Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.001: Executed Successfully 20: SET @@SESSION.sql_mode='ALLOW_INVALID_DATES' Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.009: Executed Successfully 22: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uog.get_alias Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.002: Executed Successfully 25: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uog.get_alias(str varchar(256)) RETURNS varchar(256) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE alias varchar(256); SET alias = REPLACE(REPLACE(LCASE(REPLACE(CONVERT(TRIM(str) USING ascii), '?', '')),' ','-'), '&','and'); RETURN alias; END; Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.026: Executed Successfully 44: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uog.HTML_UnEncode Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.005: Executed Successfully 45: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uog.HTML_UnEncode(x text) RETURNS text CHARSET utf8 BEGIN DECLARE TextString text; SET TextString = x ; #quotation mark IF INSTR( x , '"' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '"','"') ; END IF ; #period IF INSTR( x , '.' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '.','.') ; END IF ; #colon IF INSTR( x , ':' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, ':',':') ; END IF ; #apostrophe IF INSTR( x , ''' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, ''','"') ; END IF ; #ampersand IF INSTR( x , '&' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&','&') ; END IF ; #less-than IF INSTR( x , '<' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '<','<') ; END IF ; #greater-than IF INSTR( x , '>' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '>','>') ; END IF ; #non-breaking space IF INSTR( x , ' ' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, ' ',' ') ; END IF ; #inverted exclamation mark IF INSTR( x , '¡' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¡','¡') ; END IF ; #cent IF INSTR( x , '¢' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¢','¢') ; END IF ; #pound IF INSTR( x , '£' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '£','£') ; END IF ; #currency IF INSTR( x , '¤' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¤','¤') ; END IF ; #yen IF INSTR( x , '¥' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¥','¥') ; END IF ; #broken vertical bar IF INSTR( x , '¦' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¦','¦') ; END IF ; #section IF INSTR( x , '§' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '§','§') ; END IF ; #spacing diaeresis IF INSTR( x , '¨' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¨','¨') ; END IF ; #copyright IF INSTR( x , '©' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '©','©') ; END IF ; #feminine ordinal indicator IF INSTR( x , 'ª' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ª','ª') ; END IF ; #angle quotation mark (left) IF INSTR( x , '«' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '«','«') ; END IF ; #negation IF INSTR( x , '¬' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¬','¬') ; END IF ; #soft hyphen IF INSTR( x , '­' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '­','­') ; END IF ; #registered trademark IF INSTR( x , '®' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '®','®') ; END IF ; #spacing macron IF INSTR( x , '¯' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¯','¯') ; END IF ; #degree IF INSTR( x , '°' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '°','°') ; END IF ; #plus-or-minus IF INSTR( x , '±' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '±','±') ; END IF ; #superscript 2 IF INSTR( x , '²' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '²','²') ; END IF ; #superscript 3 IF INSTR( x , '³' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '³','³') ; END IF ; #spacing acute IF INSTR( x , '´' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '´','´') ; END IF ; #micro IF INSTR( x , 'µ' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'µ','µ') ; END IF ; #paragraph IF INSTR( x , '¶' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¶','¶') ; END IF ; #middle dot IF INSTR( x , '·' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '·','·') ; END IF ; #spacing cedilla IF INSTR( x , '¸' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¸','¸') ; END IF ; #superscript 1 IF INSTR( x , '¹' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¹','¹') ; END IF ; #masculine ordinal indicator IF INSTR( x , 'º' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'º','º') ; END IF ; #angle quotation mark (right) IF INSTR( x , '»' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '»','»') ; END IF ; #fraction 1/4 IF INSTR( x , '¼' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¼','¼') ; END IF ; #fraction 1/2 IF INSTR( x , '½' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '½','½') ; END IF ; #fraction 3/4 IF INSTR( x , '¾' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¾','¾') ; END IF ; #inverted question mark IF INSTR( x , '¿' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '¿','¿') ; END IF ; #multiplication IF INSTR( x , '×' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '×','×') ; END IF ; #division IF INSTR( x , '÷' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '÷','÷') ; END IF ; #capital a, grave accent IF INSTR( x , 'À' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'À','À') ; END IF ; #capital a, acute accent IF INSTR( x , 'Á' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Á','Á') ; END IF ; #capital a, circumflex accent IF INSTR( x , 'Â' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Â','Â') ; END IF ; #capital a, tilde IF INSTR( x , 'Ã' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ã','Ã') ; END IF ; #capital a, umlaut mark IF INSTR( x , 'Ä' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ä','Ä') ; END IF ; #capital a, ring IF INSTR( x , 'Å' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Å','Å') ; END IF ; #capital ae IF INSTR( x , 'Æ' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Æ','Æ') ; END IF ; #capital c, cedilla IF INSTR( x , 'Ç' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ç','Ç') ; END IF ; #capital e, grave accent IF INSTR( x , 'È' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'È','È') ; END IF ; #capital e, acute accent IF INSTR( x , 'É' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'É','É') ; END IF ; #capital e, circumflex accent IF INSTR( x , 'Ê' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ê','Ê') ; END IF ; #capital e, umlaut mark IF INSTR( x , 'Ë' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ë','Ë') ; END IF ; #capital i, grave accent IF INSTR( x , 'Ì' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ì','Ì') ; END IF ; #capital i, acute accent IF INSTR( x , 'Í' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Í','Í') ; END IF ; #capital i, circumflex accent IF INSTR( x , 'Î' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Î','Î') ; END IF ; #capital i, umlaut mark IF INSTR( x , 'Ï' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ï','Ï') ; END IF ; #capital eth, Icelandic IF INSTR( x , 'Ð' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ð','Ð') ; END IF ; #capital n, tilde IF INSTR( x , 'Ñ' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ñ','Ñ') ; END IF ; #capital o, grave accent IF INSTR( x , 'Ò' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ò','Ò') ; END IF ; #capital o, acute accent IF INSTR( x , 'Ó' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ó','Ó') ; END IF ; #capital o, circumflex accent IF INSTR( x , 'Ô' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ô','Ô') ; END IF ; #capital o, tilde IF INSTR( x , 'Õ' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Õ','Õ') ; END IF ; #capital o, umlaut mark IF INSTR( x , 'Ö' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ö','Ö') ; END IF ; #capital o, slash IF INSTR( x , 'Ø' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ø','Ø') ; END IF ; #capital u, grave accent IF INSTR( x , 'Ù' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ù','Ù') ; END IF ; #capital u, acute accent IF INSTR( x , 'Ú' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ú','Ú') ; END IF ; #capital u, circumflex accent IF INSTR( x , 'Û' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Û','Û') ; END IF ; #capital u, umlaut mark IF INSTR( x , 'Ü' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ü','Ü') ; END IF ; #capital y, acute accent IF INSTR( x , 'Ý' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Ý','Ý') ; END IF ; #capital THORN, Icelandic IF INSTR( x , 'Þ' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'Þ','Þ') ; END IF ; #small sharp s, German IF INSTR( x , 'ß' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ß','ß') ; END IF ; #small a, grave accent IF INSTR( x , 'à' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'à','à') ; END IF ; #small a, acute accent IF INSTR( x , 'á' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'á','á') ; END IF ; #small a, circumflex accent IF INSTR( x , 'â' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'â','â') ; END IF ; #small a, tilde IF INSTR( x , 'ã' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ã','ã') ; END IF ; #small a, umlaut mark IF INSTR( x , 'ä' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ä','ä') ; END IF ; #small a, ring IF INSTR( x , 'å' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'å','å') ; END IF ; #small ae IF INSTR( x , 'æ' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'æ','æ') ; END IF ; #small c, cedilla IF INSTR( x , 'ç' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ç','ç') ; END IF ; #small e, grave accent IF INSTR( x , 'è' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'è','è') ; END IF ; #small e, acute accent IF INSTR( x , 'é' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'é','é') ; END IF ; #small e, circumflex accent IF INSTR( x , 'ê' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ê','ê') ; END IF ; #small e, umlaut mark IF INSTR( x , 'ë' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ë','ë') ; END IF ; #small i, grave accent IF INSTR( x , 'ì' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ì','ì') ; END IF ; #small i, acute accent IF INSTR( x , 'í' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'í','í') ; END IF ; #small i, circumflex accent IF INSTR( x , 'î' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'î','î') ; END IF ; #small i, umlaut mark IF INSTR( x , 'ï' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ï','ï') ; END IF ; #small eth, Icelandic IF INSTR( x , 'ð' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ð','ð') ; END IF ; #small n, tilde IF INSTR( x , 'ñ' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ñ','ñ') ; END IF ; #small o, grave accent IF INSTR( x , 'ò' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ò','ò') ; END IF ; #small o, acute accent IF INSTR( x , 