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Kunena 6.3.7 Released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.7 [K 6.3.7] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Solved [Resolved] Kunena all broken links - caused by using mod_superfishmenu
Configuration (before get broken)
Database collation check: The collation of your table fields are correct
Kunena menu details:Legacy mode: Disabled | Joomla! SEF: Enabled | Joomla! SEF rewrite: Enabled | FTP layer: Disabled |
This message contains confidential informationhtaccess: Exists | PHP environment: Max execution time: 120 seconds | Max execution memory: 128M | Max file upload: 16M
ID | Name | Alias | Menutype | Link | ParentID |
202 | Forum | forum | kunenamenu | index.php?option=com_kunena&view=entrypage&defaultmenu=204 | 0 |
203 | Inicio | index | kunenamenu | index.php?option=com_kunena&view=listcat&catid=0 | 202 |
204 | Recientes | recent | kunenamenu | index.php?option=com_kunena&view=latest&do=latest | 202 |
205 | Nuevos temas | newtopic | kunenamenu | index.php?option=com_kunena&view=post&do=new&catid=0 | 202 |
206 | Sin respuesta | noreplies | kunenamenu | index.php?option=com_kunena&view=latest&do=noreplies | 202 |
207 | Mis dudas | mylatest | kunenamenu | index.php?option=com_kunena&view=latest&do=mylatest | 202 |
208 | Tu perfil | profile | kunenamenu | index.php?option=com_kunena&view=profile | 202 |
209 | Reglas del Foro | rules | kunenamenu | index.php?option=com_kunena&view=rules&do=rules | 202 |
210 | Ayuda | help | kunenamenu | index.php?option=com_kunena&view=help&do=help | 202 |
211 | Buscar | search | kunenamenu | index.php?option=com_kunena&view=search | 202 |
Joomla default template details : rhuk_milkyway | author: Andy Miller | version: 1.0.2 | creationdate: 11/20/06
Kunena default template details : Blue Eagle (default) | author: Kunena Team | version: 1.7.2 | creationdate: 2012-01-31
Kunena version detailled: Installed version: 1.7.2 | Build: 5215 | Version name: Omega | Kunena detailled configuration:
Warning: Spoiler![th]Kunena config settings:[/th]
board_offline 0 board_ofset 0.00 enablerss 1 enablepdf 0 threads_per_page 20 messages_per_page 6 messages_per_page_search 15 showhistory 1 historylimit 6 shownew 1 jmambot 0 disemoticons 0 template default showannouncement 1 avataroncat 1 catimagepath category_images/ showchildcaticon 1 annmodid 62 rtewidth 450 rteheight 300 enableforumjump 1 reportmsg 1 username 1 askemail 0 showemail 0 showuserstats 1 showkarma 1 useredit 1 useredittime 0 useredittimegrace 600 editmarkup 1 allowsubscriptions 1 subscriptionschecked 1 allowfavorites 1 maxsubject 150 maxsig 300 regonly 0 changename 0 pubwrite 0 floodprotection 0 mailmod 0 mailadmin 0 captcha 1 mailfull 1 allowavatar 1 allowavatarupload 1 allowavatargallery 1 avatarquality 65 avatarsize 45 allowimageupload 0 allowimageregupload 0 imageheight 300 imagewidth 300 imagesize 150 allowfileupload 0 allowfileregupload 0 filetypes txt,rtf,pdf,zip,tar.gz,tgz,tar.bz2 filesize 120 showranking 1 rankimages 1 avatar_src fb fb_profile fb pm_component no userlist_rows 30 userlist_online 1 userlist_avatar 1 userlist_name 1 userlist_username 1 userlist_posts 1 userlist_karma 1 userlist_email 0 userlist_usertype 0 userlist_joindate 1 userlist_lastvisitdate 1 userlist_userhits 1 latestcategory 0 showstats 1 showwhoisonline 1 showgenstats 1 showpopuserstats 1 popusercount 5 showpopsubjectstats 1 popsubjectcount 5 usernamechange 0 rules_infb 1 rules_cid 262 help_infb 1 help_cid 263 showspoilertag 1 showvideotag 1 showebaytag 1 trimlongurls 1 trimlongurlsfront 40 trimlongurlsback 20 autoembedyoutube 1 autoembedebay 1 ebaylanguagecode en-us fbsessiontimeout 1800 highlightcode 0 rss_type topic rss_timelimit month rss_limit 100 rss_included_categories rss_excluded_categories rss_specification rss2.0 rss_allow_html 1 rss_author_format name rss_author_in_title 1 rss_word_count 0 rss_old_titles 1 rss_cache 900 fbdefaultpage recent default_sort asc alphauserpointsnumchars 0 sef 1 sefcats 0 sefutf8 0 showimgforguest 1 showfileforguest 0 pollnboptions 4 pollallowvoteone 1 pollenabled 1 poppollscount 5 