooltips 1 SubjectLengthMessage 80 fullactions 1 quick 0 displayMenu 1 displayDropdownMenu 1 displayDropdownContent 1 displayModule 1 displayBreadcrumb 1 displayAnnouncement 1 displayFooter 1 avatarPosition left formRecover 0 labels 0 whoisonlineName default avatarType rounded topicicontype B5 bootstrap5icons 0 fontawesome 0 icons 0 socialshare 0 socialsharetag socialtheme classic optional_username 0 writeaccess 0 localstorage 0 IconColor inherit IconColorNew #48a348 Bold 1 Italic 1 Underline 1 Strike 1 Subscript 1 Superscript 1 RemoveFormat 1 BulletedList 1 NumberedList 1 Blockquote 1 JustifyLeft 1 JustifyCenter 1 JustifyRight 1 JustifyBlock 1 Link_Unlink 1 Image 1 Smiley 1 Confidential 1 Hidetext 1 Spoiler 1 Code 1 Ebay 1 1 1 Soundcloud 1 FontSize 1 TextColor 1 Maximize 1 Map 1 Video 1 editorButtons nameskinckeditor ckeditorcustomprefixconfigfile avatarSizeX 40 avatarSizeY 90 avatarSizeXThumb 36 avatarSizeYThumb 36 avatarSizeXWelcome 72 avatarSizeYWelcome 72 avatarSizeXList 36 avatarSizeYList 36 avatarSizeXPost 144 avatarSizeYPost 144 avatarSizeXProfile 200 avatarSizeYProfile 200 templatebyText templatebyName templatebyLink
Kunena version detailed: Kunena | 2022-06-16 [ Git Repository ]
| Kunena detailed configuration:| Kunena integration settings:Warning: Spoiler!
Kunena config settings: boardOffline 0 enableRss 1 threadsPerPage 20 messagesPerPage 6 messagesPerPageSearch 15 showHistory 1 historyLimit 6 showNew 1 disableEmoticons 0 template aurelia showAnnouncement 1 avatarOnCategory 0 showChildCatIcon 1 rteWidth 450 rteHeight 300 enableForumJump 1 reportMsg 1 username 1 askEmail 0 showEmail 0 showUserStats 1 showKarma 1 userEdit 1 userEditTime 0 userEditTimeGrace 600 editMarkup 1 allowSubscriptions 1 subscriptionsChecked 1 allowFavorites 1 maxSig 300 regOnly 0 pubWrite 0 floodProtection 0 mailModerators 0 mailAdministrators 0 captcha 0 mailFull 1 allowAvatarUpload 1 allowAvatarGallery 1 avatarQuality 75 avatarSize 2048 imageHeight 800 imageWidth 800 imageSize 150 fileTypes txt,rtf,pdf,zip,tar.gz,tgz,tar.bz2 fileSize 120 showRanking 1 rankImages 1 userlistRows 30 userlistOnline 1 userlistAvatar 1 userlistPosts 1 userlistKarma 1 userlistEmail 0 userlistJoinDate 1 userlistLastVisitDate 1 userlistUserHits 1 latestCategory 0 showStats 1 showWhoIsOnline 1 showGenStats 1 showPopUserStats 1 popUserCount 5 showPopSubjectStats 1 popSubjectCount 5 showSpoilerTag 1 showVideoTag 1 showEbayTag 1 trimLongUrls 1 trimLongUrlsFront 40 trimLongUrlsBack 20 autoEmbedYoutube 1 autoEmbedEbay 1 ebayLanguageCode en-us sessionTimeOut 1800 highlightCode 0 rssType topic rssTimeLimit month rssLimit 100 rssIncludedCategories rssExcludedCategories rssSpecification rss2.0 rssAllowHtml 1 rssAuthorFormat name rssAuthorInTitle 1 rssWordCount 0 rssOldTitles 1 rssCache 900 defaultPage recent defaultSort asc sef 1 showImgForGuest 1 showFileForGuest 1 pollNbOptions 4 pollAllowVoteOne 1 pollEnabled 1 popPollsCount 5 showPopPollStats 1 pollTimeBtVotes 00:15:00 pollNbVotesByUser 100 pollResultsUserslist 1 allowUserEditPoll 0 maxPersonalText 50 orderingSystem mesid postDateFormat ago postDateFormatHover datetime hideIp 1 imageTypes jpg,jpeg,gif,png checkMimeTypes 1 imageMimeTypes image/jpeg,image/jpg,image/gif,image/png imageQuality 50 thumbHeight 32 thumbWidth 32 hideUserProfileInfo put_empty boxGhostMessage 0 userDeleteMessage 0 latestCategoryIn 1 topicIcons 1 debug 0 catsAutoSubscribed 0 showBannedReason 0 showThankYou 1 showPopThankYouStats 1 popThanksCount 5 modSeeDeleted 0 bbcodeImgSecure text listCatShowModerators 1 lightbox 1 showListTime 8760 showSessionType 2 showSessionStartTime 1800 userlistAllowed 1 userlistCountUsers 1 enableThreadedLayouts 0 categorySubscriptions post topicSubscriptions every pubProfile 1 thankYouMax 10 emailRecipientCount 0 emailRecipientPrivacy bcc captchaPostLimit 0 imageUpload registered fileUpload registered topicLayout flat timeToCreatePage 1 showImgFilesManageProfile 1 holdNewUsersPosts 0 holdGuestPosts 0 attachmentLimit 8 pickupCategory 0 articleDisplay intro sendEmails 1 fallbackEnglish 1 cache 1 cacheTime 60 ipTracking 1 rssFeedBurnerUrl autoLink 1 accessComponent 1 statsLinkAllowed 1 superAdminUserlist 0 legacyUrls 0 attachmentProtection 0 categoryIcons 1 avatarCrop 0 userReport 1 searchTime 365 teaser 0 ebayLanguage 0 allowChangeSubject 1 maxLinks 6 readOnly 0 ratingEnabled 0 urlSubjectTopic 0 logModeration 0 attachStart 0 attachEnd 14 attachmentUtf8 1 autoEmbedSoundcloud 1 emailHeader userStatus 1 signature 1 personal 1 social 1 plainEmail 0 moderatorPermDelete 0 avatarTypes gif, jpeg, jpg, png smartLinking 0 defaultAvatar nophoto.png defaultAvatarSmall s_nophoto.png quickReply 1 avatarEdit 0 activeMenuItem mainMenuId homeId indexId moderatorsId topicListId miscId profileId searchId custom_id avatarType 1 sefRedirect 1 allowEditPoll 1 useSystemEmails 0 autoEmbedInstagram 1 disableRe 0 email_sender_name Systeminfo display_filename_attachment 0 new_users_prevent_post_url_images 0 minimal_user_posts_add_url_image 10 utmSource 0 emailHeadersizey 560 emailHeadersizex 560 moderator_id profiler 0 pickup_category | Joomla! detailed language files installed:Warning: Spoiler!Kunena - Finder Disabled
