Kunena 6.3.4 released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.4 [K 6.3.4] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Question How to merge a post with another topic - not all topics are listed in the target category
When trying to move a post from one topic to another, after selecting a category which has somewhat more topics in it, only 15 of the newest topics are displayed from that category, the others are non shown, and theres is no slider bar.
I've been experiencing this issue on all the kunena versions i've had, and i've dealt with it by keeping the number of tipics in a category below 15, but as a forum grows this is becoming a big issue for me.
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Joomla default template details : nsbuildtema | author: Dimitrije Muzur | version: 1.0 | creationdate: Mart 2011
Kunena default template details : Blue Eagle (default) | author: Kunena Team | version: 1.7.1 | creationdate: 2011-11-16
Kunena version detailled: Installed version: 1.7.1 | Build: 5162 | Version name: UnderUret | Kunena detailled configuration:
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Third-party components: UddeIm 2.5
Third-party SEF components: None
Plugins: System - Mootools Upgrade: Enabled | System - Mootools12: Disabled
Modules: Kunena Latest 1.6.4 | Kunena Stats 1.6.0-RC2 | Kunena Search 1.6.4
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This can be a problem and I encounter it every day when I merge topics posted on this forum - where there are a lot more than 15 topics in many of the categories - but there's actually a fairly easy solution.
It might be easier to explain what you need to do with an example, taken from this website here. Let's say we wanted to merge this topic into the topic If you are having problems with Kunena, please read this first .
Using the way that you would have gone about this, there are two issues involved:
(1) What category is If you are having problems with Kunena, please read this first located?
(2) What do I do when I find the category but I can't find this topic?
In this example, the topic If you are having problems with Kunena, please read this first is located in the category K 1.6 and K 1.7 Common Questions. Therefore, if you had moderator privileges here, you would click the Moderate button and select the category as I've shown in the following screenshot:
So you would select the category and then look at the list of topics in the target category to try to find the one where you are going to merge this post with, like I've shown in the following screenshot:
The problem is, of course that there's no If you are having problems with Kunena, please read this first on that list. So how do you do it?
The key to the solution lies in the URL of the target topic. The URL of If you are having problems with Kunena, please read this first is www.kunena.org/forum/159-k-16-and-k-17-c...ease-read-this-first . The number "87669" is the topic id.
Go back now to the first screen I showed you earlier. Instead of clicking the category, click the pulldown Target Topic.
When you do select the option "Manually Enter Topic ID" you will see another textbox added to the screen where you would enter "87669" as I've shown in the following screenshot:
Press the Proceed button and you're all done. I hope this helps.
This is not really a Support question, it's more of a "how to" because the functionality actually exists - although the answer may not be intuitively obvious - I think we should move it to the Common Questions category so that others may find the answer. I've also changed the subject a little.
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I think that one more thing needs to be pointed out, and that is that you shouldnt change or even pull down the target category menu because then, the option to manually enter topic id in the target topic wont be shown.
As this is not a major issues since i searched trough the forums for the answer and found no results, i still think that this solution looks more like a nasty patch rather than standard procedaure, and would love to see it fixed, given that the sql query which finds all the topics in a certain category can not be easier to write.
Still, thank you for your time and solution
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The option exists for those who want to do things that way. If you know what you want to do (and how to do it) then you won't use that option.mukyz wrote: I think that one more thing needs to be pointed out, and that is that you shouldn't change or even pull down the target category menu because then, the option to manually enter topic id in the target topic wont be shown.
Suppose you had, for example, 3000 topics in a single category? This is not an absurd case, I have actually seen 3000 topics in a single category! Now I would like you to imagine how long (a) it will take to generate the information to put into that pull-down and (b) how long it would take a moderator to find the appropriate topic.mukyz wrote: I still think that this solution looks more like a nasty patch rather than standard procedure, and would love to see it fixed ...
Showing the last 15 most recently-created topics may not be an ideal solution. Perhaps, showing the last 15 most recently-updated topics would be a better solution? In any event, the use of topic merge differs from one website to another, and from one moderator's preference to another. I know, for example, that my fellow moderators at this website do not spend as much time as I do merging topics (or even moving topics from one category to another).
The procedure I presented earlier isn't some kind of "nasty patch". It's way that K 1.7 was designed to work. Perhaps the methodology could have been made more "GUI-driven" but there are also trade-offs in terms of overall system performance, too.
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