Kunena 6.3.8 Released

The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.8 [K 6.3.8] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.

This category contains miscellaneous, uncategorised user contributions, (templates, modules, plugins and hacks) relating to older versions of Kunena that are no longer supported.

This category may also contain a few topics relating to K 1.6 that may have been moved here possibly by mistake.

The topics in this category are for historical interest only. Owing to the structural differences between K 1.6 and K 1.7, these ideas in these topics will not work with later versions and, for that reason, the topics are locked.

Question JoniJnm Edition 1.4.2

15 years 11 months ago - 14 years 5 months ago #1 by JoniJnm
Changelog en español

# -> Fixed bug
+ -> Added
^ -> Changed/Improved
- -> Removed
! -> Note

Kunena JoniJnm Edition
Version: 1.4.2 Beta
Date: 2010-05-09
Base: Kunena 1.5.12 + svn (rev 2321)
Languages: English and Spanish. Have you translated the plugins to your language? Let us know to add it

---- V1.4.2 Beta ----

Date: 2010-05-09

^ Base: Kunena 1.5.12 + svn (rev 2321)
^ Improved API
# Fixed Bugs
! Delete Plugin loginbox

---- V1.4.1 ----

Date: 2010-01-11

# Fixed some bugs

---- V1.4 RC4 ----

Date: 2009-12-30

^ Base: Kunena 1.5.8
^ A lot of changes on the API
^ New installation way ( image1 , image2 , image3 )

---- V1.3.16 ----

Date: 2009-11-21

+ New plugin: bbcodehtml
+ New plugin: relative posts (by guerrila )
^ Base: Kunena 1.5.7 stable
^ Improved frameset plugin: added frameset demo
^ Upgrade hackpoll plugin to v0.1.8.3
^ Changed jomsocial_rule.xml file (please, do a "rule scan" in jomsocial)

---- V1.3.15 RC3 ----

Date: 2009-11-09

^ Improved API
^ Improved vote plugin: show stars in recent posts, subcategories and mylatest
^ Improved jomsocial plugin: edit user bar (obtained by user points)

---- V1.3.15 RC2 ----

Date: 2009-10-31

^ Base: Kunena 1.5.7 RC3 + svn (rev 1175)
^ Improved frameset plugin: posibilidad de no cambiar la url para registrados
^ Improved metakeys plugin: show tags in post and obtain a better description
# Fixed frameset plugin bug
! Changed all JDocumentHTML::countModules() by count(JModuleHelper::getModules()) (to prevent "class JDocumentHTML doesn't exists")

---- V1.3.15 RC ----

Date: 2009-10-27

+ New plugin: metakeys
+ New plugin: login_inline (by @quila )
+ New position: kunena_msg_left_%n
^ Base: Kunena 1.5.7 RC2

---- V1.3.14 ----

Date: 2009-10-22

# Important bug fixed in the API (can't load plugin's params)

---- V1.3.13 ----

Date: 2009-10-21

^ Improved API
# Fixed vote plugin bug
# Fixed selectcategorie plugin bug
# Fixed geshi integration bug
# Fixed hackpoll integration bug

---- V1.3.12 ----

Date: 2009-10-06

+ New plugin: frameset
+ New class: Kunena_images
^ Base: Kunena 1.5.6
^ Improved Api
# Fixed plugin vote bug
- Deleted searcher plugin

---- V1.3.11 ----

Date: 2009-09-15

^ If the category has no messages will display its subcategories
^ The number of messages in a category will be hers and that of its subcategories (use the plugin optimize to recount)
^ Improved API
^ Upgrade hackpoll plugin to v0.1.8.1
# Fixed avatar display in the category list
# Fixed bug in the plugin optimize

---- V1.3.10 ----

Date: 2009-08-23

^ Base: Kunena 1.5.5
^ Improved jomsocial plugin (please, rule scans)
^ Improved api
^ New bbcode: {html}
^ New position: kunena_top
^ Improved show file's size
^ New template: the_solid_blue (by kenlapz.org/ )
! Removed plugin shoutbox

---- V1.3.9 ----

Date: 2009-07-12

^ Added jomsocial activity to thanks plugin
^ Added jomsocial userpoints to vote plugin
^ Added jomsocial userpoints to thanks plugin
^ Improved kunena.debug.php (now, it shows mysql errors )
^ Improved JoniJnm API
# Fixed error while moving a post

---- V1.3.8 ----

Date: 2009-07-11

+ New template default_rtx (by NinjaSMS )
+ New plugin: jomsocial userpoints (By bwilhelm )
+ New plugin: jomsocial integration
^ Base: Kunena 1.5.4
^ Show user avatar in listcat
^ Upgrade hackpoll plugin to v0.1.7.1

---- V1.3.7 ----

Date: 2009-06-27

# Fixed hackpoll plugin (thanks abraxas9083)
# Fixed vote plugin (thanks gonzaunit)

---- V1.3.6 ----

Date: 2009-06-24

+ New plugin hackpoll (by xillibit )
^ Added statistics (thanks plugin)
^ Added statistics (vote plugin)
^ Added option: minimun of message for "thanks"
^ Added option: minimun of message for "vote"
^ Improved API

---- V1.3.5 ----

Date: 2009-06-16

^ Base: Kunena 1.5.3

---- V1.3.4 ----

Date: 2009-06-13

# Fixed bugs on api
# Fixed bugs on shoutbox plugin (thanks 810!)
# Fixed bugs on thanks plugin (thanks 810!)
# Fixed bugs on vote plugin (thanks 810!)

---- V1.3.3 ----

Date: 2009-06-11

+ New Plugin shadowbox by guerilla
^ Improved JoniJnm_API
^ Improved vote plugin
^ Improved thanks plugin
^ Improved optimize plugin
^ Improved selectcategorie plugin
# Fix bug kn_mb_substr (thanks thalcave!)

---- V1.3.1 ----

Date: 2009-05-24

+ New API for Plugins
^ Base: Kunena 1.0.10
! Rewrite all plugins for use the API
# Some bugs fixed

---- V1.2.13 ----

Date: 2009-05-04

+ New Login Box plugin (You need com_loginbox )
^ Improved links to community builder
^ Improved bbcode {hide}
# Fixed captcha bug
# Fixed kunena.bbcode bug (email postform)
# Fixed bug in kunena.config.class.php

---- V1.2.12 ----

Date: 2009-04-11

+ New english's icons by peas
+ Translate peas's icons to spanish
+ New images by moof
+ New images by kenlapz
+ Suports gravatar (fase 1)
^ Improved spanish language | thanks lakentu!
^ Improved plugin optimize
^ fixed error descripcion jonijnm's plugins

---- V1.2.11 ----

Date: 2009-04-04

+ Guest users can use the button "New topic" (select categorie plugin)
+ Add a space after "Re:" (when reply a post)
+ New plugin "Shoutbox"
+ All plugin are in Kunena Configuration, for turn on or turn off easily
+ New position module: kunena_msg_in_%n
^ Improved code's div (en geshi)
^ Improved images's divs
^ Component's base: Kunena 1.0.9
# Fixed fatal error in the plugin "Select categorie"

---- V1.2.10 ----

Date: Fecha: 2009-02-21

+ Added button "New topic" in kunena top
^ BBcode buttons
^ Forumtools's text in one line
^ Component's base: Kunena 1.0.8
^ Update language's files
# Fixed bug: $fbconfig is not array
# Fixed bugs in plugin optimize

---- V1.2.9 ----

Date: 2009-10-02

+ To change categorie when post a new thread
^ Edited forum.css
^ English language
# Fixed bugs in plugin vote
# Fixed bugs in plugin thanks

---- V1.2.8 ----

Date: 2009-08-02

+ Plugins Thanks
^ Change title's color (was camouflaged with the page)
! The images wont be resized, will be moved with scroll
- Choose orden messages

Date: 2009-07-02
+ Spanish language (kunena.spanish.php)
+ Spanish images
+ Plugin Optimize
+ Plugin Vote
# Include language in administration (admin.kunena.php - Linea 34)
^ Page's title (fb_pathway.php - Linea 161)
^ Plugin chili to geshi
^ Lost session when send a message (post.php)
! Moved default_ex to default
- Templates default_red, default_green y default_gray
Last edit: 14 years 5 months ago by fxstein. Reason: Updated thread title
The following user(s) said Thank You: sathish
The topic has been locked.
15 years 11 months ago #2 by Matias
Do you want to have some of your changes merged into Kunena itself? If you do, join our development team.
The topic has been locked.
15 years 11 months ago #3 by JoniJnm
Of course :P

I hope my English is not a difficulty to communicate. I'm writting a wiki with all changes that I do. I will translate it to english, but I just started with mediawiki and I have to learn how to use it.

A important bug, you should fix it:
The topic has been locked.
15 years 11 months ago #4 by Matias
That bug has already been fixed as I don't use English in my sites.

Please join our team:

Once you are in our development team you can make your fixes directly to our code base. No need for merging your changes to every new version..
The topic has been locked.
15 years 11 months ago #5 by JoniJnm
Joined, does the team want the plugins too? Or only bug fixed?

The topic has been locked.
15 years 11 months ago #6 by johnnydement
you could check the pending tasks we have, and pick one, I will give you access to the track list ;), see you in skype ;)
The topic has been locked.
15 years 11 months ago #7 by Matias
We would like to see what you have to offer. It's always better to work together than alone.

Let's not flood this forum with the details. :)
The topic has been locked.
15 years 11 months ago - 15 years 11 months ago #8 by abraxas9083
JoniJnm wrote:


# -> Fixed bug
+ -> Added
^ -> Changed/Improved
- -> Removed
! -> Note

Kunena JoniJnm Edition
Version: 1.2.8
Base: Kunena 1.0.7b


+ Plugins Thanks
^ Change title's color (was camouflaged with the page)
! The images wont be resized, will be moved with scroll
- Choose orden messages

+ Spanish language (kunena.spanish.php)
+ Spanish images
+ Plugin Optimize
+ Plugin Vote
# Include language in administration (admin.kunena.php - Linea 34)
^ Page's title (fb_pathway.php - Linea 161)
^ Plugin chili to geshi
^ Lost session when send a message (post.php)
! Moved default_ex to default
- Templates default_red, default_green y default_gray


# -> Bug arreglado
+ -> Añadido
^ -> Modificado/Mejorado
- -> Elimiado
! -> Nota

Kunena JoniJnm Edition
Versión: 1.2.8
Base: Kunena 1.0.7b


+ Plugins Gracias
^ Cambiado el color "herramientas del foro" (Se camuflaba con el fondo)
! Desactivado máximo píxeles de las imágenes, se moveran con scroll (kunena.parser.php)
- Elegir timo de orden en los mensajes

+ Idioma español (kunena.spanish.php)
+ Counjunto de imágenes en español
+ Plugin optimizar
+ Plugin Votar
# Incluir idioma en la administración (admin.kunena.php - Linea 34)
^ Title de la página (fb_pathway.php - Linea 161)
^ Plugin chili por geshi
^ Perdida de sesión al enviar un mensaje (post.php)
! Movido carpeta default_ex a default
- Plantillas default_red, default_green y default_gray

Docs: (spanish) www.jonijnm.es/wiki/index.php?title=Kunena_JoniJnm_Edition
Demo: www.jonijnm.es/foro.html
Download: www.jonijnm.es/descargar/cat_view/63-kunena.html

Jonin, tengo problemas con el gracias, despues de darlo no se queda guardado y la votacion cada vez que paso el mouse encima de el para votar se rompen las imagenes.
Que crees que pueda ser,me da la impresion de que podria ser algun conflicto con el sistema de URLs amigables de joomla 1.5
Last edit: 15 years 11 months ago by abraxas9083.
The topic has been locked.
15 years 11 months ago - 15 years 11 months ago #9 by JoniJnm
Puedes decirme tu web para que pueda verlo con firebug?

Comprueba que tienes las tabas #__fb_gracias_m, #__fb_gracias_u, #__fb_votar_m, #__fb_votar_u si no las tienes créalas. Si no sabes como comprobarlo o crearlas, avisa
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jos_fb_gracias_m` ( `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment, `msgid` int(255) NOT NULL, `usuarios` tinytext, UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jos_fb_gracias_u` ( `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment, `usuario` tinytext NOT NULL, `recibidas` int(255) NOT NULL default '1', `dadas` int(255) NOT NULL default '1', `mensajes` tinytext NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jos_fb_votar_m` ( `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment, `puntos` int(255) NOT NULL, `votos` int(255) NOT NULL, `thread` int(255) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jos_fb_votar_u` ( `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment, `usuario` tinytext NOT NULL, `threads` tinytext NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`));
Last edit: 15 years 11 months ago by JoniJnm.
The topic has been locked.
15 years 11 months ago #10 by abraxas9083
muchas gracias por tu ayuda, efectivamente no se como comprobarlo o crearlas.
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