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- Thank you received: 0
Kunena 6.3.7 Released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.7 [K 6.3.7] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Bug Categories Capacity? - Unable to have unique user groups for 92+ categories
I have created 145 categories for my Kunena forum and I need to set a unique user group to each of them. I've added 145 user groups via the ArtofUser 1.1.1 component and they are ready to be assigned to the 145 forum categories.
However, when I attempt to apply the user group to its forum category in category manager (as the minimum public access level) I cannot apply any more past the 91st user group. When I attampt to apply the 92nd user group (or higher), it will not allow and applies the 91st user group as default.
Is there a capacity to this? Any ideas on a workaround?
Please help. Thanks!!
Screengrabs attached and Here is my config report [below]:
Database collation check: The collation of your table fields are correct
Legacy mode: Disabled | Joomla! SEF: Disabled | Joomla! SEF rewrite: Disabled | FTP layer: Disabled |
This message contains confidential informationhtaccess: Missing | PHP environment: Max execution time: 120 seconds | Max execution memory: 128M | Max file upload: 200M
Joomla default template details : ja_purity | author: JoomlArt.com | version: 1.2.0 | creationdate: 12/26/07
Kunena default template details : Example Template | author: Kunena Team | version: 1.6.3 | creationdate: 2011-01-31
Kunena version detailled: Installed version: 1.6.3 | Build: 4344 | Version name: Parlare | Kunena detailled configuration:
Warning: Spoiler![th]Kunena config settings:[/th]
board_title DIARY FORUM board_offline 0 board_ofset 0.00 offline_message <h2>The Forum is currently offline for maintenance.</h2>
<div>Check back soon!</div>enablerss 1 enablepdf 1 threads_per_page 100 messages_per_page 50 messages_per_page_search 100 showhistory 1 historylimit 6 shownew 1 jmambot 1 disemoticons 0 template example showannouncement 1 avataroncat 1 catimagepath category_images/ showchildcaticon 1 annmodid 62 rtewidth 450 rteheight 200 enableforumjump 1 reportmsg 1 username 1 askemail 0 showemail 0 showuserstats 1 showkarma 1 useredit 1 useredittime 0 useredittimegrace 600 editmarkup 1 allowsubscriptions 1 subscriptionschecked 1 allowfavorites 1 maxsubject 50 maxsig 300 regonly 1 changename 0 pubwrite 0 floodprotection 0 mailmod 0 mailadmin 0 captcha 0 mailfull 1 allowavatar 1 allowavatarupload 1 allowavatargallery 1 avatarquality 65 avatarsize 5000 allowimageupload 0 allowimageregupload 1 imageheight 800 imagewidth 800 imagesize 400 allowfileupload 0 allowfileregupload 1 filetypes txt,rtf,pdf,zip,tar.gz,tgz,tar.bz2 filesize 500 showranking 1 rankimages 1 avatar_src fb fb_profile fb pm_component no userlist_rows 30 userlist_online 1 userlist_avatar 1 userlist_name 1 userlist_username 1 userlist_posts 1 userlist_karma 1 userlist_email 0 userlist_usertype 0 userlist_joindate 1 userlist_lastvisitdate 1 userlist_userhits 1 latestcategory 0 showstats 1 showwhoisonline 1 showgenstats 1 showpopuserstats 1 popusercount 5 showpopsubjectstats 1 popsubjectcount 5 usernamechange 0 rules_infb 1 rules_cid 1 help_infb 1 help_cid 1 showspoilertag 1 showvideotag 1 showebaytag 1 trimlongurls 1 trimlongurlsfront 40 trimlongurlsback 20 autoembedyoutube 1 autoembedebay 1 ebaylanguagecode en-us fbsessiontimeout 1800 highlightcode 0 rss_type post rss_timelimit month rss_limit 100 rss_included_categories rss_excluded_categories rss_specification rss2.0 rss_allow_html 1 rss_author_format name rss_author_in_title 1 rss_word_count 0 rss_old_titles 1 rss_cache 900 fbdefaultpage recent default_sort asc alphauserpointsnumchars 0 sef 0 sefcats 0 sefutf8 0 showimgforguest 1 showfileforguest 1 pollnboptions 4 pollallowvoteone 1 pollenabled 1 poppollscount 5 showpoppollstats 1 polltimebtvotes 00:15:00 pollnbvotesbyuser 100 pollresultsuserslist 1 maxpersotext 50 ordering_system replyid post_dateformat ago post_dateformat_hover datetime hide_ip 1 js_actstr_integration 0 imagetypes jpg,jpeg,gif,png checkmimetypes 1 imagemimetypes image/jpeg,image/jpg,image/gif,image/png imagequality 50 thumbheight 50 thumbwidth 50 hideuserprofileinfo put_empty integration_access auto integration_login auto integration_avatar auto integration_profile auto integration_private auto integration_activity auto boxghostmessage 0 userdeletetmessage 0 latestcategory_in 1 topicicons 1 onlineusers 1 debug 0 catsautosubscribed 0 showbannedreason 0 version_check 1 showthankyou 1 showpopthankyoustats 1 popthankscount 5 mod_see_deleted 0 bbcode_img_secure text listcat_show_moderators 1 lightbox 1 activity_limit 0 show_list_time 720 show_session_type 0 show_session_starttime 0 userlist_allowed 0
Third-party components: AlphaUserPoints: Disabled or not installed | CommunityBuilder: Disabled or not installed | Jomsocial: Disabled or not installed | UddeIm: Disabled or not installed
Third-party SEF components: sh404sef: Disabled or not installed | ARTIO JoomSEF: Disabled or not installed | AceSEF: Disabled or not installed
Plugins: System - Mootools12: Disabled | System - Mootools Upgrade: Enabled | JFirePHP: Disabled or not installed | Kunena Discuss: Disabled or not installed | Kunena Search: Disabled or not installed | My Kunena Forum Menu: Disabled or not installed | My Kunena Forum Posts: Disabled or not installed
Modules: Kunena Latest: Disabled or not installed | Kunena Stats: Disabled or not installed | Kunena Login: Disabled or not installed
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K 1.6.3 is not supported. The Example template is not supported (use the Blue Eagle template). J! 1.5.20 is not supported and not recommended for Kunena - please use J! 1.5.23+ - J! 1.5.26 is recommended.
Please upgrade to K 1.7.2 and read the release notes about access control levels.
Blue Eagle vs. Crypsis reference guide
Read my blog and
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