'ó' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ó','ó') ; END IF ; #small o, circumflex accent IF INSTR( x , 'ô' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ô','ô') ; END IF ; #small o, tilde IF INSTR( x , 'õ' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'õ','õ') ; END IF ; #small o, umlaut mark IF INSTR( x , 'ö' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ö','ö') ; END IF ; #small o, slash IF INSTR( x , 'ø' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ø','ø') ; END IF ; #small u, grave accent IF INSTR( x , 'ù' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ù','ù') ; END IF ; #small u, acute accent IF INSTR( x , 'ú' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ú','ú') ; END IF ; #small u, circumflex accent IF INSTR( x , 'û' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'û','û') ; END IF ; #small u, umlaut mark IF INSTR( x , 'ü' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ü','ü') ; END IF ; #small y, acute accent IF INSTR( x , 'ý' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ý','ý') ; END IF ; #small thorn, Icelandic IF INSTR( x , 'þ' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'þ','þ') ; END IF ; #small y, umlaut mark IF INSTR( x , 'ÿ' ) THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, 'ÿ','ÿ') ; END IF ; RETURN TextString ; END Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.072: Executed Successfully 576: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uog.get_forum_alias Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.002: Executed Successfully 579: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uog.get_forum_alias(id int) RETURNS text DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE alias text; DECLARE p_id int; SELECT lnigrouse_uog.get_alias(lnigrouse_uog.HTML_UnEncode(forum_name)), parent_id INTO alias, p_id FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_forums WHERE forum_id = id; IF(p_id <> 0) THEN SELECT concat(alias, '-', lnigrouse_uog.get_alias(lnigrouse_uog.HTML_UnEncode(forum_name))) INTO alias FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_forums WHERE forum_id = p_id; END IF; RETURN alias; END; Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.007: Executed Successfully 611: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uog.get_message_by_post_id Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.002: Executed Successfully 614: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uog.get_message_by_post_id(id int) RETURNS mediumtext DETERMINISTIC BEGIN RETURN ( SELECT lnigrouse_uog.fix_tags(post_text) FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts WHERE post_id = id ); END; Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.006: Executed Successfully 628: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uog.get_user_name Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.001: Executed Successfully 631: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uog.get_user_name(id int) RETURNS varchar(255) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN RETURN ( SELECT username FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_users WHERE user_id = id ); END; Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1305: FUNCTION lnigrouse_uog.parse_phpbb3_date does not exist Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.002: Executed Successfully 647: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uog.parse_phpbb3_date Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.005: Executed Successfully 650: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uog.get_hits Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.001: Executed Successfully 653: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uog.get_hits(id int) RETURNS int DETERMINISTIC BEGIN RETURN ( SELECT topic_views FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_topics WHERE topic_id = id ); END; Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.006: Executed Successfully 667: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uog.get_first_post_id Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.001: Executed Successfully 670: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uog.get_first_post_id(topicid int) RETURNS int DETERMINISTIC BEGIN RETURN ( SELECT topic_first_post_id FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_topics WHERE topic_id = topicid AND topic_moved_id = 0 ); END; Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.006: Executed Successfully 687: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uog.fix_url Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.000: Executed Successfully 690: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uog.fix_url(message text) RETURNS text DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE str text; set str = message; set str = replace(str, '', ']'); set str = replace(str, '', '[/url]'); RETURN str; END; Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.008: Executed Successfully 707: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uog.fix_tag Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.002: Executed Successfully 710: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uog.fix_tag(message text, tag_name varchar(20)) RETURNS text DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE str text; DECLARE pos int; DECLARE tag_pos int; DECLARE pattern text; DECLARE post_id text; SET str = lnigrouse_uog.HTML_UnEncode(message); SET tag_pos = INSTR(str, CONCAT('[', tag_name)); SET