The Kunena team is thrilled to announce the final release of Kunena 5.2.14, a security release and native Joomla extension for Joomla 3.10. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 5.2 and issues discovered during the last development stages.
You need Joomla 3.10 to run Kunena 5.2.14, the minimal requirement for Php has been increased to 7.0.4. Kunena 5.2.1 can runs too with Php 8.0.
For users of template Blue eagle5, please update to release of Blue eagle5 v1.6.7 or more recent before updating Kunena to 5.2.14. This template isn't designed to works with Bootstrap 4 and 5, please stay with default Boostrap version from Joomla!.
What's different?
Upgrading to K 5.2.14 involves changes that may affect Kunena's interoperability with other extensions installed on your site. For this reason it is advisable that you first test K 5.2 on a test site before you upgrade your live production site(s). At this stage the team is not treating interoperability with other Joomla extensions as the topmost priority. The main priority at this time is about installation/upgrade and operability as a standalone Joomla component.
Main changes in K5.2.14 :
See full changelog here:
Download K5.2.14 here:
Thanks to Greg to have reported the security issue
Any donations are needed for future support.