Download Kunena 6.3.x
Please read Kunena Technical Requirements.
6.3.8 4.4.x\5.0.x\5.1.x | Kunena Forum Package | |
6.3.8 4.4.x\5.0.x\5.1.x | Kunena Language Package |
Download Kunena 6.x Extensions
Download Paid Templates
Please read Kunena Technical Requirements.
1.6.7 | Blue Eagle 5 Extended support for Kunena 5.2.x serie (this template isn't designed to works with Bootstrap 4 and 5) |
Download Paid Plugins for J!3.x
Please read Kunena Technical Requirements.
1.0.0 | Official Powered by remover for J!3.x |
Download Kunena 5.x Extensions (Bootstrap)
Nightly Builds
Help test the latest Kunena code.
Warning! These builds are intended for testing purposes only and should never be used on production websites.
The nightly builds are snapshots of the development activity for upcoming Kunena releases and include new features and bug fixes scheduled for these releases. These releases are made available to make it easier for users to test their websites and extensions for potential issues with an upcoming release or to test new features and provide feedback on ways to improve them before being released to the Kunena community.
As these builds are snapshots of the latest code, it is more likely you may encounter an issue compared to the stable releases. If you have encountered an issue, please check our issue tracker to see if it has already been reported; if a report hasn't been made, please report it so our community members can review the issue and make any needed fixes.
For Developers
All public releases (including versions no longer supported) are available at
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