pos = LOCATE(']', str, tag_pos); SET pattern = SUBSTRING(str, tag_pos + LENGTH(tag_name) + 1, pos - tag_pos - LENGTH(tag_name) - 1); SET pattern = SUBSTRING(pattern, INSTR(pattern, ':'), LENGTH(pattern) - INSTR(pattern, ':') + 1); SET str = REPLACE(str, pattern, ''); IF(tag_name = 'quote' AND str LIKE '%"%') THEN SET tag_pos = INSTR(str, CONCAT('[', tag_name)); SET pos = LOCATE(']', str, tag_pos); SET pattern = SUBSTRING(str, tag_pos + LENGTH(tag_name) + 1, pos - tag_pos - LENGTH(tag_name) - 1); SET pattern = REPLACE(pattern, '=', ''); SET pattern = REPLACE(pattern, '"', ''); SET pattern = REPLACE(SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(pattern, ';', 2), LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(pattern, ';', 2 - 1)) + 1), ';', ''); SET post_id = pattern; IF(TRIM(post_id) != '') THEN SET str = REPLACE(str, CONCAT(';', pattern), ''); SET tag_pos = INSTR(str, CONCAT('[', tag_name)); SET pos = LOCATE(']', str, tag_pos); SET pattern = SUBSTRING(str, tag_pos, pos - 1); SET str = REPLACE(str, pattern, CONCAT(pattern, ' post="', post_id, '"')); END IF; END IF; RETURN str; END; Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.005: Executed Successfully 754: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uog.fix_tags Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.000: Executed Successfully 757: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uog.fix_tags(msg text) RETURNS text DETERMINISTIC BEGIN IF(msg LIKE '%%%') THEN SET msg = lnigrouse_uog.fix_url(msg); END IF; IF(msg LIKE '%[code%') THEN SET msg = lnigrouse_uog.fix_tag(msg, 'code'); END IF; IF(msg LIKE '%[b%') THEN SET msg = lnigrouse_uog.fix_tag(msg, 'b'); END IF; IF(msg LIKE '%[img%') THEN SET msg = lnigrouse_uog.fix_tag(msg, 'img'); END IF; IF(msg LIKE '%[quote%') THEN SET msg = lnigrouse_uog.fix_tag(msg, 'quote'); END IF; RETURN msg; END; Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.006: Executed Successfully 787: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uog.get_topic_id Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.001: Executed Successfully 790: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uog.get_topic_id(id int) RETURNS varchar(255) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN RETURN ( SELECT topic_id FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts WHERE post_id = id ); END; Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.006: Executed Successfully 804: DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uog.create_missing_columns Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.002: Executed Successfully 807: CREATE PROCEDURE lnigrouse_uog.create_missing_columns(schemaname varchar(256), tablename varchar(256), columnname varchar(256), datatype varchar(256)) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE retval TINYINT(1); IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = schemaname AND TABLE_NAME = tablename AND COLUMN_NAME = columnname ) THEN SET @sql = concat('ALTER TABLE ', schemaname, '.', tablename, ' ADD ', columnname, ' ', datatype, ';'); PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END IF; END; Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.007: Executed Successfully 831: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uogames.count_posts Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.001: Executed Successfully 834: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uogames.count_posts(thread_id integer) RETURNS integer DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE c integer; SELECT COUNT(*) - 1 INTO c FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages WHERE thread = thread_id; IF(c < 0) THEN SET c = 0; END IF; RETURN c; END; Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.007: Executed Successfully 854: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uogames.count_topics Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.001: Executed Successfully 857: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uogames.count_topics(cat_id integer) RETURNS integer DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE c integer; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO c FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_topics WHERE category_id = cat_id; RETURN c; END; Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.005: Executed Successfully 873: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lnigrouse_uogames.count_category_posts Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.002: Executed Successfully 876: CREATE FUNCTION lnigrouse_uogames.count_category_posts(cat_id integer) RETURNS integer DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE c integer; SELECT COUNT(*) - 1 INTO c FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages WHERE catid = cat_id; IF(c < 0) THEN SET c = 0; END IF; RETURN c; END; Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.009: Executed Successfully 897: CALL lnigrouse_uog.create_missing_columns('lnigrouse_uog', 'phpbb3_users', 'user_from', 'varchar(256)') Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.008: Executed Successfully 898: CALL lnigrouse_uog.create_missing_columns('lnigrouse_uog', 'phpbb3_users', 'user_icq', 'varchar(256)') Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.006: Executed Successfully 899: CALL lnigrouse_uog.create_missing_columns('lnigrouse_uog', 'phpbb3_users', 'user_aim', 'varchar(256)') Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.007: