Kunena 6.3.8 Released

The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.8 [K 6.3.8] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.

This category contains miscellaneous, uncategorised user contributions, (templates, modules, plugins and hacks) relating to older versions of Kunena that are no longer supported.

The topics in this category are for historical interest only. Owing to the structural changes that occurred in K 1.7, many of the ideas in these topics will not work with later versions and, for that reason, the topics are locked.

Question [Final version] 1Pixeout Player 2.3 - Kunena 1.6 integration complete

14 years 4 months ago #11 by joomlauser

marco.delpercio wrote: Hi

I'll make our new player work with Kunena 1.6

Best regards
Marco Del Percio

That is great news. I can not wait.
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14 years 4 months ago #12 by darksoul

marco.delpercio wrote: Hi

My name is Marco Del Percio and I am the Italian author of 1pixelout audio player v2.0 who is collaborating with Du Vien.
Du Vien routed your SOS email to me today. I have often heard rumors about Kunena yet I admit I never used it.
I just wanted you to know that I accept your SOS request :-) I'll make our new player work with Kunena 1.6

Best regards
Marco Del Percio

Prima ti rispondo in italiano!..
Grazie per essere intervenuto, spero che la cosa vada a buon fine perchè questo componente (kunena) è un ottimo forum per joomla ma purtroppo gli sviluppatori non possono occuparsi anche del player mp3.. che invece è utilissimo in un forum! Anzi se hai voglia potresti contattare gli sviluppatori di kunena per farlo integrare nel forum.. Magari senza dover editare il messaggio editando i tag {audio}filename{/audio} e fare in modo invece che quando viene postato un mp3 nel forum il tuo player venga incluso da solo!! Questo sarebbe veramente il top.
Come consiglio potresti creare un plug del genere (se è possibile) solo per kunena (sai quanti utenti lo scaricherebbero??, quasi di più che per i player solo di joomla perchè ce ne sono anche gratuiti).
Sicuramente il team di kunena ti potrà dare una mano, e magari includere un'impostazione nel backend del forum per il tuo player. Ovviamente non devi rinunciare alla donazione e renderlo gratuito ma potresti farne un plugin per kunena commerciale o sotto donazione come hai già fatto. (una sorta di plugin premium insomma!!).
Comunque ottimo lavoro sul player è ottimo.!

Escuse me all kunena users if i used italian in this topic. I just asked for the development of the plugin especially for kunena and having some features (like auto include) that can be supported in kunena and that a collaboration with kunena team and community can be done for having a real mp3 player inside kunena. Best forum on joomla.
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14 years 4 months ago - 14 years 4 months ago #13 by marco.delpercio
Guys I have analyzed Kunena 1.6 code and we can do whatever you want, the problem is "the clean way of doing it"

I explain. We could do

A ) Hack Kunena parser so that whenever you attach an mp3 files it will display both download link AND 1pixelout audio player. So that users don't have to write any special code.

B ) Avoid using base directory in 1pixelout plugin config and create a new button in post editor that embeds mp3 files by giving correct full path

C my favourite) Create a new button in post editor that lists with a select box all the mp3 files uploaded by the user in his attachment directory and he may select whatever he wants among his mp3 attachments, after selecting it embeds a player instance with the selected mp3.

The only problem with all these solutions is that they are all "hacks" to Kunena code... I don't like hacks for obvious reasons. I have been searching a bit but I could not find any way to "cleanly" add a custom button to Kunena without hacking it's code files... so I am asking to you Kunena experts if there's a clean way to do it
Last edit: 14 years 4 months ago by marco.delpercio.
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14 years 4 months ago #14 by joomlauser
I think noone likes hacks, that is why Kunena Team should express itself.
P.s. in my opinion A solution is the most comfortable.
Maybe it is a good way to prepare hacks, (like it was with hack poll) and some day it will be implemented into Kunena source code permanently.
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14 years 4 months ago #15 by darksoul
4 me A is good and simple. if the plug is included automatically is very simple and clean.
B is also a good option. Because can be a different thing for adding mp3 files.
But in B what change is that is a involve of kunena. New kunena 1.6 adds the Ajax upload files to manage more files in one single post.... Or you have to separate and rebuild a code like this.
C is very powerful and cool. the best but wait!
Kunena 1.6 now use user ID subfolders... That thing can be read as "Kunena Team want to develop a files manager for the users in next versions".
We come from kunena 1.5 without any User ID settings for the file but only attached to the Post Number in database.
So what i think is that.
Use the A option for now. because is simple to use and use the default uploder of kunena 1.6 + your hack.

