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Kunena 6.3.8 Released
The Kunena team has announce the arrival of Kunena 6.3.8 [K 6.3.8] in stable which is now available for download as a native Joomla extension for J! 4.4.x/5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x. This version addresses most of the issues that were discovered in K 6.2 / K 6.3 and issues discovered during the last development stages of K 6.3
Note: Please go to the Kunena Dashboard after an upgrade so that the Kunena database tables are also updated.
Merged How to move, copy or merge my old Kunena forums from one site to another
I have a forum " www.boyshobbies.com " under joomla ver 1.5x and I would like to upgrade to joomla ver 2.5.7 I tried to use "JUpgrade" but is not working. I decide to make a clean installation of joomla ver. 2.5.7, after I installed kunena, but how can I take the contents of the existing installation which is working perfectly to the new one.
The reason I want to make this migration is that I belive that joomla 1.5x will stop be supported at the end of the year
Thank you very much
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If jUpgrade doesn't work on your J! 1.5 website (or if any other Joomla migration extension doesn't work on your existing J! 1.5 website) then you've got a big problem.
The issues involved in moving a forum from one website to another are the similar to the issues involved in converting from one forum type into a different forum type: You have to
- convert, if necessary, and move the users
- convert if necessary, and move the forum data
- move the attachments
Even though the process of moving data is straightforward, there are added complications if the data on the original system is not compatible with the data on the target system. When we're comparing J! 1.5 with J! 2.5 the first point to note is that the user accounts data is very different. That's why jUpgrade is an important step. jUpgrade converts the user data. Without the user data your forum is useless.
You have several choices.
(1) Persevere; migrate your existing J! 1.5 website. Have a realistic plan ans set realistic targers: be aware that this may take you several days or even weeks and will require making a few choices. Perhaps you cannot keep everything that you originally had on your J! 1.5 website because some older extensions do not have a J! 2.5-compatible counterpart? Those are decisions you have to make.
(2) Pay someone to do the work for you
(3) Do nothing. Leave your J! 1.5 website running. This will mean that your future upgrade path will be restricted but, at least, you will still have a forum running.
(4) Cut your losses and start again. Archive your old J! 1.5 website. Lock it down and point your users to a new website where your forum can start again.
For other advice, read this topic and also read I want to migrate my forum to Kunena ...
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- anfieldred
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So I have created a fresh install of Joomla and Kunena. My question is how do I import all the old posts, users, categories etc from my current Kunena installation to this new installation?
I have tried deleting the kunena tables in the new DB and inserting the older ones but, this isn't working.
This is still an attempt to solve my previous problem, so I don't know why that topic was locked?
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Copy the old kunena tables, with joomla users tables into new Joomla! installation site and then launch the installtion on Kunena 2.0.2.
I don't provide support by PM, because this can be useful for someone else.
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I locked the other topic because you wrote, I am going to start all over again. If this new site is an attempt to resolve other issues I have one simple question: Does this new site work? I mean, does the new site work without copying data from another site? Does this new site allow you to see things that you cannot see on your other site? That is my question.anfieldred wrote: This is still an attempt to solve my previous problem, so I don't know why that topic was locked?
If your new site does not allow you to see smilies or not let you insert images then it doesn't matter about how to copy all the other data, does it? So can we get the answer to the original question, please? Does this new website work? Yes or no? After that we can then talk about how to copy user tables and Kunena tables and attachment directories and files and all the other things that will take you the next four or five hours to do.

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anfieldred wrote: How do I import all the old posts, users, categories etc from my current Kunena installation to this [a new] installation?
Moving a Kunena forum from one site to another is relatively easy (if you're not interested in keeping any existing data on the target).
There are 24 database tables in a "no-frills" Kunena installation which are:
And, in addition to those, there are several other tables that hold Joomla user information, depending on what version of Joomla we are discussing.
- In J! 1.5 there were some 7 tables:
xxx_users - In J! 2.5 there are some 6 tables:
As well as these things there are also the attachments that correspond to the messages. These attachments are stored in ../media/kunena/attachments.
There may be mistakes or things that I have left out. If someone else wants to correct any mistakes or omissions that I made, please feel free to contribute to this discussion.
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- anfieldred
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sozzled wrote:
I locked the other topic because you wrote, I am going to start all over again. If this new site is an attempt to resolve other issues I have one simple question: Does this new site work? I mean, does the new site work without copying data from another site? Does this new site allow you to see things that you cannot see on your other site? That is my question.anfieldred wrote: This is still an attempt to solve my previous problem, so I don't know why that topic was locked?
If your new site does not allow you to see smilies or not let you insert images then it doesn't matter about how to copy all the other data, does it? So can we get the answer to the original question, please? Does this new website work? Yes or no? After that we can then talk about how to copy user tables and Kunena tables and attachment directories and files and all the other things that will take you the next four or five hours to do.
Yes it works flawlessly.
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- anfieldred
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sozzled wrote:
anfieldred wrote: How do I import all the old posts, users, categories etc from my current Kunena installation to this [a new] installation?
Moving a Kunena forum from one site to another is relatively easy (if you're not interested in keeping any existing data on the target).
There are 24 database tables in a "no-frills" Kunena installation which are:
And, in addition to those, there are several other tables that hold Joomla user information, depending on what version of Joomla we are discussing.
- In J! 1.5 there were some 7 tables:
- In J! 2.5 there are some 6 tables:
As well as these things there are also the attachments that correspond to the messages. These attachments are stored in ../media/kunena/attachments.
There may be mistakes or things that I have left out. If someone else wants to correct any mistakes or omissions that I made, please feel free to contribute to this discussion.
Thank you very much, everything appears to be working at this stage.
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- anfieldred
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Having got all this to work, I was still unable to edit users profiles on the front page.
So i did a fresh install of Joomla 2.5 and a fresh install of Kunena. I did not add anything else and I used only the default templates.
But I am still unable to edit users profiles on the frontend. The button simply does not appear. Any ideas on where I am goin wrong?
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That's all that matters. What this means is that the process I described works and, if it worked for you, it will work for everyone.anfieldred wrote: Having got all this to work ...

Your other issue is off-topic and It has been dealt with separately. Please, in future, keep to the subject of the topic. Thank you.
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