Executed Successfully 900: CALL lnigrouse_uog.create_missing_columns('lnigrouse_uog', 'phpbb3_users', 'user_yim', 'varchar(256)') Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.006: Executed Successfully 901: CALL lnigrouse_uog.create_missing_columns('lnigrouse_uog', 'phpbb3_users', 'user_msnm', 'varchar(256)') Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.007: Executed Successfully 902: CALL lnigrouse_uog.create_missing_columns('lnigrouse_uog', 'phpbb3_users', 'user_website', 'varchar(256)') Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.007: Executed Successfully 904: CALL lnigrouse_uog.create_missing_columns('lnigrouse_uog', 'phpbb3_forums', 'forum_posts', 'int') Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.004: Executed Successfully 905: CALL lnigrouse_uog.create_missing_columns('lnigrouse_uog', 'phpbb3_forums', 'forum_topics', 'int') Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.006: Executed Successfully 907: CALL lnigrouse_uog.create_missing_columns('lnigrouse_uog', 'phpbb3_topics', 'forum_posts', 'int') Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.006: Executed Successfully 908: CALL lnigrouse_uog.create_missing_columns('lnigrouse_uog', 'phpbb3_topics', 'topic_replies_real', 'int') Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.010: 1 rows affected 911: DELETE FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.003: 1 rows affected 912: DELETE FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.003: 1 rows affected 913: DELETE FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_topics Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.007: 25 rows affected 914: DELETE FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_aliases Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.003: 3 rows affected 915: DELETE FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_categories Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.000: 0 rows affected 916: DELETE FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_attachments Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.003: 2 rows affected 917: DELETE FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_users Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.003: 10 rows affected 918: DELETE FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_ranks Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.003: 3 rows affected 920: DELETE FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_user_usergroup_map Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.002: 2 rows affected 921: DELETE FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_users Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.003: 1 rows affected 923: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_users(name, username,password,params) VALUES ('Admin', 'mixerp','d2064d358136996bd22421584a7cb33e:trd7TvKHx6dMeoMmBVxYmg0vuXEA4199', '') Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.003: 1 rows affected 924: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_user_usergroup_map(user_id, group_id) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(),'8') Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.003: 23 rows affected 926: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_ranks ( rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_special, rank_image ) SELECT rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_special, rank_image FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_ranks Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.101: 801 rows affected 943: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_users ( id, name, username, email, password, block, sendEmail, registerDate, lastVisitDate, activation, requireReset, params ) SELECT user_id AS id, username AS name, username, user_email AS email, user_password AS password, /*lets not store blank passwords.*/ 0 AS block, 0 AS sendEmail, from_unixtime(user_regdate) AS registerDate, from_unixtime(user_lastvisit) AS lastVisitDate, 1 AS activation, 1 AS requireReset, /*The phpBB password cannot be converted to joomla password.*/ '' AS params FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_users WHERE user_posts > 0 AND user_id != 1 Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.030: 802 rows affected 975: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_user_usergroup_map(user_id,group_id) SELECT user_id AS id, (SELECT id FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_usergroups WHERE title='Registered') AS group_id FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_users WHERE user_posts > 0 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '22-1-1986' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '16-3-1988' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1411: Incorrect datetime value: '0-0-0' for function str_to_date Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:28: 1048: Column 'birthdate' cannot be null Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.049: 802 rows affected 984: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_users ( userid, signature, moderator, banned, ordering, posts, avatar, karma, karma_time, group_id, uhits, personalText, gender, birthdate, location, icq, aim, yim, msn, skype, twitter, facebook, gtalk, myspace, linkedin, delicious, friendfeed, digg, blogspot, flickr, bebo, websitename, websiteurl, rank, hideEmail, showOnline, thankyou ) SELECT user_id, user_sig, 0 AS moderator, NULL AS banned, 0 AS ordering, user_posts, '' AS