Kunena 6.3.6 Released - Security release
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.6 [K 6.3.6] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Solved How to modify the EDIT button in My Profile
The Edit button is not very obvious and I'd like to change it's size and colour.
I'd like it to be a bit larger and WHITE, if possible.. maybe GREEN when clicked.
I think the colour can be tweaked via the template but that's a difficult (for me) exercise for some reason, I can't figure out the field descriptions very well. :blink:
Thanks again..
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Joomla default template details : ShipShapeRC_6_20 | author: Mike Fields | version: 1.0 | creationdate: Unknown
Kunena default template details : Blue Eagle 2.0 | author: Kunena Team | version: 3.0.0 | creationdate: 2013-05-15
Kunena version detailed: Kunena 3.0.0 | 2013-05-15 [ Wanga ]
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Oh for a neat solution...
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To find it, simply search it with the search tool of the editor you're using, it will bring you directly to that part. (minified CSS files are not easy to read)
Once you found it, just add/edit the properties you want.
You'll probably have something like this:
Just add what you want, like this:
If you want to edit the style when the cursor is on it, it's the next declaration in code:
And finally, if you want to set style when clicked, you need to add a new declaration, because it doesn't already exists. It is very similar to the other two. It uses the pseudo-class "focus" which is very similar to "hover" so you have to add something like:
Here I set the background to a very light blue when clicked.
Open Source is a bit like Communism with charm of Maryline.
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That WAS a bit hairy, for me, all those acres of code, tight packed..
Although I now have a larger font that is great, it is still red, which is also Ok, but it doesn't have the "hover" effect.
I'm sure I have misread your instructions so here is the string from the original code plus what I have appended.
I expect I have added too much somewhere. :pinch:
#Kunena h2 span.kheadbtn a{font-size:11px!important;line-height:23px;border:1px solid;padding-top:1px;padding-bottom:3px;padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px}#Kunena h2 span.kheadbtn:hover a{text-decoration:none;border:1px solid}#Kunena h2 span.kheadbtn a{color:#fff;font-size:15px!important;line-height:23px;border:1px solid;padding:1px 3px 3px;}#Kunena h2 span.kheadbtn:hover a{text-decoration:none;border:1px solid;}#Kunena h2 span.kheadbtn:focus a{background:#76d8fb;}
Here's the current look.. Clicking on Edit does go to the edit window and Edit turns to Back.
If you could correct my error/s I would be able to paste in place of what I have.
Still, it's pretty well what I was looking for, and others will be able to see.
Oh for a neat solution...
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this is not correct
it should be
#Kunena h2 span.kheadbtn a:hover
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I really appreciate the help
Oh for a neat solution...
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I was testing a new "registered" user in his Profile and noticed that the Edit button was a indistinct EDIT , where as using the above code it was red.
I checked the css file again and it seemed to correct with fff as the font colour, but changing it to anything else had no apparent affect on the EDIT colour.
Turns out that when I log myself in as Admin I see it as red, login in as a registered user and its this darkish green.
I do know that when logged in my "rank" is shown in red, as is my online listing ..
Seems there is a connection to this somehow.
How can I get the EDIT in PROFILE to appear RED to all registered users, as well as Admins.? Guests do not have access to profiles.
Oh for a neat solution...
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Perhaps the difference is due to using a different web browser or accessing your site from a different PC? Perhaps the difference is that the browser you were using in these different cases has a different cached version of the CSS? Perhaps forcing the browser to load a new version of the CSS files will resolve the problem. Have you tried clearing and reloading your browser cache?
Blue Eagle vs. Crypsis reference guide
Read my blog and
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I understand what you are saying but I can only report what I see and how I do it.
Several members have confirmed that they all see the blue/green EDIT, not the red. One tested it on his Mac. They are located throughout the world.
I've also found that changing the colour code kheadbtn a{color:#fff; (in the css file does not appear to change the button. I cannot even guess as to why.
Can you suggest what else I might check?
This is the path to the template I checked
Oh for a neat solution...
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Does this really matter? Maybe you are loading different site templates based on who is logging in? I don't know; the possibilities are enormous. The only point that I want to make is simply this:
If you want to change any colours [to the Kunena template (obviously)] and make them stick and hold fast, then change the colours by adding extra rules to the end of your Joomla site template CSS file. IF you start messing around with ../components/com_kunena/template/blue_eagle/css/kunena.forum-min.css then, in my opinion, I think you are making an error of judgement. Yes, you can change ../components/com_kunena/template/blue_eagle/css/kunena.forum-min.css and yes, it is possible for things to still work after making those changes but the more likely outcome is that you will break things apart.
Therefore, in conclusion, the only sure way that we can get to the bottom of this mystery is to view the site in exactly the same way as other users of your community view the site. In order to do that we would need access to accounts on yours site that permit us to see the "Edit" link. Last, but not least, we need to make time to do this when it's convenient.
We do not have this issue here at www.kunena.org .
Blue Eagle vs. Crypsis reference guide
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I can assure you I don't change anything without backing up the file first, and so far only as directed in this topic. . Before I do anything outside of Control Panel I back up the site. The site uses just the default template, I wouldn't know where to get any others, nor have any need to.
There are only 2 levels of forum access, Admin and Registered. Control over what is viewable is purely the options for categories in Control Panel. Both see all categories, Guests see about 60%.
Is it worth it? Probably not since it is only a minor nuisance and can be covered by a mention in FAQ which all new members are directed to.
I'd be happy to supply the two logins you need but as you say, it's all time and you no doubt have better things to do with your time since it is of a very minor nature..
I just thought it was worth mentioning.
Oh for a neat solution...
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