Kunena - AltaUserPoints Disabled
Kunena - Community Builder Disabled
Kunena - Easyblog Enabled: avatar=1 profile=1
Kunena - Easyprofile Enabled: avatar=1 guestavatar=easyprofile profile=1 userlist=1
Kunena - Easysocial Disabled
Kunena - Gravatar Disabled
Kunena - JomSocial Disabled
Kunena - Joomla Enabled: access=1 login=1
Kunena - Kunena Enabled: avatar=1 profile=1
Warning: Spoiler!
Joomla! languages installed: en-GB English (United Kingdom) de-DE German (Germany)
Third-party components: None
Third-party SEF components: None
Plugins: None
Modules: Kunena Latest 6.0.0-BETA2
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Eine Kunena Version von heute (16.6.) gibt es nicht und Aurelia wird bei dir noch als Beta Version angezeigt.
Important! Always create a backup before you make any changes to your website!
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Zum teil immer wieder erweitert, zusammen gestellt, da ich auf die neue Kunena-Latest Version von Kunena warte. Ich kann diese mir immer noch nicht im Backend anzeigen lassen:-) Ich denke mal das es daher kommen könnte.
Demnach muss ich wohl Kunena neu instalieren? Möchtest Du Dir das System mal ansehen?
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Meinst du mit Kunena-Latest die Erweiterung? Da gibt es vorläufig nur die Beta Version.Zum teil immer wieder erweitert, zusammen gestellt, da ich auf die neue Kunena-Latest Version von Kunena warte.
Lade dir die neueste Kunena Version runter und installiere diese einfach drüber. Es wurden etliche Fehler behoben, vielleicht verschwindet auch deiner.
Nachtrag: Erstelle vorher eine Sicherung deiner Webseite.
Important! Always create a backup before you make any changes to your website!
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dankeschön, habe ich gemacht, der Fehler danach ist der selbe:
Zurück zum Dashboard0 plgSystemKunena::onUserAfterSave(): Argument #4 ($msg) must be of type string, null given, called in /var/............./httpdocs/libraries/src/Plugin/CMSPlugin.php on line 285
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Das sollte eine exaktere Fehlermeldung ergeben. Diese kannst du dann hier posten.
Important! Always create a backup before you make any changes to your website!
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Danke für Deine Mühe.
Derselbe Fehler wie oben, nur kommt das noch dazu:Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
Call stack#FunctionLocation1()JROOT/plugins/system/kunena/kunena.php:1282plgSystemKunena->onUserAfterSave()JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/CMSPlugin.php:2853Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure}()JROOT/libraries/vendor/joomla/event/src/Dispatcher.php:4864Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch()JROOT/libraries/src/Application/EventAware.php:1115Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication->triggerEvent()JROOT/administrator/components/com_users/src/Model/UserModel.php:5316Joomla\Component\Users\Administrator\Model\UserModel->block()JROOT/administrator/components/com_users/src/Controller/UsersController.php:1027Joomla\Component\Users\Administrator\Controller\UsersController->changeBlock()JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:7358Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute()JROOT/libraries/src/Dispatcher/ComponentDispatcher.php:1469Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\ComponentDispatcher->dispatch()JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:38910Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent()JROOT/libraries/src/Application/AdministratorApplication.php:14311Joomla\CMS\Application\AdministratorApplication->dispatch()JROOT/libraries/src/Application/AdministratorApplication.php:18612Joomla\CMS\Application\AdministratorApplication->doExecute()JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:27813Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute()JROOT/administrator/includes/app.php:6314require_once()JROOT/administrator/index.php:320 plgSystemKunena::onUserAfterSave(): Argument #4 ($msg) must be of type string, null given, called in /............./httpdocs/libraries/src/Plugin/CMSPlugin.php on line 285
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Navigiere bitte zu den beiden Dateien und teile mir bitte mit, wie viele Zeilen diese jeweils enthalten:
Important! Always create a backup before you make any changes to your website!
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Ich werde aus deiner kompletten Installation nicht schlau. In der Fehlermeldung werden Zeilen angezeigt, die es nicht geben dürfte.
Navigiere bitte zu den beiden Dateien und teile mir bitte mit, wie viele Zeilen diese jeweils enthalten:
- 58 Zeilen
- 363 Zeilen
Lg. Andreas
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Important! Always create a backup before you make any changes to your website!
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