avatar, 0 AS karma, 0 AS karma_time, 0 AS group_id, 0 AS uhits, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ '' AS personalText, 0 AS gender, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ STR_TO_DATE(REPLACE(TRIM(user_birthday), ' ', ''), 'dd-mm-yyyy') AS birthdate, user_from AS location, user_icq AS icq, user_aim AS aim, user_yim AS yim, user_msnm AS msn, NULL AS skype, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ NULL AS twitter, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ NULL AS facebook, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ NULL AS gtalk, NULL AS myspace, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ NULL AS linkedin, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ NULL AS delicious, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ NULL AS friendfeed, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ NULL AS digg, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ NULL AS blogspot, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ NULL AS flickr, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ NULL AS bebo, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ user_website AS websitename, user_website AS websiteurl, user_rank AS rank, 1 AS hideEmail, /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ user_allow_viewonline AS showOnline, 0 AS thankyou /*phpBB does not support this feature*/ FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_users WHERE user_posts > 0 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 1 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 2 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 3 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 4 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 5 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 6 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 7 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 8 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 9 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 10 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 11 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 12 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 13 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 14 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 15 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 16 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 17 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 18 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 19 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 20 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 21 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 22 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 23 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1048: Column 'last_topic_id' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 24 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1048: Column 'last_topic_id' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 25 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1048: Column 'last_topic_id' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 26 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1048: Column 'last_topic_id' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 27 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1048: Column 'last_topic_id' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 28 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1048: Column 'last_topic_id' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 29 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1048: Column 'last_topic_id' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 30 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1048: Column 'last_topic_id' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 31 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1048: Column 'last_topic_id' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 32 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 33 Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:29: 1265: Data truncated for column 'accesstype' at row 34 Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:28 0:00:00.232: 34 rows affected 1068: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_categories ( id, parent_id, name, alias, icon_id, locked, accesstype, access, pub_access, pub_recurse, admin_access, admin_recurse, ordering, published, checked_out, checked_out_time, review, allow_anonymous, post_anonymous, hits, description, headerdesc, class_sfx, allow_polls, topic_ordering, numTopics, numPosts, last_topic_id, last_post_id, last_post_time, params ) SELECT forum_id, parent_id, REPLACE(forum_name, '&', '&'), lnigrouse_uog.get_forum_alias(forum_id) AS alias, 1 AS icon_id, 0 AS locked, 'lnigrouse_uogames.level' AS accesstype, 1 AS access, 1 AS pub_access, 1 AS pub_recurse, 8 AS admin_access, 1 AS admin_recurse, left_id AS ordering, 1 AS published, 0 AS checked_out, '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AS checked_out_time, 0 AS review, 0 AS allow_anonymous, 0 AS post_anonymous, 0 AS hits, forum_desc, '' AS headerdesc, '' AS class_sfx, 1 AS allow_polls, 'lastpost' AS topic_ordering, forum_topics AS forum_topics, forum_posts AS forum_posts, lnigrouse_uog.get_topic_id(forum_last_post_id) AS last_topic_id, forum_last_post_id, forum_last_post_time, '{}' AS params FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_forums