C option is a final option to include in the Kunena Files Manager, but for that is a part of Kunena Team. If they support this project i hope that it will be included as support of your plugin into kunena code. But creating a file broswer perhaps is a part of the team, because i think this must be definitively included into kunena code as a new feature.

So if A option hack is done. in the near future we can have your hack + kunena files manager.

Ps: Please kunena team watch this thread!!:woohoo:
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14 years 3 months ago - 14 years 3 months ago #16 by Matias
I've been away for a week -- too busy actually.

Adding BBCode tag to Kunena is very easy. Adding it to the editor is also easy. I just need to get the logic inside the bbcode (best way to call 1pixelout) and a free version of it to test it.

EDIT: even better: why not have the logic inside attachment tags?
Last edit: 14 years 3 months ago by Matias.
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14 years 3 months ago #17 by marco.delpercio

Happy to see a Kunena developer here... I wanted to say that I successfully implemented solution A about 1 week ago and I sent the code modification to that guy of Samples Share who contacted me privately for this thing... I was waiting for him to test it before publishing here yet he seems to have forgot all of us...
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14 years 3 months ago #18 by Matias
No problem. We are about to release RC3, so we need to do this quick or.. :)
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14 years 3 months ago - 14 years 3 months ago #19 by marco.delpercio
open components/com_kunena/lib/kunena.parser.php

at the beginning for example after hyperlink function on line 75 add the following code:
function isMp3($fname) { $ext = strtolower(substr($fname, strrpos($fname, '.') + 1)); if((stripos($mp3mimes,$mime) !== false) && ($ext === "mp3")) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isAvailable1PixeloutPlugin() { if(file_exists( JPATH_PLUGINS . DS . "content" . DS . "1pixeloutaudioplayer" )) { if(JPluginHelper::isEnabled( 'content', '1pixeloutaudioplayer' )) { return true; } } return false; }

next make sure to replace line 522 in the following way:

replace this:
$tag_new = "<div class=\"kmsgattach\"><h4>" . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_FILEATTACH' ) . "</h4>" . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_FILENAME' ) . " <a href='" . $link . "' target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">" . $attachment->filename . "</a><br />" . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_FILESIZE' ) . ' ' . $attachment->size . "</div>";

with this code:
$tag_new = "<div class=\"kmsgattach\">"; $tag_new .= "<h4>" . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_FILEATTACH' ) . "</h4>" . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_FILENAME' ) . " <a href='" . $link . "' target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">" . $attachment->filename . "</a><br />" . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_FILESIZE' ) . ' ' . $attachment->size; if(KunenaBBCodeInterpreter::isMp3($attachment->filename) && KunenaBBCodeInterpreter::isAvailable1PixeloutPlugin()) { $tag_new .= "<div>{audio autostart:no}".JURI::base() . $attachment->folder . "/" . $attachment->filename."{/audio}</div>"; } $tag_new .= "</div>";

Now when you upload an mp3 file and your Joomla has 1pixelout plugin and it is enabled... it will automatically display both download link and mp3 player with the correct path.
You don't need to specify a base directory in 1pixelout config yet you can change colors there
Last edit: 14 years 3 months ago by marco.delpercio.
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14 years 3 months ago #20 by darksoul
I was busy with school... i dont forgot you!:silly:
I wake up at 4.40 am and i come back home on 4-5 pm travelling by train.. :cheer:

Marco, did this hack is the same of the one you sent to me?
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