showpoppollstats 1 polltimebtvotes 00:15:00 pollnbvotesbyuser 100 pollresultsuserslist 1 maxpersotext 50 ordering_system mesid post_dateformat ago post_dateformat_hover datetime hide_ip 1 js_actstr_integration 0 imagetypes jpg,jpeg,gif,png checkmimetypes 1 imagemimetypes image/jpeg,image/jpg,image/gif,image/png imagequality 50 thumbheight 32 thumbwidth 32 hideuserprofileinfo put_empty integration_access auto integration_login auto integration_avatar auto integration_profile auto integration_private auto integration_activity auto boxghostmessage 0 userdeletetmessage 0 latestcategory_in 1 topicicons 1 onlineusers 1 debug 0 catsautosubscribed 0 showbannedreason 0 version_check 1 showthankyou 1 showpopthankyoustats 1 popthankscount 5 mod_see_deleted 0 bbcode_img_secure text listcat_show_moderators 1 lightbox 1 activity_limit 0 show_list_time 720 show_session_type 0 show_session_starttime 0 userlist_allowed 1 userlist_count_users 1 enable_threaded_layouts 0 category_subscriptions post topic_subscriptions every pubprofile 0 thankyou_max 10 email_recipient_count 0 email_recipient_privacy bcc email_visible_address captcha_post_limit 1
Third-party components: None
Third-party SEF components: None
Plugins: System - Mootools Upgrade: Disabled | System - Mootools12: Disabled | Kunena Discuss 1.7.2
Modules: None
I have no configuration when broken, but should be the same because i didn't change anything.
The first problem i found was this:
www.mywebsite.com/forum (error 404)
But if i use:
www.mywebsite.com/forum/index.html (Works)
Anyway, if i try to enter to any category of the forum or any topic i just obtain http 404 everywhere.
How i'm trying to solve it
I made a "diff" between the two databases (the good one, that is working at this moment) and the broken one.
I don't know what to look exactly, but there's certain differences like this:
INSERT INTO `jos_content_frontpage` VALUES (55,99),(76,98),(78,100),(114,93),(77,101),(144,86),(105,95),(104,96),(51,102),(148,85),(107,94),(117,92),(118,91),(93,97),(159,83),(123,90),(127,89),(161,82),(130,88),(132,87),(155,84),(166,81),(170,80),(172,78),(56,79),(174,77),(175,76),(176,74),(120,75),(180,73),(48,72),(183,71),(185,70),(186,69),(189,68),(190,66),(163,67),(191,65),(192,64),(196,63),(198,62),(199,61),(146,60),(201,59),(204,58),(209,57),(210,56),(211,55),(213,54),(214,53),(216,52),(218,51),(219,50),(220,49),(66,48),(49,47),(149,46),(226,37),(62,45),(73,44),(75,43),(143,42),(221,41),(241,28),(223,26),(224,40),(225,39),(156,38),(228,36),(229,35),(230,34),(231,33),(233,32),(234,31),(235,30),(237,29),(240,23),(239,25),(245,24),(242,27),(238,22),(244,19),(236,21),(246,20),(247,18),(248,17),(249,16),(250,15),(251,14),(252,13),(253,12),(258,11),(259,10),(261,,(260,9),(264,7),(265,6),(267,5),(269,3),(268,4),(272,2),(274,1);
INSERT INTO `jos_content_frontpage` VALUES (55,98),(76,97),(78,99),(114,92),(77,100),(144,85),(105,94),(104,95),(51,101),(148,84),(107,93),(117,91),(118,90),(93,96),(159,82),(123,89),(127,88),(161,81),(130,87),(132,86),(155,83),(166,80),(170,79),(172,77),(56,78),(174,76),(175,75),(176,73),(120,74),(180,72),(48,71),(183,70),(185,69),(186,68),(189,67),(190,65),(163,66),(191,64),(192,63),(196,62),(198,61),(199,60),(146,59),(201,58),(204,57),(209,56),(210,55),(211,54),(213,53),(214,52),(216,51),(218,50),(219,49),(220,48),(66,47),(49,46),(149,45),(226,36),(62,44),(73,43),(75,42),(143,41),(221,40),(241,27),(223,25),(224,39),(225,38),(156,37),(228,35),(229,34),(230,33),(231,32),(233,31),(234,30),(235,29),(237,28),(240,22),(239,24),(245,23),(242,26),(238,21),(244,18),(236,20),(246,19),(247,17),(248,16),(249,15),(250,14),(251,13),(252,12),(253,11),(258,10),(259,9),(261,7),(260,,(264,6),(265,5),(267,4),(269,2),(268,3),(272,1);
I see other changes, but would be helpfull to know what i'd should look for.
I don't know why it started to happen, the last i can remember is i've changed my top-menu items of Joomla.
Thanks in advance.
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This is the problem:mod_superfishmenu
I'm using a new module for the menu and everything seems ok
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