ORDER BY forum_id Error:03.04.2015 11:53:29 0:00:00.000: Lookup Error - MySQL Database Error: Duplicate entry '--ultima-online-inceptum' for key 'alias' 1140: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_aliases(alias, type, item, state) SELECT alias, 'catid', id, 0 FROM lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_categories Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Connection:03.04.2015 11:53:34: 1048: Column 'posts' cannot be null Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:29 0:00:05.151: 2960 rows affected 1145: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_topics ( id, category_id, subject, icon_id, locked, hold, ordering, posts, hits, attachments, poll_id, moved_id, first_post_id, first_post_time, first_post_userid, first_post_message, first_post_guest_name, last_post_id, last_post_time, last_post_userid, last_post_message, last_post_guest_name, params ) SELECT topic_id AS id, forum_id AS category_id, topic_title AS subject, 0 AS icon_id, 0 AS locked, 0 AS hold, 0 AS ordering, forum_posts + 1 AS posts, topic_views AS hits, topic_attachment AS attachments, 0 AS poll_id, topic_moved_id AS moved_id, topic_first_post_id AS first_post_id, topic_time AS first_post_time, topic_poster AS first_post_userid, lnigrouse_uog.get_message_by_post_id(topic_first_post_id) AS first_post_message, topic_first_poster_name AS first_post_guest_name, topic_last_post_id AS last_post_id, topic_last_post_time AS last_post_time, topic_last_poster_id AS last_post_userid, lnigrouse_uog.get_message_by_post_id(topic_last_post_id) last_post_message, topic_last_poster_name AS last_post_guest_name, '' AS params FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_topics Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:34 0:00:00.272: 2918 rows affected 1199: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages ( id, parent, thread, catid, name, userid, email, subject, time, ip, topic_emoticon, locked, hold, ordering, hits, moved ) SELECT lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.post_id AS id, 0 AS parent, lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.topic_id AS thread, lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.forum_id AS catid, lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.post_username AS name, poster_id AS userid, '' AS email, post_subject AS subject, post_time AS time, poster_ip AS ip, 0 AS topic_emoticon, post_edit_locked AS locked, 0 AS hold, 0 AS ordering, lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_topics.topic_views AS hits, 0 AS moved FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts INNER JOIN lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_topics ON lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.post_id = lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_topics.topic_first_post_id WHERE lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_topics.topic_moved_id = 0 Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:34 0:00:02.201: 2918 rows affected 1242: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text(mesid, message) SELECT post_id, lnigrouse_uog.fix_tags(post_text) FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts INNER JOIN lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_topics ON lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.post_id = lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_topics.topic_first_post_id WHERE lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_topics.topic_moved_id = 0 Statement:03.04.2015 11:53:36 0:02:56.457: 21097 rows affected 1249: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages ( id, parent, thread, catid, name, userid, email, subject, time, ip, topic_emoticon, locked, hold, ordering, hits, moved ) SELECT lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.post_id AS id, lnigrouse_uog.get_first_post_id(topic_id) AS parent, lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.topic_id AS thread, lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.forum_id AS catid, lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.post_username AS name, poster_id AS userid, '' AS email, post_subject AS subject, post_time AS time, poster_id AS ip, 0 AS topic_emoticon, post_edit_locked AS locked, 0 AS hold, 0 AS ordering, lnigrouse_uog.get_hits(topic_id) AS hits, 0 AS moved FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts WHERE lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.post_id NOT IN ( SELECT topic_first_post_id FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_topics ) Statement:03.04.2015 11:56:33 0:03:08.347: 21097 rows affected 1293: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text(mesid, message) SELECT post_id, lnigrouse_uog.fix_tags(post_text) FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts WHERE lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.post_id NOT IN ( SELECT topic_first_post_id FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_topics ) Connection:03.04.2015 11:59:41: 1265: Data truncated for column 'filetype' at row 19 Connection:03.04.2015 11:59:41: 1265: Data truncated for column 'filetype' at row 61 Connection:03.04.2015 11:59:41: 1265: Data truncated for column 'filetype' at row 62 Connection:03.04.2015 11:59:41: 1265: Data truncated for column 'filetype' at row 63 Connection:03.04.2015 11:59:41: 1265: Data truncated for column 'filetype' at row 64 Connection:03.04.2015 11:59:41: 1265: Data truncated for column 'filetype' at