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Kunena 6.3.7 Released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.7 [K 6.3.7] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Solved [Resolved] Posts on forum disappear!
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I search allot and found something that works for me.
Put the option shorten URL on off.
My blank messages were normal after that.
Hope it works for you too
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I would not know if the problem is caused by the site template or the Kunena template unless I knew what templates we were talking about. Can we see the configuration reports of the websites where this problem is happening, please? Have you tried to restore you forum to the default settings? Are you using the Blue Eagle template?
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sozzled wrote: I would not know if the problem is caused by the site template or the Kunena template unless I knew what templates we were talking about. Can we see the configuration reports of the websites where this problem is happening, please? Have you tried to restore you forum to the default settings? Are you using the Blue Eagle template?
Blue Eagle vs. Crypsis reference guide
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Here is the config report from Kunena: (as a side note, am I supposed to be seing this as code?)
Database collation check: The collation of your table fields are correct
Legacy mode: Disabled | Joomla! SEF: Enabled | Joomla! SEF rewrite: Disabled | FTP layer: Disabled |
This message contains confidential informationhtaccess: Exists | PHP environment: Max execution time: 30 seconds | Max execution memory: 3000M | Max file upload: 300M
Joomla default template details : beez_20 | author: Angie Radtke | version: 1.7.0 | creationdate: 25 November 2009
Kunena default template details : Blue Eagle (default) | author: Kunena Team | version: 1.7.0 | creationdate: 2011-08-29
Kunena version detailled: Installed version: 1.7.0 | Build: 5135 | Version name: Tale | Kunena detailled configuration:
Warning: Spoiler![th]Kunena config settings:[/th]
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The template I am usually using is Yootheme Enterprise. I don't know what the Blue Eagle template is. What does restoring to the default settings do exactly? I can't loose my categories & topics right now. If I have to, in two weeks I could dump it all if I had to.
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What the configuration restore-to-default button does, is to restore the Kunena forum to "factory settings" but no, you won't lose any categories that you've created or any messages that have been posted or any other changes that are not controlled by the Forum Configuration function. Kunena forums work perfectly well without changing any configuration settings. To be honest with you, in all my websites where I use Kunena, I only change about three values and I leave all the other settings alone.
The problem that we have in trying to find an answer to the question why messages are mysteriously "disappearing" is to try to understand what is actually happening on the target website. Because your site is hidden behind an intranet firewall, this makes remote diagnosis virtually impossible. In cases like these, I refer to what we've written in the past, namely, Support for PC-hosted websites (e.g. WAMP, XAMPP) . I realise that's not very much help but I ask you to try to look at this from our perspective. If you place a website out of reach from the "world" there's really only one person who can help you resolve any difficulties you encounter and we both know who that person is, don't we?
As you probably would know, I've been away from the forum for about two months and I'm slowly reacquainting myself with "everyday" Kunena happenings. This problems discussed in this topic are new to me and therefore I'm simply going back to first principles without fully understanding the specifics of the case. So I apologise if some of my responses have seemed odd or ignorant and I'm sorry if I haven't been effective in giving you the "answers" that you seek. I'm trying my best but, I'm sure you'll agree, this is almost a case of the blind leading the blind here.
Blue Eagle vs. Crypsis reference guide
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So if I could get you access to the frontend of the forum, would that be enough? Or would you need admin?
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You say that under certain circumstances (but we're not entirely sure - from reading the first message in this topic - exactly what those circumstances are) messages seem to "disappear". Can I correctly infer from what you have written that messages posted to the forum are simply not there at all? In other words, the messages are not even being stored on the database? Or do you mean something else. Bear with me on this: I'm simply going on words used in the subject of this topic.
It would help to understand the context under which these messages mysteriously disappear. If I could see your website (as a user would see your website) this may assist matters.
I assume that you have carefully looked at the Kunena installation guide and followed the recommendations made in that article. Of course you have, so I'm also assuming that you've established to your own satisfaction that you've got a test website and that Kunena works perfectly well on that test website? Right?
I see that you have some odd settings for your Kunena menu so I assume that you've decided to go your own way as far as setting up the Kunena menu and its related links? No? Maybe you should read the FAQs page and look at the section How do I restore my Kunena menu?
I also see from your configuration settings that you have disallowed image uploads. Maybe this setting changed when you reverted to the default configuration settings. It might help if I could see your updated configuration settings, please.
So, in summary, we have a situation where messages are "disappearing" or not appearing under certain circumstances - seems to happen when you try to upload an image or add an image or post the URL of an image or something along those lines - but we're not entirely sure what kinds of images these are (i.e. are they .JPG or are they .JPEG). And all the "usual" lines of troubleshooting seem to have been exhausted. Would that about correctly summarise the situation?
Sorry to seem a little pedantic about the details but I just want to make sure that I've covered all the bases.
Blue Eagle vs. Crypsis reference guide
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