Kunena 6.3.8 Released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.8 [K 6.3.8] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
This category may also contain a few topics relating to K 1.6 that may have been moved here possibly by mistake.
The topics in this category are for historical interest only. Owing to the structural differences between K 1.6 and K 1.7, these ideas in these topics will not work with later versions and, for that reason, the topics are locked.
Question Hack for display the birthday in frontend of kunena
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so I edited that file to include at the end
COM_KUNENA_MYBIRTHDAY_SOURCE_DESC="Source of data to get birthdate"
now for the front end file, I navigated to
but with this one I have no idea where to start looking for the file to edit?
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so now I get
Number of users which have a birthday today: No birthdays to display Users which have a birthday today: No birthdays to display
however before changing all these files, I changed the birthday date of my test account today, the birthday date is stored under the forum tab for community builder and Kunena is set to go there for profile. Is this why the birthday isnt being displayed?
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I don't provide support by PM, because this can be useful for someone else.
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