row 101 Connection:03.04.2015 11:59:41: 1265: Data truncated for column 'filetype' at row 106 Connection:03.04.2015 11:59:41: 1265: Data truncated for column 'filetype' at row 108 Connection:03.04.2015 11:59:41: 1265: Data truncated for column 'filetype' at row 109 Connection:03.04.2015 11:59:41: 1265: Data truncated for column 'filetype' at row 144 Connection:03.04.2015 11:59:41: 1265: Data truncated for column 'filetype' at row 149 Connection:03.04.2015 11:59:41: 1265: Data truncated for column 'filetype' at row 152 Connection:03.04.2015 11:59:41: 1265: Data truncated for column 'filetype' at row 161 Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:41 0:00:00.028: 186 rows affected 1302: INSERT INTO lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_attachments ( id, mesid, userid, hash, size, folder, filetype, filename ) SELECT attach_id AS id, post_msg_id AS mesid, poster_id AS userid, md5(physical_filename) AS hash, filesize AS size, 'media/kunena/attachments/migrated' AS folder, mimetype AS filetype, CONCAT(physical_filename, '.jpg') AS filename FROM lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_attachments Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:41 0:00:00.003: 6 rows affected 1329: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages SET userid=0 WHERE userid=1 Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:41 0:00:00.322: 24015 rows affected 1331: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages INNER JOIN lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts ON lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.post_id = SET = lnigrouse_uog.phpbb3_posts.post_username Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:41 0:00:00.009: 34 rows affected 1339: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_categories SET numTopics = lnigrouse_uogames.count_topics(id) Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:41 0:00:00.015: 34 rows affected 1342: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_categories SET numPosts = lnigrouse_uogames.count_category_posts(id) Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:41 0:00:00.553: 2960 rows affected 1345: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_topics SET lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_topics.posts = lnigrouse_uogames.count_posts(id) Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:42 0:00:00.260: 24015 rows affected 1353: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, '', '') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:42 0:00:00.191: 24015 rows affected 1363: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':-)', ':-)') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:42 0:00:00.191: 24015 rows affected 1367: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':-)', ':-)') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:43 0:00:00.186: 24015 rows affected 1371: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ' :oops:', ':oops:') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:43 0:00:00.195: 24015 rows affected 1375: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':P', ':P') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:43 0:00:00.194: 24015 rows affected 1379: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':)', ':)') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:43 0:00:01.533: 24015 rows affected 1383: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':)', ':)') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:45 0:00:00.192: 24015 rows affected 1388: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':D', ':D') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:45 0:00:00.918: 24015 rows affected 1393: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':D', ':D') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:46 0:00:00.211: 24015 rows affected 1398: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':mrgreen:', ':mrgreen:') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:46 0:00:00.184: 24015 rows affected 1403: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':(', ':(') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:46 0:00:00.197: 24015 rows affected 1407: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':(', ':(') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:46 0:00:00.185: 24015 rows affected 1412: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ';)', ';)') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:47 0:00:00.297: 24015 rows affected 1417: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ';)', ';)') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:47 0:00:00.196: 24015 rows affected 1422: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':roll:', ':rolleyes:') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:47 0:00:00.182: 24015 rows affected 1426: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':eek:', ':eek:') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:47 0:00:00.182: 24015 rows affected 1431: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':cool:', ':cool:') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:48 0:00:00.183: 24015 rows affected 1435: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':mad:', ':mad:') Statement:03.04.2015 11:59:48 0:00:00.200: 24015 rows affected 1439: UPDATE lnigrouse_uogames.gt0fd_kunena_messages_text SET message = replace(message, ':|', ':neutral:') Script Execution:03.04.2015 11:59:48: Execution finished